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英语语法词汇详解bulletinbulletin英 bltn美 bltnn.公报;通讯;刊物复数: bulletins第三人称单数: bulletins现在分词: bulletining过去式: bulletined过去分词: bulletined英文释义:1. a short news report on the radio or television广播或电视上的简短新闻报道2. an official statement about something important关于重要事情的官方声明3. a printed report that gives news about an organization or a group提供关于一个组织或团体的新闻的印刷报道举个例子:1.A popular download from bulletin boards.公告牌上的流行下载文件。2.There is a notice on the bulletin/notice board.布告栏里贴着一张通告。3.Ward Christensen and Randy Suess launch the first public dialup bulletin board system.沃德克里斯坦森和兰迪休斯推出了第一个公共拨号公告板系统。常用短语:1.bulletin board布告牌;电子公告牌2.news bulletin新闻简报3.all-points bulletin全境通告4.bulletin boards电子公告牌;公告牌;公告板5.bulletin board system公告牌系统;布告栏系统;公告板系统6.official bulletin官方公告;官方公报;正式公报7.radio bulletin广播新闻;广播公告subsidiary英 sbsdiri美 sbsdieriadj.次要的;附属的;子公司的n.子公司;附件;附属的事物复数: subsidiaries英文释义:1. subsidiary (to something) connected with something but less important than it附属于(某物)与某物相关但不如它重要2. (of a business company) owned or controlled by another company(指商业公司)被另一个公司拥有或控制举个例子:1.A subsidiary raid was carried out on the airfield to create a diversion.对飞机场进行的佯攻是为了分散敌人的注意力。2.A subsidiary company continued to manufacture cranes under licence from a Norwegian firm.一家子公司从挪威一家公司获准继续生产起重机。3.This company has three subsidiary companies under it.该公司有三个下属公司。常用短语:1.subsidiary company子公司;附属公司;下属公司2.wholly owned subsidiary全资子公司;独资子公司;全资附属公司3.subsidiary ledger明细账;辅助分类账;明细分类账4.Indian subsidiary印度子公司5.Japanese subsidiary日本子公司6.German subsidiary德国子公司7.British subsidiary英国子公司。
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