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五年级英语学科教案 第 一 单元 课题: A new term 第 1 课时 总第 个教案 教学目标:(1) 语言知识:1. 能四会掌握单词Chinese, English, week, Monday;能三会掌握单词Maths, Science, Social Science, Art, Computer Studies, subject, PE, interesting2. 能初步掌握句型:What day is it today? Its What lessons do you have in the ? We haveandWhat subject do you like? I like3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型Welcome back to school. Nice to see you. How about you? Its interesting. (2) 语言技能: 1. 在理解A部分的基础上,学会阅读的策略与技巧2. 能初步运用所学句型与同伴进行交流(3) 情感目标:在谈论学习的科目过程中,让学生爱上学习。教学重点:同语言知识(1)、(2)教学难点:初步掌握句型并进行交流,同时学会阅读的方法课前准备:1.教具准备:课件、录音机、磁带2.板书准备:预先写好课题Unit1 A new term【先学提纲】I. Try to read the new words查查工具书,读一读,并写出划线部分字母的发音和单词的中文意思。1. lesson_2. listen_3. Chinese_4. English_5. Maths_6. week_II. Try to read quickly and silently初读课文,判断下列各句是否符合文意,符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”。( )1. Miss Li and her students are playing.( )2. The students have four lessons in the morning.( )3. Su Hai likes English very much.( )4. Su Yang thinks(认为)English is interesting.( )5. The students have five English lessons a week.III. Try to read carefully and think再读课文,根据课文内容试着回答下列问题。1. What day is it today? _.2. How many subjects do the students have? _.教学过程:Step 1. Preparationa. Free talk T: Today is the first day of the new term. Welcome back to school, boys and girls. How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Im very happy to see you. Nice to see you. S: Nice to see you, too. T: What do you have on Spring Festival? S: I have a new dress. T: How about you? S: I have a new coat. (多操练几组) b. 检查预习作业 T: Now we have some exercises. Have you finished? Ss: OK.Step 2. Presentationpracticea. Let the Ss watch the cartoon and answer these questions:1. What day is it today?2. What are Miss Li and her students doing?3. What lessons did they talk about? (他们谈及了哪些学科)b. Let the Ss read the text quietly and answer these questions:1. What lessons do they have in the morning?2. How many subjects do they have this term?3. What subject does Su Hai like?4. What subject does Su Yang like?5. How many English lessons do they have a week?在交流答案的过程中,教师可进行扩充询问,如:1. What lessons do you have in the morning/ afternoon? 2. How many subjects do you have this term?3. What subject do you like?4. How many Maths lessons do you have a week?(也可询问其余的科目一周有几节?)Let the Ss read after the tape and act the dialogue out. Step 3. Production Fill in the blanks It is _ morning. Miss Li and her students are _ the _ lesson of the new _. They have _, Maths, _ and Science in the morning. They have _ subjects this term. Theyre Chinese, Maths, English, Science, _, Social Science, _ and _. They have _ English lessons a week. Su Hai likes _. Su Yang likes _. She thinks(认为)its _. How about you? Step 4. Progress向学生补充一些课外知识: 美国公立学校一般设有学前班(5岁开始),整个初等教育共12年,其中小学5年,中学3年,高中4年,每天都只有6个学时的课。这个阶段的公共教育全部免学费和交通费用,年纪越高上学越早。Step5. Homework 1. 口头作业:听磁带,跟读课文2遍。 2. 笔头作业:将课文中重要的生词,词组与句型抄写三遍。3. 预习:听Part B、C、D部分的磁带,新单词可以先注上音标,并尝试拼读。 完成导学案第二课时Step 6. Blackboard designUnit 1 A new termWhat day is it today?What are Miss Li and her students doing? What lessons did they talk about? (他们谈及了哪些学科)教学后记:(第 次)思考与调整
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