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2023中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、- Would you like me to help you?- _ .AIt doesnt matter BYes, I can do it myselfCNot at all DThanks, I can manage it myself2、 Could you tell me _? Next year.Awhen did he come backBwhen he came backCwhen will he come backDwhen he will come back3、The inventor of the Braille writing system called Louis died of TB at the age of 43.Aof 43 Baged 43 Cwhen he was 43 Da forty-three-year old4、Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _ as that in the day with the light.Abright Bbrightly Cbrighter Dmore brightly5、The magician is planning to hide the Oriental Pearl Tower before a big audience.Really? I have never heard _ idea before.Athe crazierBa crazierCthe craziestDa craziest6、- is the playground?-Its about 7,000 square metres .AHow longBHow largeCHow farDHow much7、-_ is your classroom cleaned?-Twice a day.AHow many timesBHow muchCHow oftenDHow many8、Where are you going for your holiday?-Well, we _ yet.Ahavent decidedBhadnt decidedCdont decideDdidnt decide9、Knives and forks for most Western food.Ais usingBare usedChave usedDwill be used10、.It heavily when I went home from the supermarket.Awas rainingBwill rainingCis rainingDrains. 完形填空11、One Sunday afternoon, Marion sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and said happily, “Happy birthday, Daddy. Youre 40 years old today, 1 Im going to give you 40 kisses, one for 2 !” When the boy started making good in his words, the father 3 ,“ Michael, dont do it now, I cant come up with any ways to solve my 4 Im too busy!”The boy soon fell silent as tears 5 from his big blue eyes slowly. Feeling 6 , the father said, “You can finish later. Daddy is busy with business now. ” He hugged the boy hurriedly as well.The boy said nothing but quietly walked 7 That evening the father said: “Michael, Come and 8 your work now!” But the boy didnt.Unluckily, a few days later after the fathers birthday, the boy had a terrible 9 and died. His sad father wrote, “If only I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words, and how much my 10 is hurting.”Do remember: Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will it take it as a “No” and it can 11 a scar(伤痕). If we dont receive 12 , our life will lose 13 true meaning. 14 is more important than accepting love from those 15 are near and dear to us.1Abecause Bso Cthen Dthough.2Aeach Bevery Cother Danther3Aspoke Btold Cshouted Dsaid4Abusiness Bproblems Cquestions Dthings5Acame Bfelt Cwere Dran6Aunhappy Bsorry Ctired Dangry7Aoff Baway Cdown Din8Acatch Bbegin Cfinish Ddo9Ahomework Bfather Cluck Daccident10Aheart Bears Ceyes Dhands11Ahave Bcut Cgive Dleave12Apresent Blove Cmoney Dkiss13Ait Bitself Cits Dits14ANothing BEverything CSomething DAnything15Awhom Bwhose Cwhat Dwho. 语法填空12、The first thing people notice about other people is the way they look. If you look clean, people 1 (feel) as if you are a hard-working person. A nice look shows that you value 2 (you). A nice look doesnt mean you have to spend a lot of money 3 clothes or accessories(配饰). Someone can look uncomfortable in 4 expensive suit if they dont brush their hair or clean their clothes. Someone else can seem to be good-looking in an old shirt and pants that has been cleaned. Besides, its also important 5 (consider) if your look is suitable for the situation. You may look lovely in your party clothes or feel 6 (confidence) in your business suit, 7 these would look out of style in a more casual(随便的) situation such as at a picnic or at the movies. Its important to be comfortable in 8 youre wearing, but you also need to fit in with what other people will be wearing. Wear suits for 9 you and the situation best: jeans and T-shirts are fine for friends and 10 (movie); a nice shirt and pants are more suitable for work. 阅读理解A13、Marshas House Come and enjoy home on your trips.We offer rooms of different sizes anddelicious food.No.5 Park Road: 543002Country Life MarketOur fruits and vegetables come infresh every morning.Special prices for the first month.Opening hours: 10:00 am. - 10: pm.No.3 Clinton StreetTel: 544996Wawa VillageThe best school for your dog.They learn everything here.Also a nice home fo
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