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液压在社会上的应用和发展方向电液比例技术是在电液伺服技术的基础上,针对用户需要,降低控制特性,对液压伺服阀进行简化而发展起来的。尔后,比例电磁铁技术的发展,又在三类阀基础上发展液压比例阀。由电液伺服比例元件为主而组成的电液伺服比例控制系统,具有响应快、功率比(功率与重量比)大、自动化控制程度高等显著特点,因此在大惯量,要求快响应,实现自动控制的机床、冶金、矿山、石化、电化、船舶、军工、建筑、起重、运输等主机产品中有广阔应用前景,是这些主机重要的一种控制手段。 在工业发达国家,由电液伺服阀、电液比例阀,以及配用的专用电子控制器和相应的液压元件,组合集成电流伺服比例控制系统的相互支撑发展,已综合形成液压工程技术,它的应用与发展被认为是衡量一个国家工业水平和现代工业发展立玉的重要标志,是液压工工业又一个新的技术热点和增长点。在我国同样有一大批主机产品的发展,需要应用该项技术,因此,将其列为促进我国液压工业发展的关键技术之一。 内外发展趋势 国外近年来,电液伺服比例技术的发展,较集中地反映在其相关的主要基础元件的改进和发展上,主要包括: 电液伺服阀向着简化结构、降低制造成本、提高抗污染能力和高可靠性方向发展,研究开发了大功率永磁直线力马达,形成了新型的直接驱动式伺服阀产品系列; 电液比例阀向通用化、模块化、组全化、集成化方向发展,以实现规模经济生产,降低制造成本; 电子控制器向着专用集成电路方向发展,实现小型化、组合化,并达到高可靠性目的。 电流伺服比例技术的这些主要基础元件的相互衔接愈来愈密切,另部件通用化程度不断提高。 我国电液伺服技术始于上世纪六十年代,到七十年代有了实际应用产品,目前约有年产能力2000台;电液比例技术到七十年代中期开始发展,现有几十种品种、规格的产品,约形成有年产能力5000台。总的看,我国电液伺服比例技术与国际水平比有较大差距,主要表现在:缺乏主导系列产品,现有产品型号规格杂乱,品种规格不全,并缺乏足够的工业性试验研究,性能水平较低,质量不稳定,可靠性较差,以及存在二次配套件的问题等,都有碍于该项技术进一步地扩大应用,急待尽快提高。液压传动和控制由于应用了电子技术、计算机技术、信息技术、自动控制技术及新工艺、新材料等后取得了新的发展,使液压系统和元件在技术水平上有很大提高.本文从液压现场总线技术、自动化控制软件技术、水压元件及系统、液压节能技术等方面介绍液压技术创新及发展趋势.指出液压传动向自动化、高精度、高效率、高速化、高功率、小型化、轻量化方向发展,是不断提高它与电传动、机械传动竞争能力的关键.机械自动化,主要指在机械制造业中应用自动化技术,实现加工对象的连续自动生产,实现优化有效的自动生产过程,加快生产投入物的加工变换和流动速度。机械自动化技术的应用与发展,是机械制造业技术改造、技术进步的主要手段和技术发展的主要方向。机械自动化的技术水准,不仅影响整个机械制造业的发展,而且对国民经济各部门的技术进步有很大的直接影响。因此,发展我国的机械制造业自动化技术,符合我国社会主义的基本原则,符合我国现代生产的发展规律。动化技术是本世纪以来发展极迅速和影响极大的科学技术之一。现代自动化技术是一种完全新型的生产力,是直接创造社会财富的主要手段之一,对人类的生产活动和物质文明起着极大的推动作用。因此,自动化技术受到世界各国的广泛重视和越来越多的应用。Hydraulic in the community on the use and development of directionElectro-hydraulic technology is in the proportion of electro-hydraulic servo technology on the basis of the need for users, lower control of the hydraulic servo valve can be simplified and develop. Thereafter, the ratio of magnet technology development, and in the development of three hydraulic valve on the basis of proportional valve. Electro-hydraulic servo mainly by the proportion of components and composition of the electro-hydraulic servo control system, with fast response, the power ratio (power and weight ratio), higher degree of automation control notable feature, in the inertia, faster response to requests, and The automatic control machine tools, metallurgy, mining, petrochemical, electricity, shipping, military, construction, lifting, transportation, and other mainframe products have wide application in the future, these are a host of important means of control. In industrialized countries, by electro-hydraulic servo valves, electro-hydraulic proportional valve, and with using a dedicated electronic controller and the corresponding hydraulic components, integrated portfolio of current servo control system of mutual support, has a comprehensive hydraulic engineering technology , Its application and development is considered the level of a countrys industrial and modern industrial development-an important indicator of legislation, Hydraulic Engineering is also a new industrial technology hot spots and growth. In China the same host a large number of product development, application of the technology necessary, so as to promote its industrial development of Chinas hydraulic one of the key technologies. Internal and external development trend of foreign countries in recent years, the proportion of electro-hydraulic servo technology development, more focused, reflected in its relevant components of the main basis for the improvement and development, including: Servo Valve in a simplified structure, lower manufacturing costs and improve anti-pollution Capacity and high reliability direction of development, research and development of a high-power permanent magnet linear motor and formed a new direct-driven servo valve product line; electro-hydraulic proportional valve to the universal, modular, group-wide, integrated direction Development in order to achieve economies of scale production, lower manufacturing costs; electronic controller toward the direction of ASIC development, and achieving small size, composition, and achieve high reliability purposes. Servo proportion of the current technology based on these main components of the more closely interrelated, and the other parts of the generic level continues to increase. Chinas electro-hydraulic servo technology began in the 1960s to the 1970s with practical applications, there are currently about an annual output capacity of 2,000 units; electro-hydraulic proportional to the technical development of the mid-1970s, dozens of varieties available , Product specifications, forming a production capacity of about 5,000. In general, the proportion of Chinas electro-hydraulic servo technology and international levels greater than the gap between the main problems: the lack of dominant product line, the existing Model specifications mess, Specification incomplete, and lack of adequate industrial test study, the level of performance Low quality of instability, poor reliability, and the existence of two complementary pieces of the problem, have hampered the application of technology to expand furth
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