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南京林业大学本科生毕业论文提供全套毕业论文图纸,欢迎咨询 本科毕业设计(论文)题 目:微生物菌剂在粪便与秸秆混合堆肥中 的应用研究 学 院:化学工程学院 专 业:环境工程 班 级:1002051 学 号:100205111 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称:副教授 二一四年六月微生物菌剂在粪便与秸秆混合堆肥中的应用研究摘 要目前我国农业固体废弃物的污染已成为我国农村环境保护的主要问题,尤其是秸秆的焚烧造成了严重的大气污染。然而秸秆和畜禽粪便其实是一种可利用的再生资源。堆肥处理技术是能够使畜禽粪便实现资源化利用的重要技术。本课题通过自制的微生物菌剂,应用于秸秆与粪便的混合堆肥,可促进其堆肥化进程,有利于有机肥的制备,从而有效地解决农业固体废弃物的污染。本实验通过模拟堆肥环境,进行实验室固态发酵模拟实验并自制小型堆肥装置。微生物菌剂分别应用于秸秆的固态发酵和自制堆肥装置中,测定堆肥化过程中原料的各项指标,检测微生物菌剂的效果。得到的主要实验结论如下:(1)根据微生物的性质将其分组,每种微生物以1:1比例混合,然后在实验室固态发酵试验中应用,测定指标,比较效果。结果表明,微生物种类最多的一组(第4组)作用效果最好,含水率降低了35%,总有机碳含量降低了130gkg-1,总氮含量提高了0.4 gkg-1,总磷含量提高了0.103 gkg-1等,效果最好。(2)将微生物菌剂应用到实验室堆肥装置中,设置空白对照组、市场菌剂对照组和实验组,通过测定堆肥过程中各指标,得出添加自制微生物菌剂的实验组效果最好,温度最高升至49,含水率降低了30%,总有机碳降低了55gkg-1,总氮提高了1.804 gkg-1,总磷含量提高了0.2 gkg-1等。通过红外光谱观察秸秆在堆肥前后各官能团的变化情况,结果表明实验组中秸秆中-OH、C-OH、木质素环状结构等发生了较大变化。关键词:微生物菌剂;秸秆;粪便;堆肥;固态发酵;堆肥装置Application Research on Microbial Agent in Co-composting of Manure and StrawAbstractAt present in our country agricultural solid waste pollution has become the main problem of Chinas rural environmental protection, and especially the straw burning caused serious air pollution. However, straw and livestock manure are renewable resources. Composting technology is an important technology which can be used for the utilization of live stock and poultry manure resources. In this paper, the microbial agent for the co-composting of straw and manure was researched, which can promote the composting process for organic fertilizer preparation, so as to effectively dispose agricultural solid waste pollution.This experiment simulated compost environment, making laboratory plot of solid state experiment and miniature composting device. Microbial agents are used in solid state fermentation of straw and the self-made composting device, detecting the efficiency of microbial agents by determining the indicators of raw materials in the process of composting. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The microbes are grouped according to the properties, and mixed by 1:1. Then them were applied in the solid-state fermentation, measured the index and compared the effect. The result shows that the Group Fourth with the largest group of microbial species had the best effect; the moisture content decreased by 35%, the total organic carbon content declined by 130 g/kg, total nitrogen content increased by 0.4 g/ kg, total phosphorus content rose by 0.103 g / kg. (2) The microbial agents were applied to the laboratory composting device, and three groups were set up; the blank control group, the market agent control group and the experimental group. It declared that the experimental with microbial agent group was the best by determining the indexes of composting process. The highest temperature rose to 49 , moisture content declined by 30%, total organic carbon decreased by 55 g/kg, the total nitrogen increased by 1.804 g g/kg, total phosphorus content increased by 0.2 g/kg. It observed that some functional groups such as OH, C-OH and the rings of lignin had great changes by the FT-IR. Key words: microbial agents; straw; manure; compost; solid-state fermentation; device33目 录1 绪 论11.1禽畜粪便综合利用现状11.1.1禽畜粪便排放现状11.1.2猪粪的性质特点11.1.3 禽畜粪便污染的危害11.1.4禽畜粪便的利用现状21.2 秸秆的综合利用现状21.2.1 秸秆的性质特点21.2.2 焚烧秸秆的危害31.2.3 秸秆的资源化利用31.3堆肥机理及影响因素41.3.1堆肥原理41.3.2堆肥过程51.3.3堆肥发酵的影响因素51.3.4腐熟指标81.6本课题研究内容91.6.1研究内容91.6.2课题的研究目的和意义92 实验材料与方法102.1微生物菌剂的固态发酵试验102.1.1 主要仪器102.1.2 实验材料102.1.3 培养基102.1.4 测定项目102.2微生物菌剂在禽畜粪便堆肥中的应用112.2.1 堆肥装置与材料112.2.2 实验菌剂122.2.3 实验室堆肥方案设计122.2.4 堆肥样品的采集132.2.5 测定项目132.2.6测定方法133 结果分析与讨论173.1 固态发酵实验研究173.1.1固态试验含水率变化173.1.2固态试验总有机碳的变化173.1.3 固态试验总氮的变化183.1.4固态试验总磷的变化193.1.5固态试验pH值的变化203.1.6小结213.2微生物菌剂在禽畜粪便堆肥的应用研究213.2.1 堆肥过程中温度的变化213.2.2 堆肥过程中含水率的变化223.2.3 堆肥过程中pH值的变化233.2.4堆肥过程中总有机碳的变化243.2.5 堆肥过程中总氮的变化253.2.6堆肥过程中总磷的变化263.2.7堆肥过程中种子发芽率GI的变化263.2.8堆肥过程中纤维素酶活的变化273.2.9秸秆处理前后红外光谱分析结果283.2.10堆料物理性状分析293.2.11小结304 结论31致谢32参考文献33 1 绪 论1.1禽畜粪便综合利用现状1.1.1禽畜粪便排放现状目前,我国总有机废弃物排放量为41.3-43.4亿吨,这些有机固体废弃物含有丰富的氮、磷、钾等养分资源。禽畜粪便中氮、磷、钾的总贮量约为6.33108 t,相当于4.93108 t尿素,1.194108 t的过磷酸钙和3.38108 t的氯化钾。 国家环境保护总局自然生态保护司.全国规模化畜禽养殖业污染情况调查及防治对策M.北京:中国环境科出版社,2002:25-26.据预测,2020 年中国禽畜粪便排放总量将达到 4.241010 t/a。11.1.2猪粪的性质特点猪粪的质地较为细腻,成分较复杂,总养分不高,主要成分为纤维素、半纤维素以及少量的木质素、蛋白质和其分解物质、脂肪类物质、有机酸还有各种无机盐物质,含有较多的有机物质以及氮、磷、钾等大量元素,容易被微生物分解形成大量的腐殖质,对提高土壤的肥力具有良好的作用。 刘秀梅,聂俊华,王庆仁.多种微生物复合的微生态制剂研究进展J.中国生态农业学报,2002,10(4):80- 禽畜粪便污染的危害近年来,我国的集约规模化畜禽养殖产业发展速度较快,短时期内已形成一定规模,其过程中大量集中排放的禽畜粪便等废弃物,已成为污染源。表1 禽畜粪便对环境的影响
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