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第一卷 选择题(60分)一、听力(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)I)听对话回答问题。每小题你将听到一段对话,请从A,B,C三个选项中选出与你所听内容相符的选项,听两遍(10分)5. Whats Toms father like?A. Fat. B.Short. C.Thin.6. What are they talking about?A. Fruit. B.Vegetables. C.Meat.7. Where are they talking?AIn a restaurant. BIn a library. CIn a shoe shop.8. What does Jack want to be when he grows up?A.A doctor. B.A sportsman. C.A writer.9. How is Tim feeling now?A. Excited. B.Hungry. C.Hot.10. What does the woman want to buy?AClothes. BChildrens shoes. CSports shoes.II)听对话和短文回答问题,各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。1l. Which place does the woman want to go to?AThe factory. BThe shop. CThe bank(银行)12. How will the man help her?A. He will ask his driver to help her.B.He will drive her there.C. He will give his bank card to her.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Zhang Yinings informationDate of birth5th Oct.,1982First coach(教练)Wang BilingFirst sports school 13 .Mothers advice(建议) 14 .The first Olympic gold medal(金牌) 15 .13. A. Putuo Sports School B.Shichahi Sports School C. National Sports School14. A. To study hard B. To train hard C. To study hard and train hard15. A. In Athens B. In Beijing C. In London二单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)16.-Would you like _? -Yes,Id like to.A to have some milk B having some milk C have some milk D to have any milk17.We like to chat_friends_the Internet.A with;in B to;in C with;on D to;on18._people died in the earthquake.A Two thousands B Thousand of C Two thousand of D Thousands of19.How can we read 6,425,200?A Six million four hundred, twenty-five thousand and two hundred.B Six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred.C Six million four hundred and twenty-five thousand and two hundred.D Six million and four hundred twenty-five thousand and two hundred.20.Andy has a swimming pool in his house. It _ 40 _long.A has;metre B has;metres C is;metre D is;metres21.There is _ with his legs. He cant walk on his own.A nothing wrong B wrong nothing C something wrong D wrong something22.-Im going to be a famous writer like Mo Yan when I grow up.-_ a good idea.A Sounds like B Sounds liked C Sounding like D Sound like23.Mr.Zhang is always _ others. People around our neighbourhood all like him very much.A ready to helping B ready help C ready helping D ready to help24.-Shall we _ to Xuanwu Lake? Good idea.来源:学科网ZXXKA by underground B by the underground C take a underground D take the underground25.-How many bookcases are there in your study?-_. But Im going to buy one next week.A Nothing B No C No one D None26.-May I open _ bag, Sir? -Of course,but its full of _ dirty clothes.A the;/ B the;the C /;/ D a;/27.-Who is the man in the blue car? -He is _ father.A Kates and Marys B Kate and Marys C Kate and Mary D of Kate and Mary28.Qinhuai River, a beautiful river, runs _ Nanjing. And there are many beautiful bridges _ the river.A across;through B though;over C though;though D across;over29.-The boys look _-Yeah.They will go on a shool trip. They are talking about it _ now.A happy;happily B happily;happy C happy;happy D happily;happily30.I _shopping now. I _ back in three hours.A am going to;am going B will go to;will beC am going;will be D will go;am going to 三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) A lucky dip ticket(幸运彩票)What would you do with 56 million? Buy a car, or a house? You neednt stop there, and you could buy a lot of cars or many very 31 houses.In Britains largest winnings, Nigel Page and Justine Laycock got their 56 million 32 on Saturday. They won after Nigel 33 a lucky dip ticket(幸运彩票). And how did they 34 ? Not a champagne(香槟酒) breakfast 35 you might think, but a bacon roll in their supermarket cafe(小餐馆)When Nigel found out, he 36 speak and started shaking(发抖). The 37 plan to buy a large house, a car and go to other countries for a holiday. 38 of them will give up work. Justine told her boss, I am not going back to 39 . They will both need to be strong to deal with such a big amount of money. Justines boss, Matthew Fuller, said, They have 40 characters(性格)and are all right.31.A cheap B. expensive C. thin D. small32.A cost B. bill C. money D. prize33.A bought B. sold C. took D. brought34.A spend B live C. celebrate D. save35.A as B if C. because D. thoug
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