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主题语境:新闻报道与社会现象体裁:新闻报道阅读建议时长:7min原文出处:China Daily词数:312难度:文章导读:近日,2023年全国游泳冠军赛上,年仅18岁的潘展乐大放异彩,他在男子100米自由泳项目中夺得冠军,并打破了全国和亚洲纪录。中国游泳队迎来了一位未来之星的同时,也创造了新的历史!Chinas Teenager Pan Breaks Mens 100m Freestyle Asian Record18岁中国小将破亚洲游泳纪录!Chinas rising star Pan Zhanle broke the mens 100m freestyle Asian record at the swimming national championships on May 1, 2023.Pan, 18, led all the way to win the 100m free in 47.22 seconds, 0.34 seconds faster than the old Asian record. Wang Haoyu was second in 48.15, while Chen Juner came third in 48.94.“It is beyond my expectation ,” said Pan. “My time was always around 47.50 in training.”Pans result ranked first in the events world rankings this year, beating world champion David Popovicis year best of 47.61 made at the Romanian national championships in April. “I hope I can be one of the world best swimmers and compete with David Popovici one day,” he added. Pan broke the short-course 100m free Asian record at the short course swimming worlds in Melbourne last year.In the womens 200m butterfly, Olympic champion Zhang Yufei grabbed the gold in 2:07.99, which was far behind her training time. Yu Liyan came second in 2:08.33, while Zhang Yipan was third in 2:09.79. “My coach and I had expected a time around 2:05.00,” said Zhang Yufei, who won the womens 200m butterfly and 4x200m freestyle relay Olympic golds at Tokyo 2020.In the mens 200m medley, Tokyo Olympic champion Wang Shun led all the way to the gold in 1:55.55. Qin Haiyang finished second in 1:57.79. Two-time mens 100mbackstroke world champion Xu Jiayu also showed his strength in his signature event as he timed 52.47 to win the 100m back.Also on May 1, Tang Qianting ranked first in 30.88 to win the womens 50m breaststroke, while Team Zhejiang won the womens 4x100m freestyle relay with 3:38.07. The national championships, running from May 1 to 6, also serves as a qualifier for the swimming worlds in Fukuoka, Japan in July and the Hangzhou Asian Games in September.文化拓展freestyle:自由泳,严格地来说不是一种游泳姿势,而是竞技游泳的一种比赛项目,它的竞赛规则对游泳姿势几乎没有任何限制。人们在这种对泳姿几乎没有任何限制的比赛项目里往往会使用爬泳这种阻力小、速度快的泳姿,所以在现在,通常把自由泳和爬泳等同看待。而爬泳这种姿势结构合理,阻力小,速度均匀、快速,是最省力、速度最快的一种游泳姿势。常见的游泳姿势还有butterfly(蝶泳)、breaststroke(蛙泳)、medley(混合泳)等。Melbourne:墨尔本,澳大利亚南部滨海城市,澳大利亚第一大城市。墨尔本是维多利亚州首府,世界著名的旅游城市和国际大都市。词汇积累 核心词汇释义expectation / ekspekte n/n.预料;预期;期待expect v. 预料,预期;期待expectant adj. 期待的;预期的rank / r k/n.等级;军衔;行列,排v.排列;把分等级;属于某等级grab / r b/n.v.抓住;攫取;抓住(机会) 现在分词:grabbing 过去式/过去分词:grabbedgrabber n.强夺者;强取者;掠夺者relay /ri le /n. 接力赛;接班的人(或动物);轮换者v.传递,传达(信息、新闻等)signature /s n t (r)/n.签名,署名;明显特征,鲜明特色sign v.签名,署名;示意;打手势n. 指示牌;征兆,迹象;手势serve as担任,充当;起的作用拓展词汇释义qualifier /kw l fa (r)/n. 预选赛;资格赛金句赏析 1. Pans result ranked first in the events world rankings this year, beating world champion David Popovicis year best of 47.61 made at the Romanian national championships in April.【句意】在今年的世界排名中,潘的成绩名列第一,击败了世界冠军大卫波波维奇4月在罗马尼亚全国锦标赛上创造的47.61秒的年度最佳成绩。【句式剖析】句子主干:Pans result ranked first.beating world champion. at the Romanian national championships in April是v-ing短语作状语;made at the Romanian national championships in April是v-ed短语作后置定语,修饰47.61。2.In the womens 200m butterfly, Olympic champion Zhang Yufei grabbed the gold in 2:07.99, which was far behind her training time.【句意】女子200米蝶泳中,奥运冠军张雨霏以2分07秒99的成绩夺得金牌,这远远落后于她的训练时间。【句式剖析】句子主干:.Olympic champion Zhang Yufei grabbed the gold.In the womens 200m butterfly为介词短语作状语;which was far behind her training time为which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词2:07.99。配套练习 一、选词填空-句子5fcdb378-5082-44fb-9a97-d55ba0207010expectation rank grab relay signature serve as(1) Im writing to invite you to take part in the long-distance _ race.(2) As a film fan, I was delighted to get the _ of my favorite film star.(3) Its widely believed that the world will _ a bridge for cultural exchange between the countries.(4) The teacher would _ the art of all the students in the class from the best to the worst.(5) The silent student gave the best solution to the problem, which was rather beyond our _.(6) Using a joke in a speech may _ the audiences attention and make them interested in what you say.二、句子翻译c929e999-395b-4717-8f4c-d3c70d6edf8d(1) 这个城市被名山大川环绕,旅游资源丰富,吸引着来自世界各地的人。(v-ed 形式作定语; surround) _(2) 濒危物种的数量日益增多,这让很多人忧心忡忡。(which 引导的非限制性定语从句) _三、其他91a9c977-cc15-4ffe-9232-a337f2c5def1(1) How does Pan Zhanle feel about his winning the 100m freestyle?A. Confident. B. Surprised. C. Confused. D. Curious. (2) Whats the main purpose of the third paragraph?A. To show how excellent Pan Zhanle was by making comparisons. B. To explain why Pan
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