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VOA慢速英语听力:蒂凡尼的早餐作者杜鲁门 卡波特BOB DOUGHTY: And I”m Bob Doughty with PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today we tell about Truman Capote, one of America”s most famous modern writers. He invented a new kind of book called the nonfiction novel. This literary form combined factual reporting with the imaginary possibilities of storytelling. Capote”s writing ability and his wild personality captured the interest of people all over the world. (MUSIC)FAITH LAPIDUS: Truman Capote became famous for living a wild and exciting life. He traveled a great deal and divided his time between homes in New York City and Switzerland. But he started out from more common roots. Truman was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in nineteen twenty-four. His name was Truman Streckfus Persons. When he was a very young child, Truman”s mother sent him to live with her family in Monroeville, Alabama. He lived with his aunts and cousins for several years. Author Truman Capote poses in sunglasses and a hat Truman rarely saw his parents. But he did become friends with the little girl who lived next door to his family. Her name was Harper Lee. She would later grow up to be a famous writer. Her book “To Kill a Mockingbird,“ would earn her a Pulitzer Prize. One of the characters in the book is based on Truman as a child. BOB DOUGHTY: Truman was a very lonely child. He later said that he felt very different from everyone around him. He said he felt he was much more intelligent and sensitive than others and feared that no one understood him. This helps explain why Truman began writing. Putting his thoughts on paper helped him feel less lonely. As a child he would write for about three hours a day after school. FAITH LAPIDUS: When Truman was about ten years old he joined his mother in New York City. She had remarried a Cuban-American businessman named Joseph Capote. Mr. Capote soon became the legal parent of Truman. He renamed his stepson Truman Garcia Capote. Truman did not do well in school. He was very smart but did not like classes. He stopped attending high school when he was seventeen years old. Instead, he started working for the New Yorker magazine. And, he kept on writing. BOB DOUGHTY: Truman Capote once said: “I had to be successful and I had to be successful early.“ He said that some people spent half of their lives not knowing what they were going to do. But Capote knew he wanted to be a writer and he wanted to be rich and famous. He succeeded. (MUSIC)FAITH LAPIDUS: In nineteen forty-five Truman Capote sold his first short story to a major magazine. This story, “Miriam“, won a literary prize called the O. Henry Award. A publishing company soon gave him money to start working on a book. Capote was only twenty-three years old when he finished his first novel, “Other Voices, Other Rooms.“ It tells the story of a southern boy who goes to live with his father after his mother dies. The story is an exploration of identity. The boy learns to understand and accept that he loves men. BOB DOUGHTY: “Other Voices, Other Rooms“ was a great success. Critics praised its clarity and honesty. But the story was also disputed. It openly deals with homosexual issues of men loving men. Truman Capote had relationships with men and was not afraid of expressing this fact to the world. The photograph on the book cover also caused a dispute. The picture of Capote is intense and sexually suggestive. Capote loved shocking the public. He liked to get all kinds of publicity. Truman Capote soon became well known in the literary world. He loved rich people from important families. Capote was as famous for his personality as he was for his writing. He attended the best parties and restaurants. His small body, boyish looks, and unusual little voice became famous. (MUSIC)FAITH LAPIDUS: Capote wrote many more short stories and essays. In nineteen fifty-eight, he published a book called “Breakfast at Tiffany”s.“ It has become one of the most well known stories in American culture. The main character is Holly Golightly. She is a free-spirited young woman living in New York City. Holly is very beautiful and has many lovers. She runs from party to party wearing little black dresses and dark sunglasses. But she has a mysterious past that she tries to escape. At the end of the story Holly leaves New York forever. She disappears from the lives of the men who knew her. But they can never forget her colorful personality. BOB DOUGHTY: “Breakfast at Tiffany”s“ was soon made into a movie. The film stars Audrey Hepburn. She captures Holly Golightly”s spirit perfectly. Here is a scene from the movie. Holly and her friend Paul are visiting Tiffany”s, a very costly jewelry store. HOLLY GOLIGHTLY: “Isn”t it wonderful? You see what I mean how nothing bad could ever happen to you in a place like this? It isn”t that I give a hoot abou
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