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卷面部分A卷一.单项选择。201 -o you know how to an tes? -Yes,_. A. h more, e ttrB. orerlessC.more an morD.sodo I 17.Lts u te ma o he ll _ everyne can se it larA.whenB.beuseCso tD.inc8 M. and Ms. reen hve _ i Beijin or aweek.A. gotB. eadC. beenD. ried19 e wasevr hea_ s wellefre A ingB. ingin. sagD. tsi0. Tetwin oft w _. . hat the ter isgoig to saB. ht t other s goin oay C. wa h other goit sayD. ifthoheris ing oy21. N couters wok _ aster han th old ones. A several mllis tmesB. millionso tim . millonso tes. milon ofime2. Haeyou ever se _ man? A. such tal B. such tallaC so taD ao tal23 He nswerd me, b he spke _ quickly _cearly A.eiter; r.both; andC. nethr;nrD. nor; nether4There willnot e ough spa ev ttand_the eh. A. ionB in. nD. over25. e populaion of China is mc rger han_ Japan /B. it inC hse nD tatf26. e sid h _ o epary. A. will go is cominC. wldom.has bee2Wen the rubh coeo aw the coupe, they _ hands owntheln. A are lnB.wer ldC heDhol28heplic office finshe ding the rert _. A. intsedB. intresingC. nnterstD.with ineret. Manresidents ta rea _ake bitesvery ye A defom. die n. die frD. ie of0. e eace mst be _. A. listintoB tne t refulyC. lisened arefullD liten1. he mahine _ igod. Ol the price sa itt bit high. itslfB. that C D. i32. Les make some_ fr ts ol lay. A. plac. ooC. sce sa33. _ic chanel can we fidour favrte programme? A. OnB. nC. By. For34. -_?I idnt ear yo. - aidou cu e this sa. A ello. Ca Iep ouC PardonD Sorry35.We hav _tudenthi er tan latyear. A. aB. lotoeC. mcD ayore二. 完型填空0%WyShoolMayrighen aYoun idSchoos my be fighting o youn cilde. Thyar 6 intescooBefre tahe stayd a home Athom chirenmayavebn bl to o 37 they waneden tey wntd o do it. Butin sco they ae 8 tie for tlking, workng aeatig Ahoechilde arsolde(责备) in private(私下), but in schol childen w be sodd in frono heir 9 “Bob,” th tacer may sy, “Why ar you the oly nei classwho 4 doyu yesterays homwor?”O, “Dvid,why areouthe oly ne who cat or qitly ayour 41 ?” In sool thchldre ma o be noticd vryuch by the teaer te aher oousy t 4 him orhe. But thome he pares will rea heir son or dughter 4 .For ese oter rasons(原因), it i ot 4 htchilenmay nlke t say a schol.Thou itis m 45 i chol, te hilrecanlearn alot. Thcant lrn souhtof soo.36 A. apyB.nwC. ngry.d7. . whatB. thaC. 不填 w38. had.givnC. sentD. gt . teaerB cassmesC. bother andssterD. pret4. . haentB. ntC. atD. ddnt41.A. hmeB de scoolD oom4 A. teachB l tC. tke ca ofD col43 A. carefuly. anglC. careesD. apily44. A. intrestngB. gdlongC. sleping. surprisin. AhappieB betterC. stctr worse三阅读理解10% AHasdtor evergvn yu a noetotake o h chemist for sme dcin? Ar ou abl t rad tenoteeaiy? Soe octrswri clearly but mstdocts ono.Chemist ave aces trea docors otes, but smees doctos wteso b a even te chemists ant read themneday lawrote to ocor invitgi to hav dinner ater use The docto rote n answr,bthe id write clarl a he lay coldnt radit.“What shallI ?” shesd to hrhusb, “I dont kwwhether he i coing r not.I ont wto iveim a telephoe cal a sayI cat ad his riing.”er hsand hog a moment, hen he had adea.“Thankou,” saidis wife. “Thats ery god iea.”Sewe tothe cmiss sp and gaethe docor nottothchmsThe chemtookd it verycarful. hn h said poltly, “Cold ouwit a mmen,madam?” He wnt t the back ofhs
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