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中考词汇专项复习150题及答案(一)1.How much are these _? (tomato)2. We finished the _ lesson last week. (nine)3.He is _ in English. (interest)4. Today it is a _ day. (sun)5. He is _ enough to believe that man. (fool)6. They carried the wounded soldier to _. (safe)7. We were very _ to him for his help. (thank)8. You must drive _ when its snowing heavily. (care)9. She noticed a wallet _ on the ground. (lie)10. I dont know _ book this is. (who)11. They often go to the _ park on Sunday. (child)12. The English _ often heard _ in the concerts. (sing)13. The _ girl was not born in _. (German)14. We _ a recorder in our English class. Its very _. (use)15. It seems that our team will _. (win)16. Will you go _ with me tomorrow? (fish)17. “Why are you late for school again?” said his teacher _. (angry)18. The _ is studying Russian. (science)19. We are busy _ for the exam in school. (prepare)20. It is even _today. (bad)21. How many _ are there in the park? (child)22. He asked me _, “Would you like a cup of tea?” (polite)23. We have never heard such a _ piece of music. (wonder)24. He cant look after _. He is too young. (he)25. Our classroom is bigger than _. (you)26. Do you think Lucy is a _ girl? (forget)27. I get up early every day and I m always the _ one to get to school. (one)28. Ive been a student _ eight and a half years. (near)29. Shanghai is one of _ cities in the world. (large)30. Could you lend me your ruler? Mine is _. ( break) 【解析1】tomatoes. 以 o 结尾的名词,其复数构成规则:可以理解为无生命力的名词变复数,词尾加-s。如:kilo(s)(千,千克,千米);photo(s)(照片);video(s)(录像机) radio(s)(收音机); piano(s)(钢琴);zoo (s)(动物园)可以理解为有生命力的名词变复数,词尾加-es。(比无生命的多条命e)tomato(es)西红柿,potato(es) 土豆,hero(es) 英雄,Negro(es) 黑人有些o结尾的名词变复数时加-s或-es均可,如zero/zero(e)s(零)等【解析2】ninth.the ninth Lesson / lesson nine (第九课)是ninth,而不是nineth。【解析3】interested adj. 感兴趣的 be interested in对感兴趣(强调状态)又例如:As far as I know,he is interested in writing stories. 据我所知,他对写小说感兴趣。 【解析4】sunny,adj. 晴朗的sunny day晴天【解析5】foolish, adj 愚蠢的 (fool 傻子-ish ) 【解析6】safety 安全【解析7】thankful,形容词 adj. 1.感谢的, 感激的。 I am very thankful to you.太感谢你了。【解析8】carefully,adv.仔细的,小心的【解析9】lying。 notice sb do sth指作过某事notice sb doing sth指正在做【解析10】whose 【解析11】Childrens. Childrens park 儿童公园【解析12】was,to sing。 hear sb doing sth意思是“听见某人正在做某事”,强调sb和do sth之间的主动关系及动作的正在进行。hear sb do sth意思是“听见某人做了/经常做某事”,强调sb和do sth之间的主动关系及动作的过程/完成或频繁发生。但是hear sb do sth变成被动语态时,需要在do sth前面补上不定式符号to。因为主动地hear sb do sth中的do sth本来就是省略to的不定式短语(也可以称之为动词原形),但是变为被动后,需要补回/加上被省略的to,这是英语的语法规定,也是一个重要的考点。【解析13】German,German. German adj. & n. 德国(的);德语(的);德国人(的)【解析14】use,useful。use为动词,“使用,利用”useful为形容词,“可用的;有益的”【解析15】win【解析16】fishing. go fishing是习惯英语“去钓鱼”【解析17】angrily. angrily adv. 修饰前面的动词said【解析18】scientist。scientist n. 科学家;science n. 科学;学问 【解析19】preparing。be busy doing 忙于做【解析20】worse。even worse 更坏的,更糟糕的,需要用比较级【解析21】children。 child的复数形式为children【解析22】politely。 polite adj. 有礼貌的。 其对应副词为politely,而不是polited。【解析23】wonderful。 wonderful adj. 非凡的;奇异的【解析24】him。 这里需要用宾格。【解析25】yours. 这里要用形容词性物主代词。yours=your classroom【解析26】forgetful。 forgetful adj. 健忘的【解析27】the first。 只要用one对应的序数词。 the first one第一个【解析28】nearly。 Nearly adv. 几乎,差不多【解析29】the largest。 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。【解析30】broken。表被动。
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