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IT职业英语答案姓名: 丁志均班级: 软件0801Unit one2. Questions for Discussion1. A CPU is a control center that converts data input to information output, and it is a highly complex, extensive set of electronic circuitry that executes stored program instructions. It consists of two parts: the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit. 2. Because like an orchestra conductor not playing any musical instrument, a CU does not execute program instructions itself, it just directs other parts of the system to do so. 3. The ALU executes all arithmetic and logical operations. There are four kinds of arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A logical operation is usually a comparison. The ALU can compare numbers, letters, or special characters. 3. Translation1. 控制器是控制数据流通过处理器的电路,同时它还协调处理器中其他单元活动。2. 在个人电脑和小型工作站上,中央处理器被安置在一个名为微处理器的单个芯片上。3. 现代中央处理器体积小,呈正方形,并在底部嵌有多个金属连接头或金属针。4. 中央处理器被针面向下直接插在主板的中央处理器插槽中。5. 英特尔公司是世界上最大的半导体公司,也是个人电脑上最普遍应用的x86系列微处理器的发明者。Text BVocabulary1. d 2. f 3. h 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. k 8. e 9. j 10. g 11. iClass ActivitiesTrue or False1. T2. F3. T4. F5. TUnit TwoQuestions for Discussion1. A Hard Drive consists of a metal platter which spins very fast. As it spins, the Hard Drive head moves along the platter and can read and write information. The Hard Drive is used for long term and large amounts of storage.2. Because RAM works faster than Hard Drive. When the computer loads file from Hard Drive, it makes a copy of the information from the Hard Drive and places it in RAM, so that when the information is needed, it can be taken out immediately.3. They are both necessary forms of storage.4. Hard Drive is used for long-term and large amounts of storage. Information on the Hard Drive is magnetically encoded, so when the computer is turned off, the information wont be lost. The Hard Drive is relatively cheap, but it is slow. Compared with Hard Drive, RAM is used for short-term storage; the information stored on the RAM is based on electrical signals, so when the computer is turned off, all information on RAM will be gone. The RAM is fast, but it is more expensive than the Hard Drive.5. Because programs will only load a small portion of information from the Hard Drive at a time. 6. This person is comparing apple and orange. He/She needs to see how much RAM their computer has to decide if they have enough.Translation1. 硬盘有一个带有磁介质的硬浅盘,这与磁带和软盘中的软塑料胶片不同。2. 硬盘与盒式录音带没有什么大的差别。两者都使用同样的磁记录技术。3. 硬盘上的信息被储存在极小的磁畴内。而这些磁畴之所以能这么小是因为浅盘的精确度以及介质的速度。4. RAM被视为“随机存取”,是因为你如果知道相较于某存储单元的行与列,那你就可以直接访问任何单元。5. 动态随机存取存储器存储单元中的电容器就像一个漏水的桶。它需要定期刷新,否则就会放电至零。Text BVocabulary1. f 2. l 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. g 8. j 9. h 10.d 11. k 12. iTrue or False1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. TUnit ThreeQuestions for Discussion1. The motherboard is the flat, rectangular piece of circuit board to which everything seems to connect to for one reason or another. It contains: a microprocessor socket, a chipset, a BIOS chip, a real-time clock and slots or ports for the attachment of various peripherals or support system/hardware.2. The motherboard is a printed circuit board which provides all the connections, pathways and lines connecting the different components of the computer to each other. Turning on the computer automatically starts the BIOS chip up to perform its diagnostic functions, after which it powers up the CPU which in its turn starts powering up the other peripherals (hard disk, operating system, video and audio, etc.).3. The key functions of BIOS chip include: checking power supply, the hard disk drive, operating system, etc. before the computer actually starts “booting up”. After its diagnostic functions are performed, it powers up the CPU.Translation1. 主板就像一块底板,为系统其他部件间的通信提供电力连接,但又和底板不同,主板上还装有中央处理器以及其他子系统和设备。2. 主板的一个重要构件是微处理器的支持性芯片集,它为中央处理器和各种总线及外部元件间提供了支持性接口。3. 几乎所有的主板都包括逻辑和连接器来支持常用的输入设备,例如鼠标和键盘的PS/2接口。4. 插槽是中央处理器与主板相连接的地方。插槽之间互不兼容,这就意味着插槽要与某种特定类型的中央处理器相匹配。Text BVocabulary1. I 2. l 3. j4. f5. h6. k7. c8. b9. a10. d11. e12. gClass ActivitiesTrue or False1. F2. T3. T4. T5. FUnit FourQuestions for Discussion1. Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part.2. Software is often divided into application software, system software, middleware, utility and applets. Application software is programs that do work users are directly interested in. System software includes operating systems and any program that supports application software. Middleware is program that mediates between application and system software or between two different kinds of application software. Utility is a small useful program with limited capability. Applets are small applicatio
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