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7A Unit 3期中复习教学案复习重难点:1. favourite=like best 最喜欢的Eg.你最喜爱的科目是哪门?Which of the subjects do you like best?= _ 2.date: 日期 (询问日期的问句有:Whats the date? 回答用:Its)Eg. 今天是几月几号? 今天是十月九号。 . 今天是星期几? _今天是星期一。 . 现在是几点? = 现在是两点钟。 _3. 观摩两节课 看比赛 看电视 4家长会the parents meeting 开始做某事 begin/start to do sth,begin /start doing sthEg.家长会在下午两点钟开始。 in the afternoon .5. Your school . 你学校看起来很漂亮。Look“看起来” 作系动词+ adj.(作表语) sound/taste/look/feel/smell/+adj.看起来很现代 看起来年轻 Eg. 我妈妈40岁了,但看起来很年轻。My mother is 40 years old,_ .6. 带领某人参观某地 . 带我们参观一下 Eg.你愿意带领我参观一下你的花园吗?Would you like to your garden?7. 在教学楼的前面(在教室外面) the classroom building 坐在教室的前面(在教室的里面) sit _ the classroom 8. Whos that man _ ? 穿白色衬衫的那个人是谁? 当用who 提问,不知道对方是谁和人的数量时,问句的谓语动词常用单数。Eg.Who (bing) the dog here ? 介词in +衣服 “穿着” The woman is in a yellow dress.(表状态) +颜色 “穿着颜色的衣服”The woman in yellow is my mother.9. on the wall / in the wall Eg.There is a picture_ the wall and two windows_ the wall.10. Do you borrow books from the library? borrow sth. from sb/sp 向某人/某地借某物 (借进) lend sth. to sb = lend sb sth. 把东西借给别人 (借出)11.Its open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. be open be closed (形容词,表状态) open close (动词)Eg.(1)The reading room .(只在下午开放) (2) The shop _ now. It _ at 8 a.m. and _ for 12 hours a day .(open)12.How do you get to school? 你怎样到学校?Eg.我骑车/坐公共汽车到学校。I get to school by bike / by bus.(泛指乘坐交通工具时前面不用冠词)= I / _ to school.=I get to school _/_.坐车回家(2种)_= 骑车回家(2种)_= 步行上学(2种)_= 步行回家(2种)_= 13.How long does it take? “ How long”用于提问时间段:“多长时间,多久”Eg.你骑车到学校需要多长时间?How long ?14.It takes(+sb.)some time to do sth. “做某事花费某人多长时间” (it 是形式主语)Eg.每晚做作业花费她大约一个小时。It takes 15. phone 作名词“电话”;作动词,打电话给某人,phone sb 与telephone/call sb同义在电话里/收音机里/网上on the _/_/_ 在电视上 在报纸上:_Eg.他们经常在电话里聊天。They often chat _ _ _16.say hello to sb. 向某人道别/道歉: say / to sb.17. 为某事而感谢某人Thanks for (doing ) sth (1)谢谢你的来信。Thanks for your letter. = for the letter.(2)感谢你在数学方面对我的帮助。Thanks/Thank you _ .18.few 不多(的);少(的) “一些;少量”a few + 可数名词复数 一些学生 _ a little + 不可数名词 一点儿水 _“几乎没有”(看成否定)few +可数名词复数 She has few friends._little + 不可数名词 He knows little English._19. far away from 远离.(away可以省略) 反义词:near 靠近20. 人称单词包括主格与宾格主 格Iyou he / she /it we they 宾 格 / /形 物 / /名 物/ /中考真题演练:1)( ) What a nice MP5! Whose is it? Its . My father bought me last week. A. me B. him C. his D. mine2) ( ) Excuse me, is this Lucys book ? No, this is _. _ is over there . A. mine; Hers B. my; Her C. my; Hers D. mine; Her3) ( ) Lucys skirt is black. What about _? Mine is white. A. you B. your C. yours 4) ( ) Who is Mr Xu ? He is _ teacher and he teaches _ P.E. A. our; us B. our; our C. ours; our5) ( )- Do you know everyone from Class One?- Er, I know some of _. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them6) ( )-Alice, is this your dictionary?-Let me see. Oh, no. _ is in my school bag. A. Myself B. Me C. My D. Mine7) ( ) Is this your sweater, Joy? No, Its not _ sweater. _ is yellow. A. my, My B. my, Mine C. mine, Mine D.mine, My8) ( ) How is your father? Please say hello to _ for me. A. she B. him C. itD. her自主探究部分:(一)词汇运用:1.One of the best _ (运动员) name is Yao Ming.2. The new library in our school looks_(现代的).3. Sandys classroom is on the g_ floor.4.There are_(少数的,几乎没有) people in the room.5. When does the _(会议) begin?6. We have two _ (地理) le
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