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初三英语测验Units3-4一、单项填空 (共15小题,每题2分)( )1.Beihai is a great place _ people _ take a vacation . A. for , for B. to , for C. for ,to D. to, to( )2. Its Sunday today . The supermarket is crowded _ people . A. by B. with C. of D. for( )3.Its _ to take the subway to visit our city . It can take you everywhere you want to go . A. fascinating B. inexpensive C. uncrowed D. convenient ( )4.The man asked _ there _ a park near here . A.where is B.if,is C.if, was D. how,was( )5._ my surprise , I win the first prize. A. In B. At C. To D. On( )6.Our teacher suggests_ a basketball game next month . A. have B. to have C. having D. has( )7.Could you please tell me _? I want to get some stamps. A. where is the post office B. where the post office is C. how can I get to the cinema D. how I can get to the cinema( )8.He used to _ short and _ short hair when he was young . A. have ,be B. be, have C. be,be D. have, have ( )9.-Did you use to be quite ? - _ . But I am outgoing now . A. Yes , I did B. No, I didnt C. Yes , I do D. No, I dont ( )10. Dont _ me . I can look after myself well . A. worry B. worried C. worry about D. worried about ( )11. I saw some girls _ in the classroom when I walked past it . A. singing B. sing C. sang D.to sing( )12.It is five years _ we left the school . A. when B. before C. since D. ago( )13.Our teacher advised us _ the room before leaving . A. clean B. cleaning C. cleans D. to clean( )14.The teacher didnt know how to _ his shyness . A. take up B. deal with C. pay attention D. make it ( )15.Id like to go to the party, but I havent made a final _ yet . A. decision B. mistake C. progress D. living 二、完形填空 (10分) A woman lives in a small village. Her husband is a _1_, but he has only a small piece of farm. He cant get enough crops for his family. When spring comes, they have _2_ to eat.One winter, the man found a job in a town far away from his village. Before he _3_ , he said to his wife, “Please take good care of the children when I am _4_ .The work is heavy, but I can get some money. Then Ill bring some 5 _for you and our children. Dont worry about me. I shall often _6_ you.”After that, the woman got a _7_ from her husband every month. But as soon as she got it, she _8_ to hide it in the box. She was 9 someone could see them.“you cant read,” one of her friends said, “why dont you ask someone to read them for you?”“_10_!” said the woman, “My husband will read all for me when he comes back.”( )1. A. farmer B. doctor C. soldier D. driver( )2. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing( )3. A. slept B. left C. went home D. ran away( )4. A. ill B. in C. away D. free( )5. A. clothes B. shoes C. skirts D. food( )6. A. read for B. write to C. hear from D. look after( )7. A. letter B. box C. newspaper D. book( )8. A. wanted B. hoped C. hurried D. remembers( )9. A. afraid B. sorry C. sure D. glad( )10. A. All right.B. Thats right.C. It doesnt matter. D. Be careful三、阅读理解 (A篇每题1分, B,C 篇共25分) (A) Jim, with his father, goes to see his grandfather. In the train Jim often puts his head out of the window. His father says,“Jim! Dont put your head out of the window!”But Jim goes on putting his head out of the window. Here his father takes Jims cap quietly, hides(藏)it behind his back and says,“You see your cap is gone.”Jim is afraid. His father says,“Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Perhaps your cap will come back.”Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the cap on Jims head. Oh! Its wonderful! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his fathers cap and throws it out of the window. “Now its your turn to whistle, Dad!”He says happily.阅读文章,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写”F”( )1Jim and his father go to see his grandfather by bus.( ) 2Jims father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window.( ) 3Jims father takes Jims cap and hides it behind his back.( )4Jim doesnt want to have his cap back.( )5Jim takes his fathers cap and throws it out of the window. (B) Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep
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