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U11、The house was badly damaged in the earthquake and Tom spent a lot of money to renovate it.这座房子在地震中损毁严重,汤姆花了不少钱来修理它。(renovate)2、As Steve Jobs noted , trial and error has always been part of the Apple model.正如史蒂夫乔布斯所指出的,不断摸索一直都是苹果模式的一部分。(trial and error)3、If you are idling around all the time , what will you wind up with? Of course failure.如果你总是无所事事,最后结果会怎样呢?当然是失败。(wind up)4、Dont make a blunderit is a critical time now , and caution will never be wrong.别犯错现在可是关键时刻,谨慎是永远不会错的。(blunder)5、You shouldnt beat yourself up , after all , you are a green hand. 不要为难自己,毕竟你是个新手。(beat oneself up)U21、The government is striving for improving public living condition.政府正努力改善公众的住房条件。(strive for)2、The five rings are thought to symbolize the five continents Europe , Asia , Africa , Oceania and America. 这五个圆环被认为象征了五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、非洲、大洋洲以及美洲。(symbolize) 3、His father smiled weakly in an attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.他父亲淡淡地一笑,试图要他放心,一切都安然无恙。(reassure)4、His silence is in effect a refusal.他的沉默实际就是拒绝。(in effect)5、I begin to probe and try to find out why they have dismissed her.我开始调查,试图发现他们解雇她的原因。(probe)U31、He accused the boss of having broken his word and cheated him.他指责老板不守信用,欺骗了他。(accuse .of )2、To my astonishment , the man lifted the rock effortlessly.使我吃惊的是,那汉子毫不费劲地把石头举了起来。(astonishment )3、I bet that hes lost all his money in the ample.我肯定他在赌博中输掉了所有的钱。(bet)4、In order to save his wifes life , he is willing to do any hard work.为了挽救妻子的性命,任何辛苦的工作他都愿意干。(be willing to )5、We could not but weep at the sad news.听到这悲痛的消息,我们不禁潸然泪下。(weep)U41、Details of the murder were revealed by the local newspaper.当地报纸披露了这起谋杀案的细节。(reveal)2、You may not like him , but you have to admire his persistence.你可能不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他的那种坚忍不拔的精神。(persistence)3、I dont know why they ever got married, for theyre totally incompatible.我不知道他们究竟为什么结婚,他们完全合不来。(incompatible)4、The newly-constructed high speed railway is parallel with the existing highway.这条新修的高速铁路与原有的高速公路并行。(parallel)5、My calculations was based on the assumption that house prices would remain steady.我的计算基于房价稳定的假设。(assumption)U51、A new report suggests that chewing gum may be a health hazard.一份新的报告指出,嚼口香糖可能给健康带来危害。(hazard)2、We request your immediate payment.我们要求您立即付款。(payment)3、The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.委员会最终采纳了他的建议。(ultimately)4、About 50 billionaires account for 20% of the countrys gross domestic product.大约50个亿万富翁占整个国家国内生产总值的20%左右。(gross)5、Have you decide on the classes you want to take this semester?你有没有决定这个学期要修哪些课程?(semester)U61、The company is notorious for producing defective products.这个公司国为生产劣质产品而臭名昭著。(be notorious for)2、There has been no response to his remarks from the government政府方面对他的评论一直都没有反应。(response)3、It would be wise not to give undue importance to his criticisms.最好不要过分看重他的批评。(undue)4、Many parents enrolled their children in private school.许多父母为他们的孩子注册就读私立学校。(enroll)5、The challenge is to transform this knowledge into action.挑战在于将这一切知识转变为行动。(transform into)
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