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论文摘要早在1888年,人们就发现液晶这一呈液体状的化学物质,象磁场中的金属一样,当受到外界电场影响时,其分子会产生精确的有序排列。如果对分子的排列加以适当的控制,液晶分子将会允许光线穿越。位于最后面的一层是由荧光物质组成的可以发射光线的背光层。背光层发出的光线在穿过第一层偏振过滤层之后进入包含成千上万水晶液滴的液晶层。液晶层中的水晶液滴都被包含在细小的单元格结构中,一个或多个单元格构成屏幕上的一个像素。当液晶显示器中的电极产生电场时,液晶分子就会产生扭曲,从而将穿越其中的光线进行有规则的折射,然后经过第二层过滤层的过滤在屏幕上显示出来,这就是液晶显示器显示技术。液晶显示器(LCD)英文全称为Liquid Crystal Display,是一种数字显示技术,可以通过液晶和彩色过滤器过滤光源,在平面面板上产生图象。它是一种采用了液晶控制透光度技术来实现色彩的显示器。液晶显示器是一种功耗极低的显示器件。在袖珍中应用越来越广泛。液晶显示技术近几年来发展很快,各种规格的LCD显示班名目繁多,其专用驱动芯片也都相互配套,使LCD在控制和议表系统中广泛应用提供了极大的方便。各种规格的LCD显示班名目繁多,其专用驱动芯片也都相互配套,使LCD在控制和议表系统中广泛应用提供了极大的方便。LCD可分为段位式LCD、字符式LCD和点阵式LCD。其中,段位式LCD和字符式LCD只能用于字符和数字的简单显示,不能满足图形曲线和汉字显示的要求;而点阵式LCD不仅可以显示字符、数字,还可以显示各种图形、曲线及汉字,并且可以实现屏幕上下左右滚动,动画功能,分区开窗口,反转,闪烁等功能,用途十分广泛。经过二十多年的研究、竞争、发展,平板显示器已进入角色,成为新世纪显示器的主流产品,目前竞争最激烈的平板显示器有四个品种:(1)场致发射平板显示器(FED) (2)等离子体平板显示器(PDP) (3)有机薄膜电致发光器(OEL)(4)薄膜晶体管液晶平板显示器(TFT-LCD)液晶平板显示器,特别TFT-LCD,是目前唯一在亮度、对比度、功耗、寿命、体积和重量等综合性能上全面赶上和超过CRT的显示器件,它的性能优良、大规模生产特性好,自动化程度高,原材料成本低廉,发展空间广阔,将迅速成为新世纪的主流产品,是21世纪全球经济增长的一个亮点。本设计以AT89S51单片机为核心研究点阵式液晶显示器ACM12864与单片机的接口电路及编程各部分的功能,能够正常地实现所要求的功能,抗干扰性能好、安全性强。本设计介绍以AT89S51系列单片机为核心的液晶显示屏控制系统,详细阐述了其工作原理、基本功能框图、关键设计技术及软件工作流程。提出了一种能实时控制显示内容的基于单片机的液晶显示屏控制系统设计方案,给出了该单片机的硬件电路和软件程序,同时根据单片机型号的选择,给出了硬件设计,软件流程图,汇编语言源程序及详细注释等内容。【关键词】:液晶显示器(LCD)、 AT89S51系列单片机、 阵式液晶显示器ACM12864Abstract as early as in 1888, people will find this a liquid form liquid chemicals, like the metal magnetic field, as well as by external electric field effect when the terrorists will produce accurate orderly arrangement. If the arrangement of molecular appropriate control, liquid crystal molecules will allow light through. Located in the final layer is a fluorescent material by a combination of the light from its backlighting layer. A layer of light backlighting through the first layer polarization filtering layers into contains after tens of thousands of crystal droplets liquid crystal layer. Liquid crystal layer of crystalline droplets are contained in the tiny cell structure, one or DuoGe cell constitute a pixel on the screen. When the liquid crystal displays of electrode produce electric field, liquid crystal molecules can produce distortion, which will be of a light through the reflection of the rules, and then after the second filtering layer filter on the screen, thats LCD display technology.Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) English Liquid Crystal Display all called, is a kind of digital Display technology, can through Liquid Crystal and color filter light source, in graphic panel produce an image. It is a kind of used LCD control completely the technology to realize the color display. Liquid crystal display is a very low power consumption of the display device. In the pocket of used more widely. Liquid crystal display technology is developing very fast in recent years, all kinds of LCD display class of numerous, its special drive chip are also supporting each other, make LCD in control system is widely used in the word of the table provides great convenience.All kinds of LCD display class of numerous, its special drive chip are also supporting each other, make LCD in control system is widely used in the word of the table provides great convenience. LCD can be divided into single type LCD, character type LCD and dot-matrix LCD. Among them, the single type LCD and character type LCD can only be used for characters and Numbers that simple, and cant meet graph and Chinese displaying requirements; And dot-matrix LCD can not only display characters, Numbers, can also display all kinds of graphics, curve and characters, and can realize screen the up and down or so rolling, animation function, partition open window, reverse, flash, and other functions, use very extensive.After 20 DuoNian research, competition and development, flat panel display has entered the role in the new century, becoming the mainstream of the monitor product, at present the most competitive of the flat panel display has four kinds:(1) field-emission flat panel display (FED)(2) plasma flat panel display (PDP)(3) organic film electroluminescent device (OEL)(4) thin film transistor LCD flat panel display (tft-lcd)LCD flat panel display, special tft-lcd, is the only one in the brightness, contrast, power consumption and life, volume and weight comprehensive performance in an all-round way to catch up with and more than CRT display device, its good performance, mass production characteristics, a high degree of automation, the raw material cost is low, the vast room for development, the new century will quickly become a mainstream product, is the 21 st century global economic growth of a window.This design as the core research AT89S51 dot-matrix LCD monitor ACM12864 and single-chip microcomputer interface circuit and the functions of the parts of the programming, to realize the normal requirements of function, strong anti-jamming performance, safety.This design introduction to AT89S51 series microcontroller as the core of the liquid crystal displ
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