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新概念英语第一册习惯用语大全:Lesson 43-44behind schedule 耽搁;晚点(be delayed; train/or plane arrives late)例句:1.The nurses and doctors are not friendly and everything seems to be running behind the schedule护士和医生态度都不太友好,好像每一件事都要耽搁。2.The 9:30 train seems to be behind schedule9:30的火车好像又晚点了。behind the time(s) 落后于时代A:Boy, how quickly technology changes. So many people have a computer in their homes nowdaysA:天哪,技术变化可真大。现在许多人家里都有电脑了。B:I know. I feel so behind the time.B:我理解你的意思。我觉得我落伍了。 2.can aux./v. 能,会,可以;可能 n罐头 can help 能够避开例句:George will not enroll in that course if he can help it.假如能避开的话,乔治就不会选那门课了。Can you wire him? 你能给他发个电报吗?A:Dr.Richards wants you to confirm his appointment on the 28th in the morning.A:理查兹博士盼望你能确认一下28日上午的约会。B:That”s OK. Can you wire him?B:好,你能给他发个电报吗? 3.find vt1找到,发觉2觉察,感到 find (get) a bargain 买廉价货(buy sth. which is really cheap)A:John told me he had got a second-hand car, do you know how much he paid for it?A:约翰告知我他买到一辆二手车,你知道他花了多少钱吗?B:Well, he said he paid 800 dollars for it. I think he got a real bargain.B:嗯,他说他花了800美元,我认为他买到了廉价货。例句:Mrs.Clawford is very good at finding bargains克劳弗夫人很擅于买廉价货。find fault with 挑剔,挑毛病(be sensitive to the others” shortcomings or imperfections)例句:1.I”ve done my best and you are still finding fault with my homework.我已经尽了全力,你还对我的作业这么挑剔。2.the boss was in such a bad mood that he began to find fault with his employees.老板心情不好,以致开头对雇员们挑三捡四。find out 调查,搞清晰(learn a fact by study or inquiry)1.A:Hello, Can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evenings?A:您好!您能不能告知我星期六晚上图书馆开门吗?B:Hold the line please, I”ll find out.B:请别挂电话,我查一查。例句:1.How is the car? What did you find out cbout it?你的车怎么回事?查出什么(问题)没有?2.The police found out the cause of the accident.警方已查明事故的缘由。 4.up to 能够做;由来做打算;是的责任;要怪(duty or responsibility of) 例句:1.It”s up to you to decide on the negotiation terms.由你来负责打算谈判条件。2.You have the exparience, the degrees, and the good looks. It”s up to fate.你有阅历、学位和英俊的外表,都怪命不好。3.Roger was feverish yesterday. I”m not sure if he”ll be up to attending today”s meeting.罗杰昨天发烧了。我不知道他能不能参与今日的会议。A:I”m counting on my library science professor to get me a job in the cataloging department this summer.A:我就希望我的图书馆学教授在今年夏天能给我在名目部找一份工作了。B:I”m not sure it”s up to him.B:我不能确定是由他作主。
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