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中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业设计(论文)中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文)抽油机地面能耗分析学生姓名:王光辉学 号:02021736 专业班级:石油工程2002-7班指导教师:张晓军 2006年6月22日customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter 5.1 loans and borrower conditions). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews . First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single2中国石油大学(华东)本科毕业设计(论文)摘 要根据游梁式抽油机四连杆机构的几何关系和运动特点,建立了游梁的摆动方程并精确计算出游梁式抽油机悬点运动参数;考虑抽油机光杆静载荷和惯性载荷及运动机构的重力和惯性情况,建立了抽油机系统相对曲柄的等效动力学模型并求出具有动平衡特征的曲柄轴净扭矩;根据抽油机皮带传动特点和力学分析,建立了一种简便的皮带传动效率计算模型,为分析抽油机瞬时工作参数提供了理论支持;重新定义了周期载荷系数计算储电动机额定功率并以常规游梁式抽油机、调径变矩式抽油机为例,编写了计算机程序,实现了重要参数的计算,绘制了关键曲线,由此比较得出了节能抽油机的优点。文中还对其他节能抽油机进行了简要介绍。关键词:速度;加速度;扭矩;周期载荷系数;调径变矩式ABSTRACTBased on the unique geometry and mechanical movement of beam pumping unit, we have presented a simple swing equation and computed motorial parameter; meanwhile under the conditions of the static load and inertial load of the polished-rod of a conventional pumping unit, we have also presented on equivalent dynamic model of the pumping unit system and the type-curves of net torque of the crankshaft with the characteristic of inertial counterbalance have been computed; Based on features and mechanical analysis of belt,a simple model for calculating belt transmission efficiency is developed the model can provide a theoretical base for study on the other transient variable of beam pumping unit; The cyclic loading coefficients is defined once and compute the nominal Power of the motor; at last we compare the beam pumping unit and the adjustable diameter and changeable toque pumping unit, based on this a program have been finished,and we also introduce other power saving pumping units.Keywords: velocity; acceleration; toque; the cyclic loading coefficients; adjustable diameter and changeable toque pumping unit目 录第1章 前言1 11 国内外油田抽油机的现状1 12 游梁式抽油机的节能方法1第2章 游梁式抽油机地面能耗分析2 21 游梁式抽油机2 22 抽油机悬点运动规律3 221 游梁摆动方程的建立 3第3章 地面能耗分析软件的编制与应用5 31 油井数据5 32 地面设备数据5第4章 结论7致谢8参考文献9附录10第1章 前 言1.1 国内外油田抽油机的现状抽油机分为游梁式抽油机和无游梁式抽油机两种。游梁式抽油机具有结构简单、制造容易、可靠性高、工作持久、适应工况条件好等优点,在采油工业发展的初期被大量的应用;但游梁式抽油机也存在不足之处,如效率低下、用电成本高等缺点。无游梁式抽油机有长冲程无游梁抽油机等,它具有功率因数高、效率高等优点,所以抽油机的发展方向是无游梁式抽油机1。1.2 游梁式抽油机的节能方法引起游梁式抽油机电机负载效率低的原因主要有以下几个方面:(1)游梁式抽油机的电机是带负载起动,因此起动时所需的起动电流很大,功率因数很低,对电动机的功率要求比较大。(2)游梁式抽油机的输出功率是周期性变化的,因而其驱动电机的电流也是周期性变化的。在选择电动机时,为了保证不超过允许的温度,电机的额定电流需要取电机运行过程中的最大值,相应地,对电动机额定功率的需求也就越高。(3)要准确地选取一台抽油机的驱动电动机容量,需要测量大量数据,往往很难做到,而且如何对抽油机电机容量的选择计算还没有一个统一、准确的计算公式,因此大多数情况下都采用估算的方法来选择配套电机的功率,一般留有较大余量。游梁式抽油机地面能耗分析第2章 游梁式抽油机地面能耗分析2.1 游梁式抽油机抽油机是有杆深井泵采油的主要设备。游梁式抽油机主要由游梁连杆曲柄机构、减速箱、动力设备和辅助装置等四大部分组成。工作时,动力机将高速旋转运动通过皮带和减速箱传给曲柄轴,带动曲柄作低速旋转。曲柄通过连杆经横梁带动游梁作上下摆动。挂在驴头上的悬绳器便带动抽油杆柱作往复运动(见图2-1)。宋体小五号,单倍行距,“”上下对齐,横向均匀分布。图2-1 抽油机结构简图1刹车装置 2电动机 3减速箱皮带轮 4减速箱 5输入轴6中间轴 7输出轴 8曲柄 9连杆轴 10支架11曲柄平衡块 12连杆 13横梁轴 14横梁 15游梁平衡块16游梁 17支架 18驴头 19悬绳器 20底座2.2 抽油机悬点运动规律游梁式抽油机是以游梁支点和曲柄轴中心的连线做固定杆,以曲柄、连杆和游梁后臂为三个活动杆所构成的四连杆机构(见图2-2)。
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