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MOOC 英美诗歌欣赏-河北师范大学 中国大学慕课答案单元测验1、填空题:The _ is a long narrative poem of great scale and grand style, typically arecounting of history or legend or of the deeds of a national hero.正确答案:【Epic#%_YZPRLFH_%#epic】2、填空题:_ is the repetition of the same soundsusually initial consonants ofwords or of stressed syllablesin any sequence of neighboring words.正确答案:【Alliteration#%_YZPRLFH_%#aliteration】3、填空题:_ is used when one word or phrase is substituted for another to which itis closely related.正确答案:【Metonymy#%_YZPRLFH_%#metonymy】4、填空题:_ refers to the poet or the imaginary speakers attitude toward hissubject, his reader or himself. It could be happy or sad, gloomy or light, serious or satiric,calm or excited, etc.正确答案:【Tone#%_YZPRLFH_%#tone】5、填空题:_ refers to the repetition of certain sound in words, usually at the end ofpoetic lines.正确答案:【Rhyme#%_YZPRLFH_%#rhyme】单元测验1、问题:The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of Englishdrama. It was _ who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.选项:A、Christopher MarloweB、Thomas LodgeC、Edmund SpenserD、Thomas More正确答案:【Christopher Marlowe 】2、问题:Christopher Marlowes best plays include the following except _.选项:A、The Jew of MaltaB、The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusC、Cymbeline D、Tamburlaine the Great正确答案:【Cymbeline】3、问题:Choose the one which is not Edmund Spensers work.选项:A、The Shepherds CalendarB、Astrophel and StellaC、The Faerie QueeneD、Amoretti正确答案:【Astrophel and Stella】4、问题:The Faerie Queene is an epic written in _.选项:A、Spenserian stanzaB、blank verseC、heroic coupletD、sonnet正确答案:【Spenserian stanza】5、问题:“Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” is the beginning line of one ofWilliam Shakespeares _.选项:A、songsB、playsC、comediesD、sonnets正确答案:【sonnets】6、问题:In 1593 and 1594, William Shakespeare published his two narrative poems,which are Venus and Adonis and _.选项:A、ArcadiaB、StellaC、The Rape of LucreceD、Volpone正确答案:【The Rape of Lucrece】单元测验1、问题:Ben Jonsons comedies are “comedies of _”. Every character in hiscomedies personifies a definite “humour”.选项: A、humoursB、mannersC、charactersD、errors正确答案:【humours】2、问题:The following are Ben Jonsons main works except _.选项:A、Every Man in His HumourB、VolponeC、The AlchemistD、The Merchant of Venice正确答案:【The Merchant of Venice】3、问题:Choose the poet who does not belong to the Cavalier group: _.选项:A、Sir John SucklingB、Richard LovelaceC、George HerbertD、Robert Herrick正确答案:【George Herbert 】4、填空题:As an important critic, Jonson was an ardent supporter of _ and took afirm stand for the “three unities” in play-writing.正确答案:【classicism】5、填空题:In 1648 Herrick published his poems in a thick volume with the two titlesof _ and _.正确答案:【Hesperides Noble Numbers】6、填空题:As a core component of the so-called “ Cavalier Poets”, Herricks poetrymainly falls on the traditional theme of _.正确答案:【carpe diem】单元测验1、问题:Metaphysical poetry is notable for its surprising _ (奇喻).选项:A、paradoxesB、conceitsC、imageryD、symbols正确答案:【conceits】 2、问题:George Herbert is called the _ of the Metaphysical school.选项:A、founderB、pioneerC、saintD、hero正确答案:【saint】3、问题:At the beginning of the poem“Virtue”, the poet compares the sweet day to thewedding of the earth and sky. Here, _ is used.选项:A、metaphorB、simileC、personificationD、hyperbole正确答案:【metaphor】4、问题:But though the whole world turn to coal, / Then chiefly lives allude to_.选项:A、the Greek mythB、John Donnes poetryC、William Shakespeares playsD、the Bible正确答案:【the Bible】5、问题:In the line Only a sweet and virtuous soul, /Like seasoned timber, never gives,the poet uses not only allusion but _ to convey his idea.选项:A、simileB、metaphorC、understatementD、parodox正确答案:【simile】6、问题:Miltons poetry has a _ style, noted for its sublimity of thought andmajesty of expression.选项:A、mightyB、gentleC、grandD、exquisite正确答案:【grand】 7、问题:Miltons masterpiece Paradise Lost is written in _.选项:A、terza rimaB、heroic coupletC、blank verseD、sonnet正确答案:【blank verse】8、问题:Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint is written in _ sonnetform with the rhyme scheme of abba abba cdcdcd.选项:A、EnglishB、ItalianC、ShakespeareanD、Spenserian正确答案:【Italian】9、问题:The Old Law in Miltons sonnet Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saintrefers to the _ law.选项:A、VenetianB、CriminalC、MosaicD、civil正确答案:【Mosaic】10、问题:The reversed conception of day and night in Miltons sonnet Methought ISaw My Late Espoused Saint is a famous _.选项:A、parodoxB、oxymoronC、hyperboleD、allusion正确答案:【parodox】11、问题:_ is a far-fetched metaphor in which a very unlikely connection between
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