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八上英语Unit1翻译练习 整理时间:2014-10-201. 我大部分时间待在家里读书和休息。I just stayed at home _ _ _ _ to read and relax.2. 我给我的父母买了一些东西,但是什么也没给自己买。I _ _ for my parents, but _ for myself.3. 在那儿,唯一的问题是晚上除了读书之外无事可干。 The only problem was that there was _ _ to do in the evening but _.4. 阳光明媚,天气炎热,因此我们决定去宾馆附近的海滩上。It was sunny and hot, so we _ _ go to the beach near the hotel.5. 由于天气糟糕,山下我们什么都看不清。 _ _ the bad weather, we couldnt _ _ _ .6. 看那些乌云,天似乎要下雨了。Look at the dark clouds. It _ _ rain.7. 我不得不等着他出来。I have to _ _ him to come out.8. 我们根本不知道他过去的生活是什么样的。We dont know _ his life was _ in the past at all.9. 你认为这本书怎么样?How _ _ _ the book?What _ _ _ _ the book?10. 星期天下午,我们去放风筝了。_ Sunday afternoon, we _ kites.11. 这部老电影让我哭泣。This old movie _ me _.12. 在大海里游泳我们玩得很开心。We had great _ _ in the sea.13. 我的同学让我坚持下去,因此我就继续前进了。My classmates told me _ _ _ ,so I went on.14. 我爸没有带足够的钱,我们只能吃一碗米饭和一些鱼。My father didnt _ _ _ ,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.15. 我们仍有足够的时间让这个生日蛋糕看起来足够好。We still have _ _ to make this birthday cake look _ _16. 昨天他做了特别的事情了吗?Did he do _ _ yesterday?17. 我想知道他们昨天为什么没来参加晚会?I _ _ they didnt come to the party yesterday.18. 很多老年人喜欢晚饭后散步。Many old people _ _ after dinner.19. 这肉味道很棒。The meat _ _.20. 我认为这本词典不贵。I _ this _ is _.21. 滑翔伞运动太激动人心了,我感觉我就像一只小鸟。_ was too _, and I _ _ I were a bird.22. 今天我感觉不想吃任何东西。I dont _ _ _ food today.23. 我爸爸要求我每天写英语日记。My father asked me _ _ _ in English everyday24. 玲玲查明了火车什么时间离开吗?Does Lingling _ _ when the train leaves?25. 他们在花园里跳上跳下。They jumped _ _ _ in the garden.26. 他去了纽约度假。He _ _ New York City _ _.27. 一天会有多大的变化啊!What a _a day _!28. 每个人都玩得开心吗?是的,一切都很棒。Did everyone _ _ _ _ ? Oh, yes. Everything was _.29. 商人们喜欢各种各样的活动。The _ like all _ of _30. 我们回家时,月亮开始升起来了。The moon started to _ _ when we got home.31. 小明很忙,他为了测验而学习。Xiao Ming was busy and he _ _ _ yesterday.32. 你的假期怎么样?_ _ your vacation?33. 在农场,我们喂母鸡食物了。 We _ some _ _ the farm.34. 这男孩没打伞在雨中跑。The boy ran in the rain _ _ _.35. 让我们继续学习英语吧!Lets _ _ English.36. 我通常骑自行车上学。 I usually_ _ to go to school.37. 当他回家时,他的衬衫全湿了。His shirt was all_ when he came home.38. 中美之间存在很多分歧。There are many _ between China and America.39. 我不喜欢这部电影,我认为它无聊。I _ this movie. I think it is _.40. 这个城市有许多古老的建筑。There are many _ _in this city.41. 你觉得这次旅行怎么样?How did you _ _ the trip?42. 由于人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。We _ over an hour _ the train because there were_ _ people.八上英语Unit2翻译练习 整理时间:2014-10-201. 我每周上网三到四次。I use the internet _ _ _ _ a week.2. 喝牛奶对你的健康有益。_ _ is _ _ your health.3. 我们学校百分之三十五的学生是女生。Thirty-five _ _ students in our school are girls.4. 他的长相跟他的几个兄弟相似。He _ _ _ his brothers in look.7. 你必须每天至少睡8个小时。 You must sleep for _ _ eight hours every day.8. 我们班有四十多个学生。八上英语Unit3翻译练习 整理时间:2014-10-205. 最重要的是要快乐。The most important thing is _ _ _.6. 我很害羞,因此我不容易交朋友。Im shy so its not easy for me _ _ _.7. 年轻人应该关心老人。The young people _ _ _ the old.8. 她喜欢和妈妈做同样的事情。She likes to do _ _ thing _ her mother does.9. 迈克不能容忍老师说的话。Mike _ _ his teachers word.10. 你查清他迟到的原因了吗?Did you _ _ why he was late?11. 她去超市买了相当多的东西。She went to the supermarket and bought _ _ _ things.12. 她的爸爸装扮成圣诞老人。Her father _ _ as Father Christmas.
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