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外研社小学英语第十一册 Module 5 Unit 1Pleased to meet you! 第二课时教案学 院:初等教育学院 专 业:09级小学教育(英语)2班学 号:20090515437 姓 名:杨茂珠实习学校:中山路小学 指导教师:黄英 吴晓倩一、教学内容:外研社小学英语第十一册 Module 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?第二课时二、教学目标1、学生能够充分理解并正确朗读对话,能完成文后回答问题的练习。2、培养学生的阅读能力和理解能力以及合作精神。3、培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,培养学生熟悉生活,和对异国文化的了解。三、教学重难点教学重点:1、本课出现的新单词2、理解并且正确朗读对话,能完成文后回答问题的练习教学难点:对对话的理解和阅读能力的培养四、课程类型:阅读课五、教学方法:情景导入法、任务型教学法六、教具准备:多媒体课件、图片七、教学过程(一)Warming-up(4分钟)1. Say and doTell the students that I am going to do an action and they have to guess which action it is.Example:T (do“ jump ”) Ss: jump T:(do the action) I can jump. Ss followRepeat this with the other words on the board. Repeat this with the other words on the board.Read the words together. Then, conduct the role-play with the students. Repeat this with other words on the board. Then, introduce the questions form of “can” by asking volunteers some questions.Example:T: (points to the word jump) Can you jump?Ss: I can jump/I cant jump2. Free talk-Whats your name?-Pleased to meet you. ( Read following teacher)(二)Presentation(22分钟)1、出示Module5 教学图片T: Today we have a new friend, look at the picture(showing Lauras picture) lets say .?运用简单的语言与画面中的Laura打招呼。2、画出带有“can”的句子。3、Try to answer the questions after you listening to the tape.(学生在听之前先浏览一遍题目,找出关键词,然后听录音。小组合作)1) Where is Daming from?2) Can Daming speak English?3) Can Daming write English?4) Daming has got two friends from England. Who are they?5) Can Daming be Lauras Chinese pen friend?6) Can Laura write Chinese?Ask the students to answer the questions4、 Listen and tick:(小组合作)1)Daming can speak English. ( )2) Laura will be Sam, Daming and Amys pen friends. ( )3)Laura can write Chinese. ( )(三)Pactice(7分钟) 1、Read after the tape sentence by sentenceCheck the pronunciation ( Some students read the new words one by one ) 2、Read and act in groups of three(四) Consolidation (Exercise in class)(7分钟)采访你的朋友,完成下列表格,并用can讲述他或她的能力Can you?MaryKateLilyTom,jumpswimPlay footballDanceExample:Mary can jump. Mary cant play football, but she can jump.check(group)(五) Homework: Write about your ability.板书设计:Module 5 Unit 1 Pleased to meet you!Jump swim dance singI can八、课后小结这节课我讲了外研社小学英语第十一册 Module 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?第二课时。本节课是本单元的第二课时,这是一堂阅读课。因所授内容具有很强的实用价值,又因有前几课的铺垫,故多设计问答活动来让学生感知语言、习得语言,运用语言,激发兴趣。 本课的一个难点就是培养学生理解能力和阅读能力。为增强学生的学习兴趣,采用了寓教于乐,多听多读,多观察总结多小组活动进入课堂,收到了很好的教学效果。导入部分做了一个say and do 的活动,不仅是对旧知的巩固复习,同时也对新知做了铺垫,帮助学生有目的地了解课文内容。新授部分也就是阅读课的重点部分,学生通过解决事先设置的问题,掌握课文的主要内容。在问题设置当中,我做到了问题由易到难这一点。阅读课主要是培养对阅读能力的培养,很注重学法,因此我也将重点放在学生阅读能力的培养上。通过小组合作让学生们相互学习,共同提高。 关于整节课设计的活动,我都是围绕重难点、围绕教学目标的,这节课重点内容较多,但是时间安排很合理,达到预想的的效果。
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