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2022高考英语一轮复习 选修8 Module 2 语言运用题组求精准优质练习外研版2022高考英语一轮复习 选修8 Module 2 语言运用题组求精准优质练习外研版年级:姓名:选修8Module2www.ks5u.com选修8Module2语言运用题组求精准(25mins).完形填空As a businesswoman,I care deeply about my customers.But like anyone for whom you feel affection,1 can also drive you mad.Theyll come rushing in,2 their handbags been stolen.Theyll 3 that they left it in the changing room,create havoc(混乱) and then 4 it had been in their car all the time.Theyll have out half the 5 in the shop,and want the only style you dont have left in a 6 colour.I do know how upset the shop staff can get,but I try to persuade them to keep 7.I remember the first really 8 customer we had at Covent Garden.She was 9 absolutely everything,nothing was right and I was rather 10 that she became a “regular”.After a while,she 11 for the way she behaved at the beginning.She had split up with her husband the week before,was living in a flat 12,and since shed found it too much to cope with(应对),shed taken it out on 13 people.That taught me a valuable 14 and I pass it on to the people who 15 in the market.Dont take it 16.If a customer is rude or difficult,just think “Maybe shes had a row with her husband.Maybe her childs not 17.”Always water it down and dont let your ego(自我) get 18.If you do,you wont be able to 19 it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that 20 everyones day.1.A.shopkeepersB.customersC.salespersonsD.receptionists2.A.sayingB.pretendingC.guessingD.replying3.A.agreeB.promiseC.imagineD.swear4.A.forgetB.decideC.discoverD.assume5.A.foodsB.cataloguesC.belongingsD.goods6.A.particularB.differentC.matchingD.natural7.A.fightingB.smilingC.waitingD.changing8.A.generousB.politeC.carelessD.difficult9.A.curious aboutB.displeased withC.patient withD.uncertain about10.A.relaxedB.delightedC.surprisedD.embarrassed11.A.searchedB.arguedC.prayedD.apologized12.A.by chanceB.by herselfC.on purposeD.on duty13.A.rudeB.suchC.otherD.lonely14.A.lessonB.trickC.skillD.trade15.A.workB.shopC.meetD.quarrel16.A.kindlyB.secretlyC.personallyD.casually17.A.readyB.awayC.upD.well18.A.out of sightB.in the wayC.behind the sceneD.above the law19.A.stressB.expectC.handleD.blame20.A.ruinsB.makesC.startsD.saves.语法填空A Chinese business claiming to be the worlds first “robot restaurant complex”1(official) opened Monday in the southern Guangdong Province.FOODOM Tianjiang Food Kingdom,2 (locate) in Foshans Shunde District,is the sixth automated restaurant operated by Qianxi Robot Catering Group.The facility 3 (have) a seating capacity of nearly 600 diners and accommodates over 40 robots capable of 4 (cook) some 200 dishes from three basic categories:Chinese (including Shunde specialities),hot pot,and fast food.Qianxi Groups other automated restaurants,5 similar,dont serve such a wide range of cuisines under one roof.Guests arriving at the pink-and-white restaurant make their menu 6 (select) with wide-eyed robot waiters.When ready,the food 7 (deliver) directly to their table from a skyrail system or brought in on a tray.Xiao Ran,deputy general manager at Qianxi Group,told Sixth Tone that robot cafeterias are 8 efficient terms of both space used and required cooking time than 9 (they) human-operated counterparts.The robot restaurant complexs noodle-making robot,for example,takes up 4 square meters of floor space and can churn out 120 dishes per hour if needed.Theyre also safer,he said,thanks to a standardized cooking process and the 10(absent) of human-to-human contact.参考答案选修8Module2语言运用题组求精准.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者与顾客打交道时,有时候会感觉非常气愤,甚至发疯。不过经历一件事之后,作者学会了如何应对“难缠”的顾客。1.B根据上文“Icaredeeplyaboutmycustomers”可知,此处是在讲作者与顾客之间的事情。但就像任何一个你喜欢的人一样,顾客也会让你发疯。2.Asay“说,表达”;pretend“假装”;guess“猜测”;reply“回答”。这里表示“他们会冲进来,说他们的手提包被偷了”。3.Dagree“同意”;promise“许诺”;imagine“想象,设想”;swear“发誓,咒骂”。他们会信誓旦旦地说把包落在了更衣室。4.C后来发现(discover)包一直在车里。5.D他们把商店里几乎一半的商品(goods)都看个遍,结果想要的是你唯一没有存货的那个特别颜色的款式。6.Aparticular“独特的,特别的”;different“不同的”;matching“相配的”;natural“天然的,自然的”。这里指顾客想要的东西恰巧是自己没有存货的那个特别颜色的款式。7.B根据but前的upset可知,这里表示无论你多么郁闷,都要保持微笑(smiling)。8.D此处是在讲作者在CoventGarden遇到的第一个难对付的顾客。difficult意为“难对付,难缠”之意。9.B这里表示“这位顾客对什么东西都不满意”。这与下文“nothingwasright”表述一致。10.C不过令作者惊讶(surprised)的是,这位顾客成了她店里的常客。11.D结合下文的内容可知,这位顾客为自己一开始的行为道歉(apologized)了。12.B一周前她和丈夫分开了,现在一个人(byherself)住在一套公寓里,因为她觉得实在难以应对,就把气撒在别人身上。13.C这位顾客把自己的闷气发泄在了其他(other)人身上。14.A结合下一句内容“作者教给别人如何应对顾客”可知,这里指作者从这次经历中获得了经验教训(lesson)。15.A作者把经验教训传授给了在这个市场工作(work)的其他人。16.CDonttakeitpersonally意为“别太当回事”。17.D此处指我们应该站在顾客的角度考虑问题,也许她和丈夫吵架了,也许是她孩子的身体不太好。18.B一定要去淡化它,不要自我设限。intheway“挡路,妨碍”,符合题意。19.Cstress“强调”;expect“期望”;handle“解决”;blame“责怪”。如果你这样做(自我设限)的话,就无法解决问题了。20.A整个事情会发展成不愉快的场面,破坏每个人一天(的心情)。ruin意为“毁坏,破坏”,符合语境。.【语篇导读】本文是说明文。一家自称是世界上第一
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