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词义辨析1.split, spit, spill, slip, slide(1)splitA. 破坏B. 卷起C.(使)裂开;劈开;割裂;分裂 My trousers split when I sat down. 当我坐下时,裤子被撕开了。 The river splits this city into two parts.这条河将这座城市分成了两块 【四级词义】v. (splitting;过去式、过去分词 split) 劈开;割裂;分裂 【词性变化】n. 裂口,裂缝a split in my trousers我裤子上的一个口子 split a.裂开的(2) spit A. 吐出B. 扔C. 洒 If I were a cloud, I would spit out the thinnest thread to weave a web in the field. 假如我是一朵云,我就要吐出最细的雨丝,让它在田野上织一张网。It is very rude to spit in public.在公共场合随地吐痰是很粗俗的行为。 【四级词义】v. (spitting, spat或spit)吐,吐出 【巧 记】s+pit(坑)= 我使劲(s)地把口水吐到坑(pit)里。 【词性变化】n. 口水 【词义扩展】(如果吐出来的是语言)即突然说出He spat out an insult(侮辱) and hurt her feelings.他突然口出恶语,让她十分伤心。 (3)spill A. 保存B. 分开C. 洒;溢出,溅出,倒出 One is not supposed to cry over spilled milk. 对着已经洒了的牛奶哭是无济于事的。 The glass was so full that the juice spilt.杯子装得太满了,果汁都溢出来了。 【四级词义】v. (spilling, spilt或spilled)洒,使溢出,溅出,倒出 【巧 记】sp+ill=只有撕破(sp)了的(ill)坏的东西才被倒出来。 (4) slip A. 闪开B. 滑倒;滑动,滑落C. 忽略slip指物体不自觉地、偶然地滑落。 Along the long way of changing, you may occasionally slip and fall. You have to learn to face failures, for the road to success is full of ups and downs. 在不断变化的路途中,你偶尔可能会滑倒,会跌倒,你必须学会面对失败,因为成功的路上充满了起起落落。He was too tired to notice that the quilt was slipping.他太累了,连被子正在滑落都不知道。 【四级词义】v. (slipping, slipped) 滑动,滑倒 滑落;跌跤 【巧 记】s+lip(嘴唇)=有S型嘴唇的鱼是海洋中滑动最快的鱼。 【词义扩展】(在你不经意时说出的或有错误的东西)即“口误,笔误”;(谈话或写作中的)小错误或疏忽a slip of the tongue口误 【猜 一 猜】 slipper slippery 【Key】 n. 拖鞋 adj. 滑的 (5)slide A. 走动B. (使)滑动C. 飞奔 The saddles are either further fixed so that the cables may slide over them, remounted on rollers so that they move with any movement of the cables. 鞍座可以是固定的,这样钢缆可以在它上面滑动,也可以安装在滚柱上,这样鞍座就会随钢缆的移动而移动。 【四级词义】v. (sliding, slid)(使)滑动,(使)滑行 【词性变化】n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片(幻灯片是一张一张的在你面前滑动) 【猜 一 猜】 slide over slide into 【Key】 略过,回避over在之上,因此,在之上滑过去是略过,回避。 不知不觉地陷入,逐渐陷入into到里,进入。滑进去,是不知不觉地陷入,逐渐陷入。注意:slide与slip意思相近,但它主要表示某物在另一物表面的滑动,可能是有意的,也可能是无意的。另外,它还表示悄悄的移动。例句:She slid out when her mother was answering a phone call.她趁母亲接电话时偷偷溜出去了。2. initiate;Originate;embark;commenceThe Space Age _ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union . A) initiated B) originated C) embarked D) commenced A)initiate. 1. v开始,创始,发起; 核心搭配:initiate a conversation 开始交流; initiate plans 开始计划; 2. 词性转换: initiative , 作形容词“创始的,起始的” 作名词:第一步;倡议;主动权;首创精神; 核心搭配: take the initiative 采取主动; win the initiative 赢得主动权;on ones own initiative 主动地; lose the initiative 丧失主动权; lack initiative 缺乏主动性; have the initiative 掌握主动权; show initiative 显示开创精神; B) originate : 1. v引起;发源;来自;产生; 核心搭配: originate reforms 引起革新; 2. 词性变换: 变为名词为origin 起源;由来;出身来历;血统; 核心搭配:by origin 论出身; people of African origin 非洲血统的人; 变为形容词为original :最初的;原始的;新颖的;独创的; 核心搭配:the original meaning 原义; the original plan 原计划; a daring and original idea 大胆创新的思想; an original viewpoint 全新的观点; an original works 原创作品; C) embark embark on a ship 上船; embark on /upon 从事,着手;(但多用于开始一项重大的,困难的,旷日持久的工作) 核心搭配:embark on a new career D) commence 动词;表示“开始” commence doing sth / sth commences ; 核心搭配: Commence the ceremony 开始举行仪式; Commence hostilities 交战; Commence doctor 获得博士学位; (3)assign, distribute, divide, allocate1.assign :指按照某种原则进行的硬性分配,也不一定是很公平的。例如:They have assign me a small room.(他们已给我分配了一个小房间。)2.distribute :通常指以整体或定量分为若干份来分配。例如:During the war, all foods were distributed in a planned way.(在战争中, 所有的食品都按计划分配。)3.divide :普通用词,侧重将某物分成若干份分配给他人,当某物一分为二时,含平均分配之意。例如:This class is too large, we shall have to divide it.(这个班太大了, 我们得把它分一分。)4.allocate :主要指金钱、财产、权力或领土等的分配,着重分配的比例和专门用途。例如:You must allocate the money carefully.(你们必须谨慎地分配钱。)(4)vague ambiguous obscureambiguous指某物本身的含义模棱两可,使人不明了,费解。vague指人的言词不确定或太笼统,使人不能完全猜透其意。(1)vague:不清楚的,含糊的,模糊的,由于光线暗淡而造成轮廓不清;指事物过于笼统无法表述清楚,用来描述故意被人说得模棱两可的事物。 I have not the vaguest notion of where I left my umbrella. 我丝毫想不起把雨伞放在哪儿了。 He saw the vague shape of someone coming through the mist. 他看见一个模糊的身影正从雾中走来。 Because of his strong accent, his speech is vague and hard for me to understand. 由于他强烈的地方口音,他的演讲对我来说非常模糊难懂。 Shes so vague that I can never understand what shes trying to say. 她这样含糊其词,我根本弄不清她究竟想说什么。(2)ambiguous:含糊的,模棱两可的,指对同一表达方式有两种或两种以上的解释,但无法推断是其中的哪一种。 The sentence is ambiguous in sense, which makes the whole paragraph hard to understand. 这个句子的意思模棱两可,这使得整个段落都令人费解。 He kept making ambiguous remarks instead of straight forward yes-or-no replies. 他那模棱两可的回答使我们无法确定其真正意见。 The ambiguous reply enabled him to say either Yesor No without making himself embarrassed. 这模棱两可的答复使他无论答是还是说否都不会受窘。(3)obscure:含糊的,不清楚的,朦胧的,指物体或观点不清楚,不明确,往往难以理解或无法看清。 I havent the slightest idea of what he means because his explanation is obscur
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