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(四)年级(上)册(英语)学科集体备课表备课时间1.7主备人王晓丽主备人所在单位城西小学复备时间 1.7授课教师郝凯丽授课教师所在单位南沟小学课 题Revision1 Part1.2课 型Presentation课时分配1第 1 课时上课时间项 目内 容教学目标知识能力The pupils learn to use and write:January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,DecemberThe pupils learn to understand and say: Happy birthday!When is Tobys birthday?Please remember:Its in (December).过程方法The pupils learn to say the birthday chant.情感态度价值 观The pupils learn to enjoy English by saying the chant教学重点根据提示能说chant,能唱出歌曲。教学难点根据提示能说chant,能唱出歌曲。教学、教具(课件)准 备Toby头饰,月历牌,生日蛋糕模型,单词、句子卡片教 学 流 程教教师活动预设学生活动评论与修改Step 1 Warm up展示Toby头饰:Today is Tobys birthday.播放歌曲Happy birthday帮助学生理解。Step 2 Presentation1)出示月历牌,示范圈出自己生日所在的月份:My birthday is in 示范读月份词。2)提问:When is your birthday?鼓励学生上台圈出自己的生日并学习问答句。3)出示月份词卡片,一一带读。4)师读单词学生找到相应的单词卡片:e.g.Go to the “January”.5)有节奏地拍手读:January,February,January,February,March;April,May,April,May,June;Step 3 Practice1)Chant with the pupils.2)Show the chant:Wh I T s b ?I J ,F ,M ? IA M O J?JAS?OON ?IID.3)“连一连”:母亲节教师节国庆节元旦圣诞节愚人节September December May January April October4)“猜一猜”:教师出示人名卡片(反面写上生日月份)提问“When is s birthday?”Step 4 ConsolidationShow Exx.Step 5 HomeworkRead and write the words more.Sing the songRead and learn.Ask:When is Tobys birthday?Answer:InFind and read.Read more.Chant together.Look and chant more.Matching.Guess and answer.Do Exx.板书设计Revision 1Wh I T s b ?I J ,F ,M ?IA M O J?JAS?OON ?IID.课后反思学习中要继续加强巩固。
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