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Module 1 Unit 1 Friendship Words & PhrasesI. Review the vocabulary of Unit One重点单词:(写出单词中文及按要求在括号中写出相应的词性变化)v.n.adj.adv.ignore( )n.settle( )n.suffer( )n.recover( )n.pack( )n.disagree( )n.disliketipswapduskthunderpower( ) adj.curtainpartnerhighwaysuitcaseovercoatteenageritemupsetcalm( ) adv.looseentire( ) adv.dustygrateful( ) adv.outdoorsentirelyexactly重点词组:(会朗读和写出相应的中文意思)动词词组介词词组名词词组副词词组add upcalmdownbe concerned aboutgo throughset downsuffer fromget/be tired ofpack sth. upget along withfall in lovejoin inon purposein order to doat duska series offace to faceno longerII. Fill in the blanks with suitable words(完成句子后翻译句子的中文意思)1. He began to work again because he has _(recover) from a bad cold.2. If he did something wrong, it was from his _(ignore).3. This dress _(pack) very beautifully.4. Her _ (calm) shocked us after her husband had died.5. I asked him to come with me but he _(agree).6. The medicine may _(loose) your cough.7. The _(settle) seem to be unjust to the customers(顾客)。8. We hope men of different races(种族) can live as _(partner). Reading II. Answer the questions after reading the passage.1. What is a friend?_2. What is Annes best friend?_3. When and where did it happen?_4. Why did she make her diary a friend?_5. What was the diary about?_II. Translate the Chinese into English and choose the correct phrases to fill in the sentences.合计一连串的对厌烦使平静故意将装箱打包不得不为了与相处关心,挂念在黄昏时刻相爱,爱上遛狗面对面地参加,加入经历,经受不再记下遭受,患病Choose the phrases above to fill in the blanks.(a) 1. 在这个十字路口已发生了一连串的交通事故。There has been _ car accidents at the crossing.2. 请帮我把这些数字加起来。_ these figures for me, please.3. 你的学习进展如何?How are you _ your studies?4. 街灯黄昏亮,黎明熄。The streetlights come on _ and go off at dawn.5. 他打包好行李就离开了。He_ his things and left.6. 他不再是孩子了。He is _ a child.7. 她爸爸长年受头痛困扰。Her father _ headache for ages.8. 他们2012年相爱,不久将结婚。They _ in 2012 and will get married soon.9. 我们厌倦了每天吃相同的食物。We _ having the same kind of food every day.10. 你现在必须走吗?_you _ go now?(b) 1. _ catch up with others, you should try harder. 2. He wants to meet his favourite pop star _. 3. I _ the students papers last night. 4. _ your heavy bag and take a rest. 5. He did it _, knowing it would annoy her. 6. Now, she _ loss of memory, and her family _ her. 7. He _ with that girl for three years. 8. _ your score and see how many points. 9. He _ by his classmates after losing the game. 10. While _ along the street, he met his old friend by chance. 11. He treated me so badly that I could stand it _. 12. He _ doing the same work all day. 13. Ive always found him a bit difficult to _. 14. Chris _ the class discusssion enthusiastically. 15. After _ his baggages, he left _.III. Dictation 1._2_
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