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2022年高中英语 Module 5 A lesson in a Lab 5th period教案 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, were going to learn Pronunciation, Everyday English, Function and Cultural corner.Teaching AimsLearn and master the following:(1)Pronunciation in the general question sentence and interrogative sentence.(2)Words and expressions of sequence.Teaching Important Points1. Everyday English: Where do we go from here?Keep the noise down.Youve got it!Go ahead!Its your turn.2. A reading passage: Cultural CornerTeaching Methodsindividual work, pair workTeaching Aids1. a tape recorder2. a puterTeaching ProceduresStep 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercises.1. Show the words and phrases that e before the degrees of parison.2. Check the answers on P91.Step 2 ListeningLearn the pronunciation. Pay attention to the intonations.Mark the tones.Ask the Ss to summarize the basic rules for the sentences.Read after the speaker in the correct tone.Additional sentences for them to read. (1)Where did you go last month?(2)Whos the woman at the door?(3)Is the experiment successful?(4)Do you really want to have a go?Step 3 Everyday EnglishGet the Ss to guess the meaning of each sentence and then give the right answer.(1)a(2)b(3)a(4)b(5)aStep 4 Pair workMake a short dialogue, using the expressions you have just learned. S: If I want others to talk quietly, what should I say?S: Keep the noise down.S: If you dont know what to do, you may say.S: Where do I go from here? T: If you hear someone say, “Bag it,” what does he really mean?S: Put it in the bag.T: No. It isnt.S: Keep it secret.T: No. It means “Forget about it”. You see, English is great fun. Step 5 Function Learn to express the sequence.T: First read the short passage. Then judge when you use them.S: When we state an event, we use First., Then., Next.,After that.,Lastly.T: Think of a situation where you use the expressions. Tell the story to your deskmate.Step 6 Culture cornerT: What are you interested in?S: Physics.T: Why are you enjoying learning physics?S: I want to learn how things work.T: Do you hate to be told to do this or that?S: I am excited if I can choose what I want.T: Now read the passage on P49. It will help you in learning about the science teaching in a school in Canada. Ss read the passage eagerly.T: Why has Mark bee more interested in science?S: Because the science teachers at his new school are excellent.S: Because they have good labs with the latest equipment.S: Because his teacher often takes them to some interesting lectures by the famous scientists.S: It is much easier for him to understand his science lessons.T: Very good. Does our school have such good facilities?Ss: No.Step 7 DiscussionT: What can you suggest to the school?S: Ask more good teachers to e to teach in our school.S: Buy more advanced equipment.S: Ask some scientists to give us lectures.S: Visit some museums.Step 8 Further readingRead the passage to pick out the useful expressions.(1)used to 过去常常(2)change schools 转学(3)the latest equipment 最新的设备(4)four times a term 每学期四次(5)make a discovery 作出发现(6)many first-class scientists 许多一流的科学家(7)win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖(8)be proud of 为而自豪 (9)bee more and more interested in 对变得越来越感兴趣(10)be supposed to have good Physics Departments 应有好的物理系Step 9 WritingRead the passage again. Suppose you are the boys father. Write about your sons new school and his school lessons.You may begin like this: Marks feeling about science has pletely changed. It is all because of the new school he is attending.Step 10 SummaryAsk the Ss to turn to P50.Look at the Module File. Say in this module you have learnt: .Ask them to learn to use the words and expressions.Step 11 The design of the writing on the BlackboardModule 5A Lesson in a Lab The Fifth PeriodDiscussion:What can you suggest to the school?(1)used to 过去常(2)change schools 转学(3)the latest equipment 最新的设备(4)four times a term 每学期四次(5)make a discovery 作出发现(6)many first-class scientists 许多一流的科学家(7)win the Nobel Prize 获得诺贝尔奖(8)be proud of 为而自豪 (9)bee more and more interested in 对变得越来越感兴趣(10)be supposed to have good Physics Departments 应具有好物理系Step 12 Activity and InquiryTask: Activity 3Write about your experiment using these headings:Detailed Explanations to the Exercises:Grammar:1.1c2f3e4b5a6g7d2.1 eleven times larger2 five times further3 twenty times bigger4 half as big as5 as big asSample answers:Saturn is ten times larger than Earth.Saturn is about twice as far from the sun as Jupiter.Jupiter is eleven times bigger than Earth
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