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语法填空之形容词和副词学习目标:1. 分清形容(adj)和副词(adv), 包括它们的形式和各自的作用 2. 能在语境中正确选择用形容词还是副词,并写对形式 3. 注意形容词和副词的一些特殊情况 4. 要分清不同的“级”, 并能在语境中正确使用不同的“级”(原级、比较级、最高级)学习方法:1. 自主学习(理解并熟记形容词和副词各自的作用和正确形式) 2. 通过练习加深对自主学习内容的理解和记忆,并不断思考总结以验证自主学习内容的规律,以便达到更好的灵活使用形容词和副词的目的学习过程: Step1 自主学习(理解熟记,不懂的立即问) 1)形容词的作用:修饰名词作定语,如:a beautiful girl;系动词后作表语,如:What you said just now is exciting.作动词的宾补,如:Green vegetables keep you healthy. 2) 副词的作用:修饰形容词、动词、副词、介词短语及句子,作状语,如: extremely terrible(adj), work(v) hard, get up very late(adv), deep into the night(介词短语), Fortunately, he passed the exam. 3)动词、名词变形容词的常见后缀:后缀例词-ableacceptacceptable suit-suitablecomfortcomfortable reason-reasonable-ibleaccessaccessible horrorhorrible terror-terrible-ful-lessforgetforgetful harmharmful hopelesshopehopeful peacepeaceful helpless-edexciteexcited frighten-frightened-ingexciteexciting frighten-frightening-almusicmusical originoriginal personpersonal centercentral nature-natural-iveactactive effecteffective impress-impressive-ousanxietyanxious curiositycurious humor-humorous-tconfidenceconfident patience-patient-ytastetasty healthhealthy sun-sunny-ishfoolfoolish childchildish self-selfish-ernsouthsouthern east-eastern 4)形容词变副词的后缀: 在形容词后加ly可变成相应意义的副词直接加lyslow-slowly改y为i后加lyhappy-happily去e加lytruetruly 注意:一些以ly结尾的词是形容词而不是副词:friendly, lively, lovely, likely, deadly, silly, orderly, timely 等,需特殊记忆。 5)特殊情况:1. ill, content, afraid, asleep, awake, alive, alone, worth等形容词只放在系动词后作表语。如:Im alone now. 2. 有些词有固定的副词修饰,如:all alone, sound/fast asleep, wide awake, well worth, like/enjoy much, well/clearly remember等,也需特殊记忆。 3.有些副词有两种形式,如:close(adj and adv) /closely, free/freely, high/highly, deep/deeply等,请看例句区别: They are deeply moved. (抽象) They dived deep in the sea. (具体)特别注意这两个词:hard (adv):辛苦地,努力地;hardly (adv)几乎不 6)形容词及副词的“级”1. 熟悉特殊形式的比较级和最高级,如:good/well, better, best2. 熟悉常见的比较结构,如:as as; 比较级+ than; the +比较级, the + 比较级;the +比较级+ of the +名词等3. 注意特殊的词,如:senior (to), junior (to), superior (to)等本身含有比较意义,无比较级、最高级形式。Step 2 Exercises (Practice makes perfect!) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The river was so polluted that it _(actual) caught fire and burned.2. Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and _ (soft).3. Just be _ (patience).4. Although parents should take _ (well) care of their young children, they dont _ (necessary) do anything for them.5. -Do you like Marys new hairstyle?-Perfect! How much _ (good) she looks with the curly short hair!6. - Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?- Not at all. I cant have a _ (bad) one.7. - Lily did succeed at last!- Yeah, indeed, but she was _ (luck) than successful, I think.8. That would be a very _ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like this.9. Mary felt _ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room.10. The teachers are very enthusiastic and _ (friend) and the classrooms are _ (amaze). 单句改错 (只有一处错误)1. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste.2. We dont need to do so many homework. Therefore, we have more time for after-school activities.3. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.4. That is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are.5. Im always caution about what I say because some careless remarks are likely to hurt others feelings.6. Doing physical exercise is an effect way to get rid of anger.7. But such a small thing couldnt possible destroy a village.8. Interesting, it has a connection with the British porcelain (瓷器) industry.9. In some places you may borrow as more books as you need, but in others you are limited to a certain number of books. 语法填空两篇 Some time ago, a friend of mine, who worked in a part of the city I didnt know very _ (good), invited me to call on him. It took me hours to get there and I took _ (greatly) trouble to find a proper spot to park my car. As I was already three-quarters of an hour late, I parked my car _ (quick). At noon, just I was leaving my friends office, it _ (sudden) struck me that I had no idea where I had parked my car. I could hardly go up to a policeman and tell him that I had lost a small green car somewhere! Walking down street _ street, I examined each car _ (close) and was very happy to see a small green car just behind an old car. But How _ (disappoint) I was to discover that though the car was _ (exact) like my own, it belonged to someone else! Feeling quite _ (tire) now, I went off for
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