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Unit 5 On the farm (第一教时) Nov.11 Monday 21一 教学内容 B Look,read and learn; C Ask and answer二 教学目标1 能正确听、说、读、写单词:last, holiday, meet, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook2 能正确地听、说、读单词:a farm, a carrot, National Day, 3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What (else) did you do ? We/I .三 教学重点和难点1 能正确听、说、读、写单词:last, holiday, meet, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook2 能正确地听、说、读单词:a farm, a carrot, National Day, 3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:What (else) did you do ? We/I .四 课前准备教学准备:1将B部分的图片中的人物剪下来,留下一只手。2 单词卡片,人物图片五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Free talkWhat day is it today?What date is it today?Whats the weather like today?Its Monday/.Its on the .Its sunny/.BPresentationand practice 1 (出示B部分的图片):Look at this picture. Its a picture of a farm.Teach: farm 农场 ; on the farm2 What can we do on a farm?Teach: collect eggs What else can we do?Teach: cook food; milk cows; pick oranges; water flowers; taste oranges; pull up the carrots3 出示所有的词组4 出示剪下来的人物图片5 They went to the farm last Sunday. Please guess what did they do on the farm?Teach: did6 teach: collected eggs. cooked food. milked cows. picked oranges. watered flowers. tasted oranges. pulled up the carrots.跟读、齐读。学生看图回答。We can collect eggs.跟读、齐读。齐读这些词组,边读边做出相应的动作。让学生给这些人物起个名字。跟读、齐读。学生一个一个的回答,并把人物图片放入相应的位置。跟读、齐读。(注意动词加ed的发音)CAsk and answer1 巡视指导2 指导3 指导学生同桌看图操练句型。请学生回答。齐读。六 板书设计图片cook(ed) food collect(ed) eggsmilk(ed) cowspick(ed) orangeswater(ed) flowerspull(ed) up carrotstaste(d) oranges七 作业设计抄写四会单词和词组。八 课后反思本课是结合农场生活新授相关词组,并渗透过去式的日常交际用语、词汇和语言结构,重点介绍了问句What did you do ? What else did you do?在教学过程中,教师讲句型渗透在实际情景中,通过刚刚国庆放假,引出过去式的句型,并讨论农场生活,让学生在真实的语境中学习本课所学。
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