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2022年高一英语 BookI Module 6 学案 外研版Oct IntroductionStep I. Do Ex Step II Translate the underlined words or phrases. Do you want to go surfing tomorrow? ( ) She spends hours every day just surfing the Net. ( ) On his way to the party, John crashed his car. ( ) He crashed his plane on landing, causing $ 9,000 of damage. ( ) When I chatted on the Internet, suddenly my puter crashed. ( ) The design can be stored on floppy disk. (软盘) ( ) Store the cake in an airtight container. ( ) Put another log on the fire. ( ) I logged on Sohu. . to read the latest news. ( )Step Language points 1. label with 在上做标记/贴标签 n. 标签 All cases should clearly the owners name. 请把这些商品标上确切的价格。 2. type writer typist 3. separate .from (使事物或人与人)分离,分开 eg. England is separated from France by the channel. 老师把男孩与女孩们分开。 separate adj. 单独的,分开的孩子们都睡在各自的床上。 We cant work together any more; I think its time we went our separate ways. 注意与divide 的区别 The students in our class is divided into 8 groups. 4. contain 与include 辨析 contain 指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。include侧重于作为整体的一部分而被包括进去。How much does this bottle contain?这瓶子能装多少?Everyone here took part in the fight against the flood, including old people.这里所有的人,包括老人,都参加了抗洪斗争。Whisky a large percentage of a alcohol.A. coversB. includesC. containsD. makesThis book 12 units, two revision units.A. contains; containingB. includes; containingC. contains; includingD. includes; includingThere are six people killed in the accident, three children.A. exceptB. besidesC. includingD. containing 5. crash n. /v. 碰撞,坠毁。a car crash an air crash He crashed his car into a wall. 那架飞机在山中坠毁了。 6. break down. 出故障,失败,瓦解在上学路上,我的自行车坏了。 News reports say peace talk between the two countries with no agreement reached. A. have broken downB. have broken out C. break in D. break up breakdown n. 故障The earthquake has caused a breakdown of munications. (交通电讯) The key step II 冲浪 浏览 碰撞 坠毁 死机 存储(信息) 存放 木头 登记The step III 1 be labeled with 2 打字机 打字员 3 the tercher separates the boys from the girls。The children sleep in separate beds 4 CCC 5 一次汽车碰撞 一次飞机坠毁 The plane crashed in the mountain。 6 On the way to school, my bike broke down。 Period Module 6 Language points Oct Reading and vocabulary1. Fast Reading Do Ex 1. on page 52(1)Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. The US Defence Organization and the Internet.B. Berners-Lee, the Hero of the Internet.C. How the Internet and the Web were invented.D. The Internet and Nowadays Life.(2)Paragraph 2 mainly tells us .A. the network is limited only to the US armyB. the network can be used more than in the US armyC. the network was invented quite by chanceD. how the Internet started2. Careful Reading(1)At present , the biggest source of information in the world is .A. the World Wide WebB. Bill GatesC. NSFNET D the internet(2)In Paragraph 2 the word “talk” means .A. municateB. say somethingC. make a phone callD. write an e-mail(3)It took Berners-Lee about years to invent the World Wide Web.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. seven(4)What caused the number of Internet users to go up quickly? A. The World Wide WebB. The web browser C. The InternetD. The first puter Berners-Lee built(5)From the passage we can infer that . A. only English and Chinese are used in the web B. more and more languages will be used in the web C. language is not a problem in the web D. Chinese will be used more than English do in the web(6)In Paragraph 4“while he was at university”means that A. he was studying at a university B. he was teaching at a university C. he went to a university to do some research work D. he lived in a university(7)From the passage we know that Tim Berners-Lee lived at least in countries A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five(8)To which of the following questions cant we get an answer in the passage? A. Where does Tim Berners-Lee e from? B. Who invented the World Wide Web? C. Why didnt Berners-Lee make much money from his invention? D. Are the Internet and the web popular in the world? Do Ex3. 4 on page 53. 3
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