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六年级上册英语第三单元笔试姓名:_ 评分:_一、读句子或对话,选择正确的答案填空。(25分)( )1. you going on the weekend? I am going to a library. A.When B.What C.Where D.How( )2. are you going to do there?I am going to read books. A.When B.What C.Where D.How( )3. are you going? I am going at 5 oclock. A.When B.What C.Where D.How( )4. are you going to the zoo? I am going on foot. Its not far. A.When B.What C.Where D.How( )5.Weekend is coming. I football this Sunday. A.visit B.am playing C.am going to play( )6.Jack is going to football with my friends next Sunday. A.playing B.play C.plays( )7.Peter and paul swim this Saturday. A.is going to B.am going to C.are going to( )8.We are going to visit the Great Wall with my parents . A.yesterday B.last summer holiday C.next summer holiday( )9.I want to see the doctor. My mother is going to take me to the . A.book store B.post office C.hospital( )10. is going to be held(举行)in Guangzhou in 2010. A.Asia Games B.Beijing Olympic Games C.London Olympic Games( ) 11. Lucy and Lily _ watch a football match this afternoon.A. goes to B. is going C. is going to D. are going to( )12. Where are you going _ the weekend ?A. to B. in C. at D. on( )13. Im going to the supermarket _ my mother at noon. A. by B. with C. to D, for( )14. _ are you going this afternoon? A. what B. which C. where D. when( )15. I am going _ 4 oclock _ the weekend.A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in D. in, at( )16. I am going to learn _ to swim. A. where B. when C. how D. what( )17. What are you going to do in 20 _ time?A. years B. years C. years D. year( )18 . Im going to buy some fruit . I can go to the _. A. pet shop B. shoe store C. fruit stand D. cinema( )19. -_are you going to the book store? I am going by subway.A. Where B ,What C. How D. How old( )20.Its too late , Im going to _. A. go home B. go to home C. come home( )21. Im going to buy _ comic books.A. any B. a pair of C. some( )22. Im going to buy _ art book?A. a B. an C. /( )23. Im going to the bookstore to buy_. A. a skirt B. a watermelon C. a Chinese book D. a pair of shoes( )24.When are you going to the Great Wall? - _A. Sunday B. Sometimes C. Next Saturday( )25. -_ are you going to buy? Im going to buy a dictionary. A. what B. where C. when D. which二、请读对话,补全她们的对话。(10分)Liu Yun: Hi, this is Liu Yun speaking. Whos that?Alice: Its Alice. Liu Yun: Im fine. Thank you.Alice: Tomorrow is Saturday. Liu Yun: Im going to the Great Wall.Alice: Liu Yun: Im going to take a bus to go there.Alice: Liu Yun: Yes, I am going with my mom and dad.Alice: Liu Yun: Im going to climb the Great Wall and take pictures.Alice: That sounds interesting. Enjoy yourself. Send me some pictures, OK?Liu Yun: No Problem. Bye.Alice: Talk to you next time.三、按中文完成她的周末计划。(5分)Im going to be very busy next weekend. On Friday evening, I am going to do my homework first. On Saturday, I (旅游)in Binjing with my parents. I (爬)mountains. On Sunday evening, I (去看电影)With my friends. On Sunday, I many books in a bookstore. On Sunday evening, I (读) the new books. I am going to have another lovely weekend. I love weekends. 四、请根据他们的购物单判断对错。(用T/F)(5分)Namesa comic booktwo magazinesa post carda dictionarynewspaperspensLiu YunSarahAliceAmyTom1.( ) Liu Yun is going to buy a comc book and some dictionaries.2.( )Sarah and Alice are both going to buy some pens.3.( )Amy and Sarah are going to buy a magazine.4.( )Tom is going to buy a post card.5.( )Amy is going to buy some magazines and
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