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回澜阁教育 www.HuiLanGe.com 免费下载 天天更新高二第一学期期中考试英语试题 时间:120分钟 分值:150分 命题人:张海燕 校对人:翟松涛 第一卷 一、 听力(30分)第一节(共5小题, 每题1.5分) 每段对话仅读一遍1. How did the man feel about the movie?A. It was excellent. B. It wasnt good C. He wanted to stay at home.2. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Pay the phone bill later.B.make a phone call . C.Pay several bills. 3. What happened in the morning?A. An accident broke out at a gas station.B. Several old women died C. A truck hit a bus. 4 .When does the conversation take place?A. At 3 oclock B. At 2:30 C. At 2:00 5 .Who is the man probably talking to?A.He is talking to his teacher. B.He is talking to his physician. C. He is talking to his barber.第二节(共15小题,每题1.5分) 每段对话或独白读两遍听第6段材料, 回答6-8题。6. Where does the conversation probably take place ?A.In the street B.At the railway station C. Near the post office7. Where does the man want to get to?A.The railway station B. The Great Wall C. A hotel8. Which bus will the man take?A. No.13 B. No.33 C. No.23听第7段材料, 回答第9-11题9. Where does the talk take place?A. In the classroom B. In the library C. In the bookshop 10. How many books can a student borrow at a time? A. Three B. Five C. Two 11. Why didnt the librarian allow the boy to take the books out? A. Because his card went out of use. B. Because they were new books. C. Because he had got enough number of books. 听第8段 材料, 回答12-14题12. What was the weather like while the girl was having her breakfast? A. It was sunny B. It was cloudy C. It was raining13. What was the weather like on the 28th,April? A. Cloudy, rainy,then sunny B. Sunny,rainy, then cloudy C. Sunny, rainy,then rainy14.Why does the girl want to be a weather reporter? A. Because she keeps weather diary. B. Because she thinks its an exciting job. C. Because she likes the unusual weather.听第9段材料, 回答第15-17题。15. Why did the woman suggest going to Sun Park? A. They could see the whole town. B. They could see the sun rise. C. They could see the history museum.16. Why didnt the man want to go to the museum? A. Because he wasnt interested in the museum. B. Because he wasnt interested in history. C. Because he wasnt interested in coins.17. What would the man go to the island mainly to see? A. Some plants B. Some birds C. Some flowers 听第10段材料, 回答第18-20题 18. What is the main feature of New England? A. It is completely flat. B. It has many large lakes. C. It is hilly. 19. Why is New England not good for farming? A. The soil has been overworked. B. The climate is cold and dry. C. The soil is sandy.20. Where do New Englanders learn many of their skills? A. In factories B. From books C. From their parents二、单项选择(15分)21. - _ it rains? - We can go on working with our raincoat _.A. Though, on B. What, in C. What if, on D. How, in 22. _ is no doubt that he has won the game.A. It B. There C. That D. This23. Tom _ Lucy last year.A. married with B. married C. married to D. got married24. If you want to be _, you should do everything well.A. looked up to B. looked down on C. looked up D. looked down 25. He robbed me _ my bag, while I stole his watch _ him.A. of , of B. of , from C. from, of D. from, from26. He is _ to TV. He watches TV a lot.A. adapted B. related C. addicted D. concerned27. We went to see the exhibition _ the storm.A. but for B. in spite C. despite of D. despite28. Music often _ us of events in the past.A. remembers B. memorizes C. reminds D. reflects29. The school is 6 miles _ my home.A. far from B. far away from C. away D. away from30. On seeing the sight, the audience cant help but_.A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh D. being laughed31. He contributed his whole life _ education.A. to B. on C. with D. towards32. Jane is said _ an opera singer in her youth.A. being B. to be C. to have been D. having been33. The little boy _ out at night.A. didnt dare go B. dared not to go C. dare not go D. doesnt dared to go 34. I dont think its wise of you to _ your greater knowledge in front of the boss.A. show up B. show out C. show in D. show off35. If you continue to do that, you will end up _ prison.A. with B. in D. for D. towards三、 完型填空(30分)Social customs and ways are changing. Things which w
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