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Unit 2 Whats the matter ,Mike?正宁县东关小学六年级英语 周红妮第一课时教学目标1、 能听、说、读、写四会单词和词组:have a fever, hunt , have a cold ,have a toothache ,have a headache , have a sore throat。2、 能够听,说,认,读句型 What the matter ,Mike ? I feel sick 并进行关键词的替换操练。教学重难点:教学重点:掌握四会单词和词组以及重点句型。教学难点:在实际情境中正确运用所学重点句型。教学准备: 本课时单词卡片及单词短语卡片、 Amy头饰和一顶医生帽子。教学设计: Step 1: warm up1、 日常用语对话T: What day is it today? S : Its.T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its-T: What do you do? S: I am a-。T;What does your mother do ? S: She is a .。T: What does your father do 、 S: He is a doctor .2、 Sing a song : My father is a doctor : T: If we feel sick ,we can see the doctor 师点课题并板书:Unit 2 Whats the matter ,Mike? T; Many people feel sick, they will go to see a doctor , lets see whats the matter with them ?Step 3 presentation1.Look at the picture :, 图二图一 图三 图四 图五 图六T:.Look at the picture one (图一)Whats the matter with him? S;喉咙痛 师出示卡片:have a sore throat领读并强调throat的发音,引导学生用肢体语言做出喉咙疼的样子,师领读have a sore throat(板书)。T ;Look at the picture two(图二): Whats the matter with that dog,? S:发烧了:师出示单词卡片:have a fever;发烧 师领读:(引导学生用体态语言做出发烧的样子),(板书)have a fever .T: .Look at the picture three:,(图三) Whats the matter with him? S:感冒了:师出示单词卡片:have a cold ,师领读并强调;cold 的发音,(引导学生用体态语言做出感冒的样子),(板书)have a cold.T: Look at the picture four. (图四) Whats the matter with him? S: 头疼;师出示卡片:have a headache;(头疼),师领读:(引导学生用体态语言做出头疼的样子),(板书)have a headache;T: Look at the picture five (图五) Whats the matter with him? S:头疼:师出示卡片:have a toothache; ,师领读并强调;(引导学生用体态语言做出头疼的样子)(板书)have a toothache.,师强调:toothache and headache 的区别: toothache和headache 都是器官+后缀ache 构成,表示身体的某个部位疼痛:T: Look at the picture six (图六): Whats the matter with his leg ? S :腿疼 ;师出示卡片hurt . 师领读并强调;(引导学生用体态语言做出头疼的样子。师用手在桌子上一碰,做出疼的动作。(板书)hurt。 2.师播放Part A Lets learn的录音,学生跟录音读。引导学生观察单词toothache和headache,学生拼写记忆时会感到比较困难,教师告诉学生仔细观察这两个词的构成,都是器官词加上后缀-ache组成的。这样的话学生记起来就比较方便。教师板书四会单词:cold, toothache, fever, hurt, headache,学生在作业本上抄一遍,边抄边记忆单词。各小组用单词卡片学习单词。3Read, write and say(师展示课件:让学生补全单词)Step 3 practice (师播放;lets act 课件) (1)医生接龙;全班总动员,从第一名学生开始,充当医生角色,第二名学生充当病人,第三名充当医生,依次类推:S1:Whats the matter ? S2 I have a sore throat ,(并作出喉咙疼的样子)S2 Whats the matter ? S2 I have a fever, (并作出发烧的样子)S2 Whats the matter ? S2 I have a cold. (并作出感冒的样子)S2 : Whats the matter ? S2 I have a headache(并作出头疼的样子)S2 : Whats the matter ? S2 I have a toothache(并作出牙疼的样子).S2 : Whats the matter ? S5 My leg hurts, (并作出腿疼的样子)继续表演,直到学生熟练为止。(2)“看病”游戏(放lets play 的课件)师将手中的卡片发给六组中的每一组,师戴上医生的帽子问:Cold , Cold who has a cold ? 拿have a cold. 的卡片的这组同学全站起来,边做动作或表情边吟唱) cold , cold I have a cold。然后教师继续问:“Headache , Headache, who has a headache?如第二组学生挑的是,have a headache,就吟唱:“Headache , Headache , I have a headache。”并作相应的动作。各组可调换卡片继续该项活动。 (3)情景表演:“可爱的小演员” 请学生分别扮演医生和病人,用句型:“Whats the matter?I have a fever/ My leg hurts、”提问,回答并辅以相应的动作表情。Step 4 板书设计 Unit2 Whats the Matter ,Mike?- Whats the matter?a cold. a headache.I have a fever, a toothache. a sore throat.- My.hurts
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