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I.rmma and VocularSecton ADretion: e ach ftholowigentenesher ae for chie marke A,B, Cad D. Choosethe one answer tt est ompletsthe sennce25.Teapital il fute limit thenuber of rush-housuway pssnger o opewih te gwng pessure _ te netwk. toB. at. n D with6. e forein films willbe othi monh. On ismadein Kea,_ wo are ae i Engand.A. rest B. nothr Cohe D heer 7. Techers _ esensive to the eepment level o each studento as t help them beter. .eed B. ay C. are a toD can28. Mos studnts h they shuldv _t school iferer n ainatons. A e hpietime . a mr happiertmeC. much appi time D. much appir time29.The manag listdtothcstomer complant attentvey th great paience,_ to missany point. A. nt trin B ing t C. to try ot D.o ttry 3 ain and higwidsoay _to take te placeo serdas mild conditions.A. expet. ar epectedCre expctigD.a expectd31._paret say nd do usally has ife-logeffct ontei children. .TatB. Which C. hatD. A3 Teaoptino rphans and hyscallyhallngd cldren hasbe a sbjc o public dbate_a fi n an ungistered rphaagas month.according B incas fC.eversnce sch 33 PresdenBaac Oma toldAB ne_ hews wr o the evelopen of therecentinesigation . tht. whatC. whichD. whet34. A aes eort y Tabao id thatiitos hruh wieles devices _fom mlion in to 300 llion yt en last yar.A. would g has gronC. hs en going D.had rown35. eor iaking place n the cuntrysast countsid, _ tensof ilions offarmershve ove o itesforwok. A.wenB. hichC. werD.hat36. n fact, I t itsery mch nice wtou he ut bo,if yon d me _ s A. ay B. t ayC. yinDto saying7The numer f thedd is _ u of the Huagp Rier in Sagis Songjig Distrct hd rsen to 5,9 by Marh 12.A.fshd. tfisCt bfishe D.fishing8 A 7-year-ol bo rce anoperaonn Tesaysucesully _ h has manther healthpblems. A. sice B.howevr C. tghD. terefoe. Chisplan _ its ntaed ncl owr capacity b 0 ert thisarhows tht the cuntryisdvon nw eegy inan effcien wy. A raseBt raiseC. aisng D.has is40. It asanuncd tht only we the terible dseae s under contro _ t eturntotheir hoe. A the resin wouldie B. would heresidnt dedeC ol hresit e decide D the sidnts wul dcdedSeton BDrection: Complet efolong paagebyuing the words n thbox.Each wod can onl be used nce Note thtee s one ordmo tnyou ned.A cmplexityimagesC. eeentryD. sgnalsE.wilinlF. idpendentyG. mntlH.expimetI.lpsJ. monernotedAmerin psycoogis nce emarked tachihod i a gical periodin onefe. Ieed t is, for uring chihood, ndrgoe atep-y-se anformatio not ony in 41 capciy, but als in pysical and vebal skil chtep 42 increase in h difiulty oa hilsoceptual nd leaibilties. Durin the arl stagsof chdhoo, from nfacy oaot five,the chl earns smple kilsndingusnth toilet, athn ad dressi himslf 43 . Athis stage, e alo learns o be verosevant,cuious, iaginative an creaive.His abilty to rember thingsalso 44 at this sge. Hremembers deils tht a adl ahv ificutremeberi Gradully, he lear 45 kis n probemoving At schol, particur in art clase, the childis elly caive. Given a pece of parand some oored pencil, he rws arety of 46 fo hs surondings as wl as fro his famiycrce. It s not surpising oe a hilra a 4 to prset n abusie fater, an an nl torepetav ad carin mhr hegrade o he laer staesf chilhood bodering on theteng yea, th cld eansth 4 of humanrelaios and sociaiao by itercting withi peris rindsa soolates alsolerns to 4 it nelifesituats, includg dates and pat-time work. Givn a tgh sheuleof schoolwor, h child larn t prepre his own schedls f orkan ly; them practialan e rson manage to ake time ouoftheir busy schede f assgn
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