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MOOC 英国社会与文化-武汉大学 中国大学慕课答案第 1 章单元测验1、问题:All Shakespeares works are written in _.选项:A、old EnglishB、middle EnglishC、modern EnglishD、Latin正确答案:【modern English】2、问题:Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?选项:A、Twelfth NightB、OthelloC、The TempestD、Richard II正确答案:【Othello】3、问题:Which character is not a noble hero with a tragic flaw in Shakespearestragedies?选项:A、OthelloB、MacbethC、King LearD、Bassanio正确答案:【Bassanio】4、问题:The leading form of literature in the Victorian Era is _.选项:A、dramaB、poetryC、pamphletD、novel正确答案:【novel】5、问题:The novel Vanity Fairis the masterpiece of the author _.选项:A、Charles DickensB、Oscar WildeC、William M. Thackeray D、George Eliot正确答案:【William M. Thackeray】6、问题:_ is a representative of English critical realism in the 19thcentury.选项:A、Joseph ConradB、John MiltonC、Charles DickensD、Virginia Woolf正确答案:【Charles Dickens】7、问题:Of Dickensnovels, _ is considered most autobiographical.选项:A、A Tale of Two CitiesB、David CopperfieldC、Oliver TwistD、Great Expectations正确答案:【David Copperfield】8、问题:Ode to the West Windis written by _.选项:A、George Gordon ByronB、Percy Bysshe ShelleyC、John KeatsD、William Wordsworth正确答案:【Percy Bysshe Shelley】9、问题:“Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”is a famous quotation of _.选项:A、William WordsworthB、Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC、John KeatsD、Robert Burns正确答案:【John Keats】10、问题:In a historical sense, _ was a movement in philosophy, politicaltheory, and the arts that flourished in England from 1750 to 1850.选项:A、ClassicismB、RomanticismC、Transcendentalism D、Critical Realism正确答案:【Romanticism】第 2 章单元测验1、问题:Who introduced Christianity into Britain?选项:A、The Viking DanesB、The RomansC、The FrenchD、The Angles, Saxons and Jutes正确答案:【The Romans】2、问题:Which of the following is NOT one of the three Germanic tribes that came tobe the basis of modern English race?选项:A、the Viking DanesB、the SaxonsC、the AnglesD、the Jutes正确答案:【the Viking Danes】3、问题:In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England and defeated theSaxon king Harold at _.选项:A、the Battle of GrecyB、the Battle of AgincourtC、the Battle of HastingsD、the Hundred Years War正确答案:【the Battle of Hastings】4、问题:It was not until the end of _ that English language finally took the placeof French in all classes of society in England.选项:A、the Wars of the RosesB、the Battle of HastingsC、the Hundred Years WarD、the Battle of Agincourt正确答案:【the Hundred Years War】5、问题:_ was forced to sign The Magna Carta in June 1215 with the barons ofMedieval England.选项: A、Henry VIIIB、Charles IC、King JohnD、James II正确答案:【King John】6、问题:The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who wascondemned to death during the English Civil War was _.选项:A、Henry VIIIB、Charles IC、King JohnD、James II正确答案:【Charles I】7、问题:According to Marx, it was _ that brought into power, along withWilliam of Orange, the landlord and capitalist appropriators.选项:A、the Glorious RevolutionB、the establishment of the Commonwealth of EnglandC、the execution of Charles ID、the New Model Army正确答案:【the Glorious Revolution】8、问题:It was during _ when the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.选项:A、the Middle AgesB、the 16thcenturyC、the Elizabethan ageD、the Wars of the Roses正确答案:【the 16thcentury】9、问题:The sparkle that set off World War I was the _.选项:A、the invasion of Poland by HitlerB、British declaration of war on GermanyC、the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of AustriaD、the establishment of two opposing political and military alliances正确答案:【the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria】10、问题:“Blood, Toil, Tears and Swear” was delivered by Winston Churchill during_.选项: A、the First World WarB、the Second World WarC、the Battle of TrafalgarD、the Battle of Waterloo正确答案:【the Second World War】第 3 章单元测验1、问题:In England, what is a particularly suitable topic of conversation?选项:A、holidaysB、hobbiesC、weatherD、TV shows正确答案:【weather】2、问题:Who once observed that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of theweather?选项:A、William ShakespeareB、William BlakeC、Henry JamesD、Samuel Johnson正确答案:【Samuel Johnson】3、问题:Which of the following statements is NOT Kate Foxs research finding?选项:A、The English have a lot of conversations about the weather because it is a form ofsocial interaction which they all understand.B、English conversations about the weather are not really about the weather at all.C、Weather-speak in essence is a form of code.D、English people gradually establish and develop this code to help them overcome theirnatural reserve and actually talk to each other.正确答案:【The English have a lot of conversations about the wea
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