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英 语 五 上 Unit5-Unit 6 单 元 检 测 班级_姓名 等第 _ 听力部分(30分)一、 选出你所听到的单词,听两遍。(10分)( )1.A.teacher B.teach C.peach D.beach( )2. A. foot B. cook C. look D. book ( )3. A. sweater B. sweet C. swing D. swim( )4. A. worker B. water C. wet D. warm( )5. A. right B. white C. night D. eight( )6. A. about B. afraid C. around D. animal( )7. A. snow B. small C. snack D. show( )8. A. make B. take C. wake D. lake( )9. A. happy B. hobby C. hungry D. hand( )10. A. house B. horse C. mouse D. blouse二、 选出相对应的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(5分)( )1. A. Hes a worker. B. Shes a writer. C. Im a doctor.( )2.A. I teach English. B. Hes a teacher. C. He teaches English.( )3.A. No, he isnt. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he cant.( )4.A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are C. No, there isnt.( )5. A. She likes singing. B. She likes ice creams. C. Shes good at singing三、 判断所听句子是否和句意相同,相同的用表示,不同的用表示(5分)( )1.Su Hai likes reading books and playing the guitar.( )2. Helens mother has a lot of students.( )3. My sister cant write stories.( )4. There are some rulers in the pencil case.( )5. My animal friend is a monkey.四、 完成下列短文,听三遍。(10分)Helen is from _. She has a big _. There are five rooms in it. Her father is a _. He likes _. Her mother is a teacher. She likes _. Helen can speak _ and Chinese. She has an animal friend. Its a _. Helen likes drawing. She _ well. They usually fly _ on _.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译(12分)1. 一名工厂工人 _ 2. 在农场上工作_ _ 3. 帮助病人_ _ 4. 教我们音乐 _ 5. 擅长跳舞 _ _ 6. 明天早上 _ _7. 等一会_ _ 8. 发送一份电子邮件_ 9. 坐在河边 10.live in Australia _11. Dont worry._ 12. Chinese addresses _二、单项选择。(12分) ( ) 1. _ your sisters sing songs in the evening?A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are ( ) 2. My mother is a _ . She likes _ stories.A. write, write B. write, writing C. writer, writing D. writer, write ( ) 3. _she sweets?A. Can, make B. Does, makes C. Are, making D. Is, makes ( ) 4. My father is a doctor, He usually _ at night.A. work B. works C working D. to work( ) 5. They can teach _Chinese and can teach them English.A. us; we B. we ; our C. our; them D.we ; we ( ) 6. The woman lives in _ .She can speak .A. China; China B. China; Chinese C. Chinese; China D. Chinese; Chinese( ) 7. In _ , we call a policeman a cop. A.US B. the US C.UK D. the UK( ) 8. There _ soup in the kitchen.A. are no B. is any C. isnt any D. isnt some( ) 9. He _ in Canada. He can _ English.A. lives, speak B. live, speaks C. lives, speaks D. live, speak( ) 10. May I speak to Mrs Brown? _.A. Im Mrs Brown. B. She is Mrs Brown. C. This is Mrs Brown. D. That is Mrs Brown.( ) 11. Johns father is a , he .A. work, worker in the factory B. worker , work in the factory C. worker, works in the factory D. work, , works in the factory( ) 12. My cousin usually _ pictures _ his friends in the park.A. draw, and B. draws, and C. draw, with D. draws, with三、用所给词的适当形式或首字母填空。(12分)1. How many _ (teach) are there in your school?2. _(be) there any pineapple juice in the fridge? No. 3. My friends _ (have) many toy animals, but my brother _(do not) have one. 4. _ (do) your sister _(like) _ (dance)? Yes, she does.5. What _ (do) Su Hais uncle _(do)? Hes a fireman.6. He is a _ (drive). He _ (drive) a taxi every day.7. Where he live ?(do) 四、根据中文,完成句子。(10分)1. 你的妈妈是老师吗? 是的。她教英语,她有许多学生。_ your mother a teacher?Yes, she is. She _ English. She _ a lot of _ _.2. 在冬天他们喜欢干什么? 他们喜欢溜冰。他们溜冰溜得很好。What _ they like _ _ ? They like _ . They can _ well.3. 让我们下午去游泳吧。 我擅长游泳。Lets go _ this _. I _ good at _ _.4. 刘涛喜欢什么学科? 他喜欢数学和科学。What _ _ Liu Tao like? He _ Maths and Science.5. 他的朋友们是干什么的? 他们是警察。What _ his friends _? Theyre _.五、按要求改写句子(14分)1. There is an umbrella between the door and the window. (对划线部分提问) How many
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