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九上Unit 8周末练习 姓名 一、 单项选择A. aim B. chase C. outdoors D. take part in( ) 1. If it doesnt rain, we can play outside.( ) 2. Mr. Green didnt attend the meeting because he had an accident. ( ) 3. Why does that dog always run after Tom?( ) 4. They believe that only hard work will make them reach their purpose. () 5. Generally, _ wolves are animals of _endangered species. A. /; the B. the; the C. /; an () 6. Of all the books on the desk, _ is of any use for his study.A. nothing B. none C. no one() 7. _? I think it must be Marys. A. Whose hair band is this B. Who is Mary C. What does Mary do () 8. The blue dress must _ Kates. I saw her wear it yesterday. A. be B. belong C. belong to () 9. -May I take this book out of the reading room? -No, you_. You can only read it here. A. neednt B. wont C. mustnt () 10. He asked his wife which CDs belong to _. A. their B. his C. them() 11. We must get up at 5 in the morning _ catch the first bus to work. A. so that B. in order to C. instead of() 12. I _ a loud noise outside the house last night.A. listened to B. heard C. heard from() 13. The lights in the office are still on. Our teachers _having the important meeting now.A. cant B. might C. must be() 14. The red shoes _ Jimmys. He doesnt like red at all.A. might be B. cant be C. must be() 15. The computer I bought last month doesnt work now. There must be _ with it.A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. nothing wrong() 16. Because of the coming chemistry test, I felt_ because I didnt prepare well for it.A. confident B. easy C. uneasy() 17. Look! There is something _ in the sky.A. flying B. fly C. to fly () 18. _ I _ my dad likes watching soccer matches on TV. We are soccer fans. A. Bothand B. Eitheror C. Not onlybut also () 19 Please return them to him, if you have any ideas _. A. whose shoes are these B. whose shoes is this C. whose shoes these are () 20. It was very difficult for her to get to sleep because of the annoying_. She hates the noise-maker very much. A. voice B. noise C. sound二、完型填空If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed in life, youd better read this great book!From Boys to Men, by American author, Michael Curian, tells teenage boys that they are living through the 1 years of their life. There is no reason for them not to love life. You may think that only your body is growing at the moment. 2 the book says they need to 3 their bodies and minds to grow. To do this, they should stop 4 their time playing computer games and should 5 playing sports . Sports, the book says, keep you 6 and teach you important life skills. They also teach you 7 to be a leader and work as a part of a team. The book also tells boys how to love life 8 they are bullied (受欺侮) at school. It says boys should not be afraid of such school bullies(恶霸学生). The book says that, to become the man you want to be, you have to believe in 9 .Most importantly, the book says, you must always 10 to succeed. Never be happy with what you have got and try to achieve more. ( )1. A. bad B. better C. best ( )2. A. And B. Then C. But( )3. A. help B. make C. have ( )4. A. making B. paying C. spending( )5. A. start B. forget C. finish ( )6. A. healthy B. worried C. tired( )7. A. what B. how C. when ( )8. A. since B. unless C. even if( )9. A. others B. each other C. yourself ( )10. A. try B. listen C. deal 三、读下面的短文,判断句子的正误。Where do the UFOs come from? Does a monster live in Loch Ness ? We are waiting for the answers. Seeing UFOs A 13-year-old boy and his 9-year-old sister are playing on the farm. The boy shouts to his sister: “Oh, there are black children!” What does he see? He sees four “black beings (生命)”. They are about 1.2 meters tall. Then, the four black children get into a round spaceship . The spaceship flies up and away.It happened in France on August 29, 1967. We call the “round spaceship” an UFO. Every year there are many UFO stories. What are the UFOs? Are there aliens in the UFOs? Nobody knows. Bermuda Triangle (百慕大三角) There is a strange place in the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋). Its called the Bermuda Triangle. It is between three big islands4. Many ships and planes disappeared here.On December 5, 1945, five US planes we
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