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圩角小学四年级英语教案第7单元 课题:Unit7 Whats the matter? 第1教时 总第 个教案 执教者: 施海燕 思考与调整:教学内容:unit7 story time教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读并会写单词:thirsty,water,ill,tired,happy2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:dear及Whats the matter? ImCan I have.? Here you are. Come and have.?教学重点:1.学生能会读、会拼、会写单词:thirsty, water, ill, tired and happy2.学生能灵活运用句型:Whats the matter? Im Can I have? Here you are. Come and have? 教学难点:1.学生能灵活运用句型:Whats the matter? Im Can I have? Here you are. Come and have?教学准备:挂图、图片教学过程:Step I. Preparation1、Greetings.T:(唱)Hello, hello, how are you?Ss:(唱)Im fine, thank you.(师生用歌曲how are you?进行打招呼)T: Hello , boys and girls . Ss: Hello, Miss Chen. .T: How are you?. Ss :Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Not bad(等于Im fine.), thanks. 2、Play a game(用丰富的物品呈现并猜测的方式,让学生在积极参与的氛围中复习Heres a .for you .的句型,复习这一句型是为下面的学习作好铺垫作用。)Step II. Presentation 1、学习 thirsty(出示图片)思考与调整:T:Im not hungry.Im thirsty.Can I have some water?指名学生读thirsty. 师指导读准确。2.引出教学 Whats the matter?和tired. Today, we will have a new friend. Look, shes coming.(出示卖火柴的小女孩)Whos she? T: Shes little match girl. 师领读。T: Lets say how are you to the little match girl. 图片回答: Not so good.T: Whats the matter? 边问边出示板书图片回答:Im hungry.教学matter 出示单词卡片。利用字母a的读音进行音标拼读。领读,小组读,点名读。教学 Whats the matter? 领读,小组读,点名读。 最后全班一起问:Whats the matter? 图片回答:Im cold.教学cold Lean “cold” 利用字母o的读音进行音标拼读。领读,升降读,小组读,点名读。(板书) T: Boys and girls ,are you cold? Maybe a little, Yes or no?(引导学生一起来做运动,从而教学单词hot,tired) Lets do some exerciseLets walk, one two three four, two two three fourLets jump, one two three four, two two three fourLets run, one two three four, two two three four(教师带领学生做运动,走、跳、跑,运动后问)T:Are you cold now?(教师带领学生回答)No. Im hot and tired.(1)出示hot学习,拼读Chant: hot,hot,hot,Im hot. hot,hot,hot,youre hot. hot,hot,hot,hes hot. hot,hot,hot,shes hot.T: What s the matter? S1: Im hot.T: Heres a fan for you.思考与调整:S1: Thank youT: Not at all.T-S,S-S(2)出示tired学习,拼读Sing after me:(用两只老虎的音乐,让学生跟教师唱)Are you tired? Are you tired? Yes,I am. Yes,I am.Are you tired? Are you tired? No,Im not. No,Im not.T:Whats the matter? S1: Im tired.T: Heres a chair for you.S1: Thank you4. 学习illT:Now, boys and girls. We are all very tired. Shall we have a rest?(OK)(示意学生伏在课桌上休息一会儿,然后走到一生前)Excuse me,how are you?S11:Im fine.T: (出示一男孩生病ill的图片)Look, is he fine ,too?Ss:(在教师引导下回答)No, he is ill.出示ill学习,拼读2.Lets play games.(1)Whats missing?Step III. Practice and productionPractice in pairs补充习题P32IV.Homework
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