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if引导的条件状语从句引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是f,常用的if条件状语从句表达在某条件下某事很也许发生。如: f youask ,Iwillasweryu If i ranstomorow,I wll say home.I wil say at hme iit rtomrrow.此外,if从句还表达不可实现的条件或主线不也许存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。从句多用一般过去时或过去完毕时,表达对目前或过去的一种假设。如: If I weein uniersty,I wd If I had enghmney , ouldbuy a car. .if从句用一般目前时,主句用一般将来时 fhe rn,helge there in time2.f从句用一般目前时,主句用may/mih/can/tI oggts thikerthe plane ma/migh be diverted .if从句用一般目前时,主句用一般目前时I yu at ic it urns owat. (也可用will rn)4.if从句用目迈进行时,主句用一般将来时 yo are lokin for Peter yol fidhim upstars 5.从句用目前完毕时,主句用一般将来时f yo vfiished diner Ill sk the witefr the bll.一、用所给词的合适形式填空1.Ifou _(feel) re, yu _ (hae) to have a est. If ther _(b) fe res, here _( be) mre polutn.5. IMarci_(lve)alon, she _( eep) t parot.6. Lna _( buy) ne dress if hold oe _(be) out o stle9 Pter _(send) mabeautiflovenir f h _(tur) Spai.10. If Mr Gen_()Iam had wrking, ypaets _( fel) gla.11 _(g) to te beah if it_( not ain) this wek.13.He _(wite) a lette tohisanpaens if he _(et)i repotad thi ek.14. she_(ge) p te, _ ( tcatch) the erl us.15.eter_(ajor) inEnglih f e _(pass) the xas Pekng Uiversity.16如果努力学习,你就会获得好成绩。If you_ _, you _ god_.17. 她如果看电视太久了,她的父母会不快乐。If _ T t muh, h parents _ _ unpp.8如果我们为她组织生日约会,人们都会来的。Eveoe _ if _a irhdayart _ him.19. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。 If t _ _ tomrrw, I _ gtheark _ you.1如果她有空,她会协助你的。If he_,h _ ou.3. 你如果抄同窗的作业就不能学好各门功课。Yu_ _godt althe bjecs i yu_the oherstudents hoewrk.单选1.If you _ to thepary, yull a a gret te. A wi goB. ent. o. going2. ll bea ong ime _ Ptr _ hs wrk.A. sine, as inisdB. afer,fnses C. he, will finish D.fore,finishe.3. What wil faher _ us fro an? Atae B. brinC carry D. mae 4. Wifang isfmou_ kites Aor B.to Cn .with. I _ he te nswer ifsh_m. .a tl,wllsk. wil tel, wil as C. oudll, ask D. witell, ass6. Wt aru gong dotmorrw?-Wll g t library omorrowif it_ . is rain.an.ntan . doesnt ainDo yo kno when hell omback tomoro?-Sorry, Idon kno hne _ back, l tell u. . comes .l coe C.me D. may come8.hat will you do if yo _ to te ld foks ho visit?A. B wet C.going D. wllgo.f I at _ood, Illb very faA. tooan . mny too C.too mch D. u to1 Illi tbok o himihe _ he nt Suny.A. will come cmesC. imng D. cae11. Th _an English filminour col omorow.A.i gigto have B. will hv C.s goi to be D. has2Cud you ell us wher_?A. wil theext OlympicGameshel . h nexOlpic es wllbhC. wuld the xt Olypic Gme be held D. th nxtOlyic Gamwodb hed13.Whny other rtrnelastnigt, I _ bok. A. ead . am adingC. was rading D. amgoing t ead14.Wt _ you _ whe itbegan torai?A. do, o . we, doing C re,doiD. dd, do15. I wakeou up when h_bck.A. will B. igoi to cme cs D. coe1-5CDBA 6-10 AACB 1-15 CCBC
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