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china daily 双语新闻:央视将引进生活大爆炸 欲推绿色译制版The boss of a Chinese online video site said Monday he believes the sudden banning of four American TV shows does not represent a wider trend, though its unclear why the shows were targeted.中国某在线视频网站老板周一称,他相信美剧禁令并不会继续扩大,但美剧下架背后的原因尚不清楚。央视将引进生活大爆炸欲推“绿色”译制版Give me back Sheldon, referring to the socially inept physicist on The Big Bang Theory, was a popular refrain among social media users angry at the shows disappearance.网友们纷纷抱怨“还我谢耳朵” 以表达对生活大爆炸下架的不满。谢耳朵是中国网友对该剧中二次元物理学家谢尔顿的爱称。I believe its a stand-alone event and it does not represent the policy trend or change toward American TV shows, Charles Zhang, Soho CEO and founder, said on a conference call.搜狐总裁张朝阳在一次电话会议上表示:“我相信这是一次独立事件,并不能代表国家对引进美剧政策的趋势或改变。”Adding to the mystery, a media and translation agency said Monday it was subtitling The Big Bang Theory for the state broadcaster, China Central Television.此外,一家媒体和翻译机构周一称中央电视台将重新译制生活大爆炸,并在央视播出,这让禁令事件愈加扑朔迷离。An employee of Beijing-based CBM said they were translating the show and would return it to CCTV with captions in Chinese. The employee only gave his surname, Li, and referred to a statement posted on the companys website earlier this month that said the translation of The Big Bang Theory was under way and would be shown soon on CCTV.据北京CBM影视译制机构的一位员工透露,该公司正在译制该剧,完成后将交给央视中文字幕版的生活大爆炸。这名李姓员工称,本月该公司网站上已经有声明称生活大爆炸的译制正在进行中,并且很快就会在央视播出。Sohus Zhang said he didnt know about the translation for CCTV, and said Sohu had exclusive online rights to the show in mainland China.张朝阳称他不知道央视译制版的事情,并且坚称搜狐是大陆唯一拥有在线播放该剧版权的网站。Beijing has in the past allowed video websites to operate with few of the restrictions that movie and TV broadcasters face, possibly to avoid stifling what was seen as a promising high-tech industry.之前视频网站相较各电视台面临的限制少,可能是为了了避免这一颇有前景的高科技产业的发展。Video websites, with looser controls, show dramas and comedies from the United States, South Korea and Europe and their own programs. They were not required to submit programs for approval, which allowed them to get imported material on the air faster than TV stations.视频网站以前管制较松,可以播出来自美国、韩国和欧洲的剧情片和喜剧类,也可以自制剧。由于视频网站不需要提交节目审批,所以引进正在播出的剧集比电视台要快。chinadaily双语新闻:舌尖上的中国2被指抄袭BBC纪录片The long awaited second season of A Bite of China, a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating and cooking, began airing last Friday. But the program didnt receive the strong audience response expected, and has been accused of stealing ideas from a BBC documentary, the Yangtze Evening Post reported on Wednesday.期待已久的舌尖上的中国2上周五终于播出了!这是一部记录食物、饮食、烹饪历史的中国纪录片。然而据扬子晚报周三报道,舌尖2得到观众的反响并不如预期的好,甚至被指抄袭BBC纪录片创意。舌尖上的中国2被指抄袭BBC纪录片In the first episode of A Bite of China II, scenes of a man in Tibets Nyingchi Prefecture climbing up a tree to get honey from a beehive have been criticized for copying a similar scene in the BBC documentary Human Planet, in which an African tribesman climbs a tree in the Central African Republic to get honey.在舌尖上的中国2的第一集中,西藏林芝县一男子爬树从蜂巢采集蜂蜜的画面,被批评抄袭BBC纪录片人类星球片段:在人类星球中,一名非洲部落男子正在中非共和国爬树采集蜂蜜。舌尖上的中国2被指抄袭BBC纪录片Netizens uploaded screenshots of the two scenes together to highlight their similarities: both have scenes of climbing, looking up and picking honey.网民上传了两个纪录片的对比截图,以突出二者的相似:爬树、仰望、采集蜂蜜。Some netizens said the local people in Nyingchi Prefecture have no tradition of climbing trees to get honey, so the plot is fake and designed to create a visual impact.有些网友指出,林芝县当地人没有爬树采集蜂蜜的传统,所以这个情节是假的、只是为了产生良好的视觉冲击而设计出来的。Chen Xiaoqing, director of the documentary, denied the plagiarism allegations, saying We noticed there is also a tree-climbing scene in the Human Planet, but the one featured in our documentary is different. I dont think it is plagiary or imitation.舌尖上的中国2总导演陈晓卿否认本片存在抄袭,他说:“我们注意到在人类星球中也有爬树的画面,但是舌尖2中呈现出的是完全不同的。我们不存在抄袭和模仿。china daily 双语新闻:如何养好装扮你生活的绿色小植物From watering to fertilizing and other details, successfully keeping an indoor plant seems to be a troublesome affair. But succulent plants turn it into a fun and easy experience. These fleshy plants dont require much care and can easily survive and grow.从浇水、施肥到其它细节,要养好一株室内植物貌似是一件棘手的事。但养肉质植物就是一件轻松有趣的事情了。这些肉质植物不需要太多关注,它们容易存活和生长。The following are some hardy types that anyone can keep alive and thriving. Why not let these green plants decorate your room, clean the air and accompany you through your college days?下面介绍的是一些耐寒植物,任何人都能养活它们,使它们茁壮成长。为什么不用这些绿色植物装饰你的房间、净化室内空气呢?为什么不让它们来陪伴你度过大学生活呢?Snake plant虎尾兰The Snake plant, also known as Mother-in-laws Tongue, needs little light to grow. Juliette Vass, owner of New York-based online plant store My City Plants, says it “can literally survive in a closet”. You can even just leave this plant in a pot for years, allowing the roots to multiply into a thick clump. It has long and variegated leaves with deep green centers and light yellow edges. It
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