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marketing strict interlectinal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing ele ctricity access, price i ncrease, ele ctricitysupply is guaranteed. In 2012, thecom pany with coal inventory, get rewardsof Jiangsu provincial governmentpower to266 milli on kWh. Through t he small andbilateral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removalcom pensation when the power50 million-kil owatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Province ranke d first in the samecapa city, the same type units.Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July1 andAugust 20 respectively increase prieamces 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公 .Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into l ong -term contract workers compensati on system,evaluation and seon,produced10 primary reservecadre s and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction ga ng system,14 staff postsbe pr omoted. Strengtheningthe cultivation of professional technical leaders, selectedcoverage 9 13 factory -levelprofessional and technical leaders.To enha nce staff skills training, 8 staff technicians.Labor contract lawcom pliance,contractsof up to 100%.-Star team-building to a dvance further.Establi sh aholding system implementation, and promoting the whole team-building goa ls, strengthen group management. Tbuildi ng int o a performance revie,wpromoting the construction of thestar team depth.This year, respe ctively, 1 track, 4 team fourstar rated five-star byDatang and t he team.Four, insistpsychological counseling, the enterprise cultureconstruction to a new level. -Buildingof enterprise culture is fruitful. Companie s adhere to the Shenhua leadof corporate culture,cult ure of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, acultureof learning, ethical culture,costcult ure culture system -assisted, through various cult ural integration, has boostedbusiness ce ntre, this year has won the Chi nesecultural management advancedunit, National Advance d Unit in the building of enterprisecult ure of reform andopeningup 30 andother honorary titles. The liability of the companyculture: solving management problemsof corporate culture proje ct was awarded theCEC national electric power enterprisecult ure achievement award of excellence.The accident early warning a ndprevention system was rated acontinue s to strengthen.Was carried out to maintain2020 年国家公务员法知识竞赛试题库及答案(精选 90题)1.A公务员职务分为综合管理类职务层次和(CD )B 综合管理类以外其他职务层次C 领导职务 D 非领导职务2. 以下哪些职务属于领导职务( AD )3. 下列哪些职务属于非领导职务( CD)A 法院书记员 B 副镇长 C 副主任科员 D 调研员4.机关在设置本机关公务员具体职位时依据下列哪些因素(BCD )A 公务员级别 B 职数 C 机关职能 D 机构规格5.关于公务员职务与级别的关系所述正确的是(ABCD )A 公务员又有级别又有职务,二者不能彼此取代 .B 一职数级 ,上下交叉 .C 职务与级别应当是互相对应的关系.D 公务员在同一职务上可以晋升级别.6. 下列职位中哪些属于公务员法规定的录用公务员范围(AB )security, profit, maintain stability and promote harmoniousdevelopment as the main contentof the three guarantees themepractice activities and stressing party spirit, toconduct, for example campaign,party and further improvement of the level of work. Staff participating in the honest a nd cl eancultureconstruction seminars, staffs sense of probity and enha nce d. Founded byhonest inspectors team composedof 12 employees tobroa den the channels of supervision.Adhere to establish four good leadership activities, staff satisfaction rateof 98% to the team.-Group work dynamic.Promoti ng theopenne ss of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital interests of the staff Trade Union delegation leader meeting of the26 system to discuss andsafeguard their democratic rights. Improve theorganizati onal structur e of the mission, the work of strengthening.Organize maintenance laboremulation and healthCup competition, enhance theskillsof staff. Organizeda variety of cultural activities,physi cal and mental healthcare staff, to create a harmonious atmosphere. During the Wenchuan earthquake,donated all thecompany employees, t o love, to support the disaster areas. This year, the company has won the Su . Cutting costscan be controlled, money shouldnot bewasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improvecostcontrol capacity a nd mar
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