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Exam Preparation Focus (May, 2011)Part I: General information:This examination consists of two sections. They are:Section I:Understanding and Application of Linguistic Theories (50 points, 60 minutes)Section II:Analysis and Application(50 points, 60 minutes)Part II: Section I (5 items, 10 points for each)1. Name the four major steps where speaking and listening are concerned in face-to-face communication. Briefly state what happens during ONE of these steps. Hint: (P48-49, Task1, Activity1, Unit2) 4 major steps:Step 1: Hit upon an idea Step 2: Articulate the idea Step 3: Loaded sounds travel by air Step 4: Get the message (Each step should be explained in more details.)2. How can we distinguish between an icon, a sign, and a word?Hint: (P85&87 , Task1&2, Activity1, Unit3)An icon is related to the thing it stands for by A sign is related to the thing it stands for by A word is related to the thing it stands for by . A word doesnt have to and has no .3. Name five of the six layers of language analysis outlined in Unit 3 The Symbolic Nature of Language. Hint: (P113-114 , Task3, Activity3, Unit3) 4. What is the difference between naming and categorizing? Give examples.Hint: (P122-123 , Task1, Activity1, Unit4)When we name, we define, for example . When we categorize, we give , for example .5. What are the three worlds in which all people live, think and feel? Give an example of either an object or a concept that exists in each world.Hint: (P89-90 , Task4, Activity1, Unit3)The first world is , in which we . The second world is , in which we . The third world is , in which 6. Name five of the six maxims of politeness.Hint: (P235 , Task3, Activity3, Unit6)7. What are the necessary conditions for child language acquisition?Hint: (P336-338 , Task1&2, Activity2, Unit9)For a child to acquire his/her mother tongue, the child must be born with and must be (from age 2 to puberty). Meanwhile, the childs acquisition of language also builds . Therefore, conditions for child language acquisition include .8. Use one example to illustrate the difference between syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations among words.Hint: (P108-111 , Task1&2, Activity13, Unit3)Syntagmatic relations refer to . For example, in the sentence , when we examine the relationship between , we are looking at the syntagmatic relation; but when we consider , we are looking at .Part III: Section II:Analysis and Application (2 items, 25points for each)1. Read the following conversation and identify one apology contained in it. Analyze the apology according to the diagram which has been provided, and point out from which perspective the apologizer makes the apology.Harry has a date with Susan but has difficulty finding her place. Finally he gets to her apartment and knocks at her door. Susan opens the door.Susan:Hello, Harry. Its nice to meet you.Harry:Nice to meet you, Susan. He gives her the flowers. Sorry Im late. The traffic. The parking. I was lost. Susan:What pretty flowers. Thank you. Oh, please come in. Dont worry about being late. Its fine. Excuse the mess. I just moved here. Oh, Id like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett. Harry:Pleased to meet you. Marilyn:Nice to meet you, Harry.Victim:Apologizer:A B C DFollow-up events:Accept:Verbal: Mental:Apology:Verbal: Mental:Cause:Apology one:Apologizer: HarryA BApology:Verbal: “Sorry, Im late.” In saying this, Harry performed an illocutionary act of apologizing. Harry further explains why he is late. He says, “The traffic. The parking. I was lost.” He apologizes from the cause perspective. Mental: Harry sincerely feels sorry for being late for the appointment. Cause: Harry arrives late to Susans apartment.Victim: Susan C DFollow-up events: Susan gets on with Harry as if nothing has happened. She introduces him to her sister-in-law. Accept: Verbal: “Dont worry about being late. Its fine.” In saying this, Susan accepts Harrys apology. Mental: Susan doesnt feel hurt any more and forgives Harry. Apology two:Apologizer: SusanA BApology:Verbal: “Excuse the mess.” In saying this, Susan performed an illocutionary act of apologizing. Susan further explains why her apartment is messy. She says, “I just moved here.” She apologizes from the cause perspective. Mental: Susan really feels sorry for welcoming her guest in such a messy place. Cause: Susans apartment is not in order. Victim: Harry C
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