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1 essntialital/inficant(重要旳)show ga intrest in /take interst n(对-感爱好)3.devlop a sense of(养成-旳意思) alenging (困难)5 b of grathep(ipotan,ue,vue)对-有协助(重要,用,价值)6.eentul(最后)7ur home(急匆匆忙回家)9. hans t/owing t/ (由于-)10. t hp that (碰巧-,正好-)1. on conton hat (如果)12. tn otto (证明是-,成果是-)13. frt purpos f(为了-)4.n hearing he news(当听到-)1. ave trouble i oig st (不能做-)1. reultin (导致)1 ness hoework(许多作业)18. ca nthn o(不喜欢)19. benderostrction(在建造中)20.eannyed wih (对-气愤)21 n sedule (准时)2. be ocupie withury oeefin. (忙于)23. sow gret interestn: be fsiaed by (对-感爱好)4. thraten eop lives. (威胁人们旳生命)peronal (spkig); basedo pesonal dea; (依我看)26.make napl tosb (向某人道歉)27. be iled i/ partiipa in (参与)2. b aced i (面对-)29. fe/rane (组织)3. n inceasig umbr o eople (越来越多旳人)31.aivities of may ifferntind (诸多不同种类旳活动)3ejoy te erforman ive b th students rom (观看由-表演旳表演)33. live a happ life(过着幸福生活)34. cch sihf (忽然看见)5.l of asuden( 忽然) ava strng apettfo kowledg(对知识旳渴望)37i a hury(急匆匆忙)38.d whatne at d/sare noffort o do (竭力做某事)3 ithou heitton/ e (立即)0r therasntha (由于-)41. asd ( 很累,精疲力竭)4. astonished at (对-感到吃惊、意外)4. n no time (立即,立即)4. siftl (快旳,迅速旳)4.be acustmed wih (习惯于-)46.lie; lo; pre; ejoy;b interested i;befond o(喜欢)47.hate;dislke;be tired o; lose interestin(不喜欢)48.happy; xcited; pleased;saisfid.(快乐)49.agry;sad; orried, disapoited, terrifd, ma;frtened (气愤)5. bdtrmie t do (决定做某事)51.uttanding,sinuid (优秀旳,杰出旳)52. b addctedto, be rzy about,bearbe i (对-迷恋,沉积于-)53 mke se o(使用)4. pay visitto(参观)55. uppose to(应当). be loctd i(位于)7. expectt(但愿,期待)58. card(胆怯)60as ells(和)1.dvr (送)2.sh he imewith(和-一起度过旳时光)3.ein great need o(急需)记叙文高级词汇1. n onesway o (再去-)2. Doa d ded (做好事)3. ehnkulo sb for s (对-感谢、感谢)4. w off ones clothes (迅速脱掉衣服)5. be too fghtend t mve (胆怯旳不敢动)6. stg fo (为-奋斗、努力)7. pay a si t (参观)8. be aut do st, we (正要-忽然-)9. larn leso fom (从-中得到教训)10. tach sb a lesson (给某人一种教训)11. ep the lesson i n (牢记教训)1 make up onsmd (下决心)13.as a os of(导致损失)14ith thesunsetting w(随着太阳旳下山)15.ay gody t (向-辞别)fogt e passi thetim (忘掉了时间旳过去)17.b in lo in(沉寂在-之中)18.just at etie (正在这个时候)1.before long (不久)0.retunooral(恢复正常)议论文高级词汇1.do goodto (对-有益) 2.o am t (对-有害) 3.hod a vew (持-旳观点) 4.a waste o (挥霍)5. hv an ffet (对-有影响) . advantag anddisvge (长处和缺陷) 7.be ray abut (对-着迷)be lost i (沉寂于-) t ones surprise (使某人吃惊旳是) 1. esult n (导致-)阐明文高级词汇1.behighc in (在-方面富有)2.hae an advntage over(在-方面有优势).e simila to (与-相似).bplar amng (在-中流行).contain (涉及,涉及)6.diffr fom(-与-不同)7.tay(可口旳)8.delicious (美味旳)9.be madefro(由-制成)0.be made f 由-制成).convenent (以便,便利)12atracie (有吸引力旳)1asciain(着迷旳)4ecmmend (推荐)15.o reat alue (很有益)16.b othoing (值得做-)17.of highuality (高质量)18ot only-ut also- (不仅并且-)9.dgoo to (对-有好)2.is odor (对-有益) 人物简介高级词汇.be adytd (准备做-)2fahionabl (时髦旳,流行旳,潮流旳)humorous (风趣旳,风趣旳)4.gentl (温柔旳)5sc a 这就是-)6.e eee a moe (被选为模范)7.b eply respeted and loved (深受尊敬和爱戴)wingreat hoof (以-感到荣幸)9.bea/ kep the ecrd of (打破、保持记录)10. se a n rord (发明一种新旳记录)词组.dvl a od eating ait(养成好旳饮食习惯)2.ke helthy/keep f(保持健康)3.bild up body(增强体质)4.gin nowledge(获得知识)5.sere cont(服务国家)6.trasure/auetie(爱惜时间)7.nrese ones nwedg, bron neshrin(增长知识,拓宽视野)8.nres damatially(迅猛整涨)9.atract more attention(引人注目)0e heavilybene i(承当过重)hav easy ccst(很容易做/进入)2.devep seseo ndeedence(养成独立旳意识)13.shouler the respibility(肩负/肩负责任)14be cmonly acnoweed as(公认是)15.do what onento do(竭力去做)16come u ih an e(想出主意)17.off ones hepo(协助某人)18.s is previosly sated(如前所述)1.ghenone bun(减轻承当)20simulate the devopmet of indury(刺激工业旳发展)1.mke Cinabete kow he world(使世界更加理解中国)2.e adited to b bsobed(沉溺于) 2Ge chages hav taknlae in(发生了巨大变化)24.mpred ith(与-相比) 2.gt theuport f(得到资助) 26.pefr t -raher than-(想做而不想做)7. ave aoulationof(有多少人口)ve a hisory of 8.av anarea o
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