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咸阳师范学院2011届本科毕业毕业论文学校代码 分类号密级学号基于ARM9的救灾机器人设计题 目(中、英文) Design of Rescue Robot Based On ARM9摘 要IAbstractII1绪论411项目研究的意义412国内外的研究现状41.2.1国外的研究现状41.2.2国内的研究现状413本无线视频监控系统的主要研究工作52 救灾机器人系统方案52.1项目整体解决方案52.2视频采集部分62.2.1视频采集硬件部分62.2.2视频采集软件部分62.3服务器与控制部分62.3.1服务器与控制硬件部分62.3.2服务器与控制软件部分72.4无线数据传输部分72.4.1无线数据传输硬件部分72.4.2无线数据传输软件部分82.5 WEB控制台部分82.6传感器部分82.6.1 数字温湿度传感器DHT1182.6.2 MQ-2气体传感器92.6.3 BISS0001红外模块93功能与指标93.1系统功能103.2系统指标104实现原理104.1视频采集模块104.2服务器模块134.3无线网络传输模块:164.3.1内核配置164.3.2网卡驱动交叉编译194.3.3驱动测试204.4可移动平台模块:224.5传感器模块:284.6 PC机视频控制客户端模块285硬件框图345.1 本系统结构图345.2 本系统实物连接图34谢 辞3737摘 要机器人在当今社会生活中扮演着至关重要的角色,国际国内市场现有的多种机器人涵盖了安检、市场、生活、消防、科研等诸多领域。本系统通过分析现有的机器人系统的优缺点,并针对今年来国内国外多发的自然灾害现象,提出了一种可以进行高危环境实施救援的任务救灾机器人。其最大特点便是可以在任意一台连接互联网的PC机上对其进行控制。在此基础上提出可无线视频监控多功能救灾机器人解决方案:基于物联网技术与嵌入式技术实现远程无线可移动的视频监控系统,依托北京博创公司的UP-Star S3C2410、和无线网卡WI-FI作为硬件载体,综合应用WLAN、嵌入式Linux和JSP技术等技术,以程序软件的通用性和易用性为方向,实现无线视频和机器人系统控制以及环境信息采集。本项目是基于物联网技术与嵌入式技术实现远程无线可移动的视频监控系统,利用三星公司的S3C2410最小系统板基于嵌入式linux操作系统建,在开发板上搭建BOA服务系,利用摄像头采集实时视频数据。然后在客户机上利用浏览器并通过无线网络网络访问开发板,客户端在实时监控的同时可通过网页上的控制按钮对搭载摄像头以及机械臂的小车进行控制,同时能够收集到传感器对环境的侦测信息并显示在网页上。本无线视频多功能救援系统在开发时间、功能、软件升级、软件移植复用、价格等方面都有很好的折中,在性价比方面有一个满意的结合点,依赖于较大的性价比优势,且其良好的性能和用户界面、人机交互符合探测设备发展要求与趋势,无疑该系统的应用将提升救援行业的服务理念和救援模式,因此可以相信本系统在将来的救援设备中具有很好的发展前景。本设计报告首先介绍了无线视频监控系统的研究背景,同时介绍了系统的研究工作及实现目标。然后,分别以模块为单位阐述了系统的构建。其次,针对Linux操作系统开发环境选择、搭建及机器人的控制做了详细介绍。接着介绍了视频终端程序的设计,包括界面设计、程序的实现、测试及搭建服务器网站,最后涉及到无线网卡驱动、根文件系统制作及对论文做了概括性总结和结果分析,同时对后续工作进行了展望。关键词:Linux; java; WI-FI; S3C2410; 救灾 Abstract Robot plays a crucial role in todays society. International and domestic market, the robot covers a variety of existing security, marketing, life, fire, research and other areas. The system by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing robot systems, and for this year to domestic and foreign phenomenon of multiple natural disasters, we propose a high-risk environment can implement the task of disaster relief robots. Its most important feature is that you can connect to the Internet in Renyiyitai a PC to control it. This can be based on the multi-function wireless video surveillance solutions for disaster relief robot: object-based networking technology and embedded technology for wireless mobile remote video surveillance system, relying on Beijing Borchs UP-Star S3C2410, and wireless LAN WI As a carrier-FI hardware, integrated application WLAN, embedded Linux and JSP technology to software versatility and ease of use for the direction of wireless video and robot control systems, and environmental information collection. The project is based on the Internet of Things technology and embedded technology for wireless mobile remote video surveillance system, using Samsungs S3C2410 minimum system board is based on embedded linux operating system built on the development board to build BOA Services Department, the use of camera acquisition real-time video data. And then use the browser on the client and network access through a wireless network development board, the client, while in real-time monitoring on the web page can be equipped with control buttons on the camera and the control arm of the car, while able to collect the sensor on the environment detect and display information on the web. The wireless video system in the development of multi-function rescue time, features, software upgrades, software porting reuse, and prices have a very good compromise in price have a satisfactory combination of points, dependent on the large cost advantage, and its good performance and user interface, human-computer interaction requirements in line with the trend detection equipment development, the application of the system will undoubtedly enhance the service industry, the concept of relief and rescue mode, so you can believe in the future, this system has a very good rescue equipment prospects for development. The report first describes the design of wireless video surveillance system research background, also introduced the system of research and achieve goals. Then, each described in the module as a unit to build the system. Second, the development environment for the Linux operating system choice, build and control robots to do in detail. Then introduced the video terminal program design, including interface design, program implementation, testing, and set up the server site, and finally comes to the wireless network card driver, making the root file system and do a general summary of the thesis and analysis of results, while the follow-up was predicted.Keywords: Linux; java; system;WI-FI; S3C2410 ; Rescue 1绪论本章主要介绍无线视频监控系统的来源、研究目的和意义,并简要介绍无线视频监控系统所做的主要研究工作。11项目研究的意义 根据近几年地震救援情况不难看出,由于地震发生后废墟结构极不稳定,很容易对在废墟中的救援队员造成危险。而涉核、涉化设施的震后救援,更充满危险性。比如此次日本地震,中国国际救援队奔赴
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