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( ) 1. _ your friend like English? ADoes BDo CIs DHas( ) 2. Do you know the answer _ the question?A.of B. to C. in D. on( ) 3. My mother is Alice Johnson. _ phone number is 2546809. AHis BYour CHer DIts( ) 4.Do you like English? Yes,_.A.I am B. I like C. I do D. you are( ) 5. If you find my book, please call me _ 31397671. A. in B. at C. for D. on( ) 6. This is _”u” and that is _ “n”.A.an , an B. a, a, C. a , an D. an , a( ) 7._ that old woman _ a house near the river?A. Do, has BDoes , haveCDoes, has DDo, have( )8. There is _big desk in our classroom. _desk is for our teacher.A. a, TheB. a, AC. the, TheD. an, A( )9. What _ the girl _ in her box?A. do, has B. does, have C. do, have D. does, has( )10. What can I do for you? I want to buy two _.A. box of appleB. boxes of applesC. boxes of appleD. box of apples( ) 11. -_he often go to school by bike? -No, he_. A. Is; isnt B. Do; dont C. Does; does D. Does; doesnt ( )12. This is new book. Let have a look. A. you, meB. your, me C. your, I D. you, I( )13. Can you your book me, Lily? Yes, I can. A. take/ to B. bring/ to C. take/ x D. bring/ x( )14. Well, lets play computer games. . A. Yes, please B. That sounds good C. Yes, we do D. No, we dont( )15. There are some oranges those trees. A. in/orange B. on/oranges C. in/oranges D. on/orange( ) 16. Lets go swimming this afternoon. _A. Great.B. Good idea.C. Thats OK. D. A, B and C.( )17. The man_ money, but he doesnt good friends. A. have many/have many B. has many/have many C. has much/has much D. has much/have many( )18. - Is this _ classroom ? - No . _ is in Building A . A. your , Ours B. you , Our C. your , Our D. you , Ours ( )19. - Where _ my shocks ? - _ on the bed . A. are , Theyre B. is , Its C. are , Its D. IS , Theyre( )20. I like these pants. _ nice. A. ItsB. ThatsC. YoureD. Theyre( )21. _ Lili and Yaoyao have lunch at school? A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are( )22. A lot of people dont play sports. They only _ them on TV. A. lookB. watchC. readD. see( )23. Can she speak Chinese? _ A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she is.D. No, she cant.( )24. We dont like_.A. broccoli B. broccolis C. a broccoli D. broccolis( )25. He _ his homework at school.A. doesnt do B. dont does C. isnt do D. does not( ) 26. Lets _ now.A. go to home B. to go home C. go home D. to go to( )27. I _ two baseballs and my friend _five baseballs.A. have; have B. have; has C. has; have D. has; has( )28. Look! There are many pears _ the tree and there are many birds _ it. A. on, on B. in, in C. in, on D. on, in( )29. It s 7 p.m. It s time _ Tom _ English. A. of, to read B. for, to read C. for, reading D. of, reading( )30. Can I help you? . A. No, I dont want any help B. Yes, please help me C: Youre right D. Yes, please
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