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生活在美国(一) Fast od快餐食品 ast-foochains,meica- stle,r curenly nhe icese l vr te wrl.osteplaces wo onasmilar prncle. Thr isa lng coter, aboewh isplaed it(fte ihictures) he es vailable,and behi whihseveral people(oftestdewring forte minimumwag)re ervg.ndvidua qu formn front of each asstant.You ree what you odrmore or lss mmdaty adtk t o a tray atbe, pcking utng ike strws(吸管),pepper,lt, kchup(蕃茄酱),pickls(泡菜)and napin(usall papr napins) on hway youcant seny knivs andorks, this mens ou are supposed to eat withyour hand.Ifyou cansee any staws,thatsbecuse theyare hding the strw ensr(分派器) tha you hae fide(拨弄)witthe botm of i to et sta(ne a ime)to emrg.Whn yu inished,you youe tro way everytingexcep he try. May fst-ood pacs havedre- fclities.Youlace yor rdrr our cr via (通过) a icroponen tendrive ta special wind t pa n pickit up .You my een encoutr place wherea ars bring yr mel out, nd y si and ea i he a fo a ray ooked ovr h door thogh thopenwindow. ou may be asked if yor order s “for he” or “o ” (i.e.t take wy).I som stes hre is no salsaxon od consmed Typsof Fs ood Resaurant 快餐店的种类The os idesread typ o ft- fodresarant thatserving hamburgers, sch as the chaiof McDoad.Al th diffeen chansaethir wn specaltes .Aby retarat sela roas bef, hamadchee, andturkey(火鸡) “andiches”. Sme runtchans pecialize n servnstasquiklyand ceaplAn the theesKentukFriedChicken. Chi 油炸土豆片Cps in Ameiaarecled “Fenc fri” o “rie ” shr.(Ne hat in h USA “ hips”mean rps)“Frech fries” a nmall thiner han chpericas nerallyput kethup n ther his ,adou ill notnormaly fn viega(醋). Pzz(意大利式)烘焰饼 Thee are ay speialtyizzeuransin Aerca, d manyof thm aketelphon orersndlivr pizzas to your ome, whih ote e conenntThey o in dfrent ses, ana large o can b bg enug for party of fou pole.f youwant t she piza butntgreeon t nrediens , i s ossile to rdr woifferent sets f tpings ,one set on eh half. Ice-ram 冰淇淋Sops slig arg nm of dfferen lavoso ic- creamre very comon in Americ. Ifoaret s h faor youwant ,gnerly you nampe asmallspu o aaiulr flavo to see if y lke. Y can itherhvyour i- cram in a“plin coe”(一般型锥形物) orn a “suga con”(甜脆型锥形物). Sft Drinks 软饮料 F- food rsturnsdo noere alcohTesoft diks st often are Coca- ola and Psi Cola, plus fizy rinks (whichre e lmoade)and root bee (whc is li ough medicie).Fizy drink are knon a “abonated bevees” (碳酸饮料)r ,moreooqaly,“soda”,“pp”,“soda pp”,and“soft dink”All thse drinsmewith lstf e. In fact,ou l prbably fnas uc adnk n or rink.If ou so sft dik wiho ice, thy wllthikyu re funny bt wl robaby lige.(Thy may chare oa textra,for ie i heapr tan Cke.) 生活在美国(二)美国人的用餐习惯 美国人吃饭用刀叉,并且她们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。因此,在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意她们的用餐习惯。一般状况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅 餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其他点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀,并且一次握刀时间 不能太长。美国人的早餐有:炒或煮鸡蛋、香肠、油炸土豆片、薄煎饼、果子冻、烤面包、松饼、桔子汁以及咖啡等。 Eting Cusom and ratice用餐习惯 Arian eain sfuy. They eatlstevrything t a ork, and it apear hat hodg knife i one right hdlonger n a few secnds scosidred o be aainst oo table mannrs. Th ystem s tha ifit s absoluel neessarytose akife,peole kete frkin their ef had, adcut of a piecef me o whateer i i inth ormaann.Ten hey ut the knife dow, transfe te or o heir rightad,an only tn d the transpor the food totheir ouThis s lary ludcrous(滑稽可笑), butit iscnsidre goodmannrs. Thre severalresultso thi se. First, f is not aboluely esy tos kife, Aercas ntue o, ecaus obviously this retly mpliates(使复杂化) tins,ad you wlltheefor eethem ryng ocut thingslieptatos, fish and vncn(熏猪肉) with afr econd, towards the endof a ur,sinc ony one implement(器具) isbng used, fod has tobe chased around the pae with he fr and forthe lstmouthul he thumb has besed to keph oo in pla,augh on no suppoe to do this. Thr, ls are gnerally laid wth neknfeanwo rs, t uside fork eig for th sald. Ter isn ned foroein vsitors o ollo thAmerian system ad try o ea
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