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五年级上学期期中测试 英语试卷(考试时间60分钟)Class(班级)_ Name(姓名) _听力部分(共50分)(听力材料读两遍).听音,选出句子中所含有的单词。(5分) ( )1. A.uncle B.aunt C.cousin ( )2. A.sister B.brother C. mother ( )3. A.father B.grandfather C. mother ( )4. A.driver B.farmer C.worker ( )5. A.parents B.grandparents C.parent.听音,标号。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Look, read and number. 听音标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).Listen and tick.()(10分)JulietTimSimonSarah.听短文选择填空。(10分)( )1.I am_.A.Ann B.Bob Adams C.Sam( )2.Ann is _.A.My sister B.My mother C.My cousin( )3.My aunt is_.A.Ann B. Anns mother C.Lin Tao( )4.Sam is _ years old.A.four B.five C.six( )5.Lin Tao is _.A.a cook B.a teacher C.a driver. Listen and choose. 听录音,根据对话选择正确的答案,补全句子信息。(10分)( )1. In one minute a top athlete can run about _. A. 50metres B. 100metres C. 4oometres( )2. Simon is my _. A.brother B. uncle C. cousin( )3. Angela has got _. A. a necklace B. a ring C. a toy( )4. Betty Lin often gets up at _. A. six B.seven C.eight( )5. I can draw _animals in a minutes.A.5 B.15 C.50 读写部分(共50分). Look and write. 看图片,根据首字母写出单词。(5分) 1. d 2.r 3.n 4.n 5.f . Look and write. 看钟面显示的时间,在横线上写出句子。(10分)Whats the time? Its _ _ _ _8:45 _ .Number the sentences.(5分)( )Three.A rabbit,a snake and a frog.( )Yes,toy animals.( )Simon,have you got any mascots?( )Thats nice.Thank you,Simon.( )How many have you got?. Read and choose. 选择填空,将字母序号填在括号里。(5分)( ) 1. -Are these your grandparents? -_.A.Yes,they are B. Yes,they arent C. No,they are.( ) 2. Toby _ got a nice face.A. have B. has C. is( ) 3. Is she_ friend?A. you B. your C. yours( ) 4. There_ two necklaces in my pink schoolbag. A. is B. are C. be( ) 5. -What _ time on the clock? - Its nine.A. Is B. Is the C. Is it. Make the sentences. 将下面单词或词组连成句子写在横线上。(10分)1. desk. are There lots of on my mascots _.2. grandfather? you Emmas Are _?3. taxi is My a father driver. _.4. got toy Simon two has soft pandas. _.5. at past School quarter stars eight. _. .Reading. 阅读理解。(10分) Johns new hobby(约翰的新爱好) John is ten years old. He lives in a small town near London. He is very sporty(喜欢运动的). He plays football after school. On the weekend, he likes riding his bike or swimming in the pool.One day he breaks(折断) his leg. He has to stay at home and he isreally sad. His mother buys him many books: story books and comic books about sports. But he doesnt want to read. In the evening, Johns father comes home and he has two letters in hands. John looks at a big stamp on one envelope(信封). There is a beautiful castle(城堡) on the stamp. John likes that stamp. He says, “I want to collect stamps. Buy me an album(集邮册), please.”Now collecting stamps is Johns new hobby. He has got twenty-seven stamps in his album. There are mountains, rivers, seas, beaches, animals, birds, buildings, cars, flowers and people on these stamps.阅读短文,判断句子正()误()。( )1. John comes from London.( )2. John likes reading books.( )3. John breaks his leg and has to stay at home.( )4. Johns new hobby is sports.( )5. John has got 27 stamps.Peter SmithPeter Smith reads the late news on British television at 11 oclock each evening. He always has breakfast with his three children. Then he reads the newspaper and goes back to bed for a short time(一小会儿). Later on, he goes for a swim. Sometimes he goes running. After lunch, he starts work at two oclock. He always tries to go home to see his child
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