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文物种类及材质:Calligraphy 书法Painting 绘画Stone inscription 碑刻Textiles and embroidery 织绣Silk 丝绸Porcelain 瓷器Pottery 陶器Silver 银器Tapestry 挂毯Sculpture 雕塑Bronze青铜 Jade 玉器Lacquer lk,lk(r) 漆器Furniture 家具Enamel 珐琅Carving 雕刻品Snuff bottles 鼻烟壶Jewellery 珠宝Potted landscapes 盆景Seals 印玺Ancient books 古籍 Materials 材质 原料pearl 珍珠coral 珊瑚Enamel 珐琅Diamond 钻石Ruby rubine 红宝石Sapphire sfa 蓝宝石Emerald 祖母绿Agate 玛瑙Crystal 水晶Iron ain 铁Ivory 象牙Limestone 石灰石Marble 大理石Soapstone 皂石Glass 玻璃Glaze 釉Underglaze painting 釉下彩Varnished, unvarnished 涂(无)漆的 Watercolor 水彩Metal 金属Pure gold 赤金Gilding 镀金Gold foil 金箔inset with 镶嵌Engraved with patterns錾花工作人员director馆长 deputy director副馆长 keeper (UK)部门负责 head of department (US)部门负责 curator kjrt研究员,策展人 assistant curatorConservator kns(:)veit保管员 officer职员 personal assistant私人助理 secretary秘书 Art handler 管理员Conservator for paintings 书画管理员Editor 编辑Education officer 教务主任Exhibition designer 展览设计师Guard 警卫Packer 包装者Receptionist 接待员Secretary 秘书Staff entrance员工通道Shipping and receiving room 收发室Storage room 储藏室陈列展览 Gallery 展厅Exhibits 展品Auxiliary articles for display 辅助展品Arrange exhibits 布展Content design 内容设计Artistic design 艺术设计Curator 策展人Design drawing 设计图Exhibition in the original form 原状展览Temporary display 临时展览Permanent display 常设展览Poster 海报Guide post 路引folders 折页preface / forword 前言Written explanation eksplnein 说明文字Instructionplate 说明牌Catalogue 图录Pedestals 台座Artificial wall 装饰墙Setting view 景观Daylighting natural light 采光Lighting 照明Temperature 温度 humidity 湿度Crate/storage st:rid 展箱show case 展柜 air-condition 空调Climate klaimit controlled 环境控制Cradle/stand kreidl 托架 展台Packing case 包装箱Packing list 装箱单Gloves 手套Hanging wire 挂镜线Hook 挂钩Key 钥匙Ladder 梯子Magnifying glass 放大镜Trolly 手推车Mannequin 人体模型Weighing scales 体重秤Emulsion 乳胶剂Paint 油漆Conservation laboratory 文物修复实验室点交伤况:Check 点交Check list 点交单Front 前面Back 后面Bottom 底部Center /centre 中心Extreme 末端Join, joint 连接处Centimeter 厘米Frame 画框Mount (for object) 衬纸 卡纸Canvas knvs 帆布 油画布Lining 内衬Recto 书籍右页Fragile frdail 易碎的Abrasion bren 磨损Fraying 磨损 织物磨损后落下的碎屑片)wear and tear 正常磨损acid stain 酸性污浊Break 打碎 损坏Chip 破裂 碎片Corrosion krn 腐蚀Erosion irun 腐蚀, 侵蚀; 磨损Rot 腐烂 Crack 裂痕 开裂Crease 折痕Damage 损坏Dent 压痕Detached (from mat or mount) (从卡纸上)脱离Deterioration 变质Dirt 脏 污垢Discoloration 变色Flaking 剥落Patch 补丁Inherent vice 自身缺陷 Insect damage 虫蛀Loose joints 开粘Loss 缺 失 Dry rot 干枯 枯朽Dullness 钝Fossilization 化石作用Previous pri:vis repair 旧修Hole 洞Patina ptn 铜锈Rust 生锈Scratch 划痕Swelling 肿胀 膨胀Smudge smd 污点 斑点Warp w:p 弯曲Weaving 编织的Wrinkling 起皱Yellowing 发黄Color staining 染色布展:lift out 提升Keep dry 保持干燥Locked 锁上Sealed 密封的Taped 用胶带附着Soft-wrapped package 箱内附有柔软物This side up 此面朝上Lifting 上升Raking light 偏光Sizing 上胶
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