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UK workers are among the least stressed in Europe, a survey has suggested. Just 20% of British workers found their workplace too stressful compared with an average of 27% across Europe. Switzerland and Sweden suffered the highest levels of anxiety in their job (33%), the survey by global recruitment(人力) agency Kelly Services found. The survey of 19,000 people across 12 countries also found that male workers, older staff and those in steady jobs were under the greatest pressure. A certain amount of stress is inevitable and can be a good thing when it pushes people beyond their comfort zone to work harder and smarter, said Steve Girdler, marketing director of Kelly Services UK. But high levels of long stress are not good because they impact on productivity and lead to physical and emotional illness, he warned. The group also found stress increased significantly with age - rising from 19% in the 15-24 age to 23% for those aged 45 and above. The report suggested these workers could also be suffering from added stress at home and increased responsibility. Those working the longest hours found their job the most stressful: 18% for those working 30 hours or less, 34% for those clocking on for 41-50 hours, and 50% for those working longer than 51 hours. Kelly Services also uncovered a close link between stress and job satisfaction. For those workers who said they faced too much stress, just 28% were happy in their jobs, while for those with just the right amount of stress happiness levels jumped to 65%. The findings suggest staff enjoy jobs where they face challenges that push them to learn new skills.http:/www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2006-03/01/content_525021.htm1.The best title can be _ .A. the survey by global recruitment agencyB. work stress levels lower in UKC. the cause of work stress of workers in UKD. the relationship between the work stress and ages.2.All of the followings are mentioned except _.A. British workers belong to the least stressed in Europe.B. the relationship between the work stress and agesC. the average percent of workers who feel work stress all over Europe D. the work condition in UK.3.The underlined word “inevitable” means _.A. unavoidable B. unacceptable C. incredible D. unreasonable4.What can you conclude from this passage?A. Those who suffer the greatest pressure are male workers, older staff and in steady jobs .B. The longer the work time is, the less stress the workers have.C. The work stress has both advantage and disadvantage .D. The higher stress, the happier work 解析: 1.B 此题考查主旨大意。本文开门见山地提出了英国民众工作压力小。其他选项不全面。2.D 此题考查细节理解. A,B,C答案分别在文章中提到。 A答案从第一段第一句UK workers are among the least stressed in Europe.得知。3.A 此题考查词义猜测。A certain amount of stress is inevitable and can be a good thing when it pushes people beyond their comfort zone 。一定程度的工作压力是不可避免的。4.C 此题考查推理判断。选项 A 符合文意,但是从文章明显看出的,故不可选。选项B、D不符合文意。选项C从以下两句可推出:“But high levels of long stress are not good because they impact on productivity and lead to physical and emotional illness”、“for those with just the right amount of stress happiness levels jumped to 65%.”。 In an interview, England football captain Beckham admitted his six-year-old son Brooklyns maths homework made him befuddled. Beckham, 30, admitted to being puzzled when Brooklyn recently asked for help with a school assignment and had to turn to his former Spice Girls pop star wife Victoria to help out. “Their homework is so hard these days. I sat down with Brooklyn the other day, and I had to turn it over to my wife, Victoria, maybe you should do the homework tonight. ” “Its done totally differently to what I was taught when I was at school, and you know, I could nothing but Oh my God, I cant do this. ” “Brooklyn said, Please do it with me. and I could say anything else but Ill read your book with you. ” The Real Madrid midfielders son attends the Runnymede College in the Spanish capital, which follows the British national curriculum(标准). The Mail on Sunday gave examples of some national curriculum maths questions set for seven-year-olds. They include: “Betty went to the shop at 11:45. She came back half an hour later. What time did she come back?” and “What is 12 divided by three?” Beckham also admitted he has no “lucky” pre-match routines (fixed and regular way of doing things), with them too being tough to remember. “I find that if I follow a routine . it gets to the stage where you are thinking, Right, is it the left side . the left boot that I put on first, or the right side? There are so many things that can go through your mind.”http:/www.popbook.com/Jinping/tp018.htm1. What does the passage mainly discuss about ?Beckhams cultural stateB. Beckhams familyC. Beckhams characterD. Beckhams opinions towards education and pre-match routines
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