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英语与中国地方文化课程参考文献资料汇总一 中文著作类:著作作者出版社、日期1江苏历史文化研讨论文选薛金鳌,袁相碗 江苏省炎黄文化研究会 20052简明中国教育史(修订本)王炳照等北京师范大学出版社20013江苏区域文化研究 张森材,马砾江江苏古籍出版社20024苏州文化系列丛书(百年观前,苏州史记,千年阊门。)高福民 高敏苏州大学出版社 20075外商看中国 盖兆泉,贺海龙外语教学与研究出版社20016吴歌精华汪榕培,金煦,王宏,杜争鸣,苏州大学出版社 20037现代汉语理念与研究沈孟璎南京师范大学出版社19998元明戏曲导读李简北京大学出版社, 2003.9中国传统文化概论薛明扬上海复旦大学出版社 200310中国传统文化张岂之北京:高等教育出版社 199411中国佛教与传统文化 方立天长春:长春出版社 200712中国古建筑文化之旅-江苏 上海张宏,曹玉洁,杨永生知识产权出版社200313中国古代著名科学典籍 屈宝坤北京 : 商务印书馆, 1998.14中国建筑文化大观罗哲文, 王振复 北京大学出版社, 200115中国商业史 王孝通北京 : 商务印书馆, 1998.16 中国文化概要许光华汉语大词典出版200217中国文化掠影丁望道外语教学与研究出版社,200118中国文化心理学心要申荷永人民出版社 200219中国文化与自然遗产中国国家对外汉语教学小组办公室200220中英文化习俗比较胡文仲 杜学增外语教学与研究出版社1999二 英文著作类:著作作者出版社、日期1A History of Chinese Calligraphy Tseng YuhoHong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1993.2An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: from ancient philosophy to Chinese Buddhism JeeLoo LiuMalden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 20063A Storied History of ChinaLu QianfeiTourism Education Press 19884Chinese Architecture Laurence G. LiuNew York: Rizzoli, 19895Chinese Folk Art II: in American collections, from early 15th century to early 20th century Tseng Yu-ho Ecke.Honolulu: distributed by The University Press of Hawaii, 19776Chinese Medicine Men: consumer culture in China and Southeast Asia Sherman CochranCambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 20067Common Knowledge about Chinese Culture (中国文化常识) 刘泽彭高等教育出版社20078Doing CultureLinell DavisForeign Language Teaching and Research Press 2001950 Topics On Chinese Culture 李霞,董玉国外文出版社 200710Good Question, Good Answer. 45-74.Ven. S. DhammikaFlushing, NY 199911Handbook of Chinese Popular Culture Wu Dingbo and Patrick D. MurphyWestport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 199412Key Concepts in Chinese PhilosophyZhang Dainian Edmund RydenNew Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 200213New Year Celebrations in Central China in Late Imperial Times Gran Aijmer.Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 200314100 Topics On World CultureNick Stirk, 许卉艳,周维外文出版社200715Social Change in Contemporary China C.K. Yang Wenfang Tang and Burkart Holzner.Pittsburgh PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 200716苏州风景名胜 苏州市政协中国旅游出版社200817The Basics of Traditional Chinese Culture (中国传统文化ABC) 支鄂湘Beijing: Foreign Language Press200518Things ChineseDu Feibao, Du bai China Travel & Tourism Press,199419The Magic Lotus Lantern and Other Tales from the Han ChineseHaiwang YuanWestport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 200620The Politics of Chinese Language and Culture: the art of reading dragonsBob Hodge and Kam LouieLondon; New York: Routledge, 1998三 音像资料类:品名出品单位出版、日期1Chinese Culture 中国文化精粹亚洲传播中心五洲传播音像出版社出版2Chinese Folk Art 中国民间艺术亚洲传播中心五洲传播音像出版社出版3Picture of a Flourishing SuzhouCity in 18th CenturyInformation Office of Suzhou Municipal Peoples Government& Splendid Success Media Spread Co. LtdJiangsu Electronic Audio-Video Publishing House4Suzhou & Water苏州广播电视总台5Suzhou Gardens in Six Chapters苏州市华艺园林文化发展有限公司南京音像出版社四 相关网站:网址1中国传统文化通览英汉版2China the beautiful3西安翻译学院陕西英语导游精品课程网站-相关资料4中国传统文化概论http:/jpkc.jnu.edu.cn/zgctwh/html/4T_M/courseware.htm5http:/www.chinavista.com/suzhou/culture/culture.html6http:/ 7http:/www.cgtow.com/home/?action-forumdisplay-fid-19苏州大学本部崇远楼 电话:0512-65243146 苏大英语在线: http:/SudaCEO.51.net
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