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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级真题4剑桥商务英语中级真题4READINGPART ONE Look at the statements below and the article about meetings on the opposite page. Which section (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to? For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Business Meetings A. Many organisations are developing ways of minimising the time workers spend sitting in meetings in order to give them more hours working at their desks. They realise that reducing the number of meetings is problematic, but some are using a device called a Meeting Meter to determine how much money is wasted through the widespread practice of over-populated and time-inefficient meetings. A general meeting in a big company can cost 9000 an hour. Even staff in UK government departments have been told to make less elaborate presentations and to get through them more quickly. B. A solution has often been to take things at breakneck speed or abolish meetings altogether. Olivia Dacourt, CEO of a retail chain, makes a point of not letting anyone sit down in her meetings. We cover more material in a 15-minute meeting than youd see in a two-hour sit-down meeting, she says. She drills her employees to shout pass if they have no comment to make, thereby saving a hastily mumbled agreement with the previous speaker. In this way, her last staff meeting clocked in at six minutes. C. Website designer Barry Hare has gone so far as to charge his clients a meeting tax. If they ask for a meeting, he doubles his design fee of 85 an hour. Everyone I talk to hates meetings, but they dont know what to do about them, he says. Well, Ive actually done something. Similarly, at JP Products, managers have instigated a No Meetings Day every Friday. The scheme was devised by in-house industrial psychologist Ada Pearson after hearing employees joke about the need for a meeting-free day. D. But abolishing meetings is not as simple as clearing them from your diary. At JP Products some workers have felt the need to get round the No Meetings Day directive by holding spontaneous huddles and nice to knows to update each other on progress. After her success in reducing the meetings quota, Pearson is under pressure from meeting-weary managers to implement days that are free of emails and telephone calls. But unfortunately she has other priorities-thanks to a lengthy meeting with the chief executive. 1. a way of ensuring that meetings are less likely to take place答案: C2. the common situation of too many people attending meetings答案: A3. a way of ensuring communication can take place without breaking company rules答案: D4. a policy discouraging repetition of ideas答案: B5. staff attitudes towards meetings resulting in action to reduce their frequency答案: C6. a policy of cutting down on the amount of detail given in long speeches答案: A7. people who attend meetings requesting limitations on other forms of communication答案: DPART TWO Read the article below about professional headhunters. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap (8-12), mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0). Attracting the headhunters Professional headhunters are now key players in many kinds of recruitment. But how do you gain their attention? Matthew Lynn investigates. In the past, companies would use the services of headhunters to recruit principally at boardroom level. But these days, they are also responsible for filling a much wider range of middle management and specialist posts, and consequently, they have huge influence in the commercial world. (0) (G) The first is that economic expansion has, in many countries, left the labour market tight. In a number of industries, and in growth sectors such as technology and media, there is now a severe shortage of skilled and talented people. This has forced companies to go out and look for the staff they need and not wait for them to arrive at the door. The second reason is that companies are now critically dependent on the skills and knowledge of their key people. They are very aware that having the right staff may determine their survival in a competitive marketplace. 1 So, how do you make sure you get noticed by the headhunters? In the days when jobs were mainly advertised in newspapers, you could search the appointment pages and apply for anything that interested you. 2 Unless you are in contact with them, it is unlikely you will even be considered for a post. Most headhunters will devote time and energy to tracking down talented people in large organisations. 3 So, while it would be nice
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