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20062007学年第二学期五年级期中考试试卷班级: 姓名 一、 Write the letters.(按字母表顺序填写所缺字母的大小写 )Aa _ Cc_ Ee Ff _ Hh Ii _ Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo _ Qq _Ss Tt _Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz二、 Circle the word that doesnt belong.(选出划线部分发音不同的单词)( )1. A. seven B. he C. she D. bee( )2. A. glad B. bed C. bag D. backpack( )3. A. video B. violin C. watch D. vet( )4. A. flute B. five C. fifth D. crab( )5. A. ant B. table C. badminton D. astronaut( )6. A. brother B. bus C. come D. do( )7. A. driver B. drums C. dress D. tree( )8. A. ken B. letter C. friend D. hers三、 Read and match.(图文匹配,将相应短语抄在相应图片下的横线上) Play the drums, play table tennis, play tennis, play the violin1._ 2. _ 3._4. _四、 Read and write. (写出一个同类词)1.his yours 2. violin flute 3.basketball volleyball 4. which what 五、 Choose and write.(选择正确的答案,并填写在 上)1. _ ( Whose, Who) backpack is that? Its mine. 2. This pen is _. (her, hers)3. A: _(When, where) is your birthday?B: Its December 1st.4. A: _(When, Where) were you yesterday?B: I was at home.5. He will _(play, played) the guitar.6. Will your parents_(come, came)?7. _(My, Mine) name is Andy.8. A: Hi, Andy. _(When, Where) is your book?B: Its in the desk.9. She wont_(go, went) on vacation.10. Mocky didnt _(visit, visited) their friends yesterday.六、 Read and check. (读短文,判断正误,对写“T”错写“F”)He is my friend Tim. His favorite game is football. He often play it with his friends after school at the sports center. He plays it three to four times a week.1. Tim is a boy. ( )2. His favorite game is basketball. ( )3. He often plays it on Sunday. ( )4. He plays it at school. ( )5. He plays it three to four times a week. ( )七、 Make up the sentence.(将下列词组组成句)1. Whose, is, box, this ?2. will, play, Ann, the piano .3. who, that, is ?4. like, you, Which, do, dress ?5. friend, he, is, Whose ?6. do, play, you, table tennis, how often ?7. sport, Which, favorite, your, is ?八、 作文:假设你是Ken, 根据表格写出篇至少五句话的短文NameKenAge11years oldThe plan of tomorrowgo to schoolhave English classdo the homework
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